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单词 vector
释义  Related topics: Maths, Biology, Physicsvec·tor /ˈvektə $ -ər/ noun [countable] technical  1. HMa quantity such as force that has a direction as well as size 矢量,向量2  an insect or animal that passes disease from one person to another 〔传播疾病的〕媒介,载体 SYN carrier Mosquitoes are feared as vectors of malaria. 蚊子作为疟疾的传播媒介为人所惧。3. in biology, an animal or human cell that is used to carry DNA from one cell to another to produce a clone 克隆载体Examples from the Corpusvector• Input words were coded by a feature vector sequence.• The results are superb; genuine scalable vector art that can be reproduced at any resolution.• Adjacent points are then converted to vectors resolved into the directions shown in Fig 1.2iii.• Geometrically, the inner product of two vectors can be considered a measure of their similarity.Origin vector (1700-1800) Latin “carrier”, from vehere; → VEHICLEvec·tor nounChineseSyllable   Corpus that a as such force has quantity




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