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单词 VDU
释义  Related topics: ComputersVDU /ˌviː diː ˈjuː/ noun [countable] British English technical  TD (visual display unit) a computer screen 〔计算机的〕视频显示器 SYN monitor VDU operators 视频显示器操控人员Examples from the CorpusVDU• Try folding a VDU in half and stuffing it in your pocket.• Cold type type produced without the use of characters cast from molten metal, such as on a VDU.• Sales Desk staff would be able to talk to customers and simultaneously operate a VDU obtaining instant information.• However, for any other students whose case is raised a VDU immediately provides the Committee with the necessary details.• All the results are immediately available to the Department Manager at the VDU by his desk.• All reports are produced using the VDU as a security device.• The VDU image should be capable of identifying the structure of the text.• This VDU is the only one in the installation which can access the personnel database.From Longman Business DictionaryVDUVDU noun [countable]COMPUTING visual/video display unit; a computer screenSYN MONITORVDU operators should avoid looking at the screen for long, uninterrupted periods.VDU nounChinese  screen Business Corpus a computer




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