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单词 hate
释义  ldoce_722_zhate1 /heɪt/ ●●● S1 W3 verb [transitive]  1  HATEto dislike something very much 讨厌,不喜欢 OPP love It’s the kind of movie you either love or hate. 这是那种你要么喜欢要么讨厌的电影。 He hates his job. 他讨厌自己的工作。hate doing something Paul hates having his picture taken. 保罗不喜欢别人给他照相。hate to do something I hate to see you unhappy. 我不愿看到你不快乐。hate it when Pam hates it when Lee calls her at work. 帕姆不喜欢李在上班时给自己打电话。hate somebody doing something Jenny’s mother hates her staying out late. 珍妮的母亲不喜欢她晚上在外面待到太晚。2  HATEto dislike someone very much and feel angry towards them 憎恨,憎恶,仇恨 OPP love Why do you hate me so much? 你为什么那么恨我?hate somebody for (doing) something She hated him for being so happy. 她恨他这么快乐。hate yourself I hated myself for feeling jealous of her. 我恨自己嫉妒她。hate somebody’s guts informal (=hate someone very much) 恨透某人n RegisterIn everyday English, people often say they can’t stand someone rather than say they hate someone:I can’t stand her husband.3  I’d hate (for) somebody/something to do something spokenWANT used to emphasize that you do not want something to happen 我不愿某人/某物做某事〔用于强调〕 I’d hate you to go. 我不愿意你走。 I’d hate for him to think I wasn’t interested. 我不想让他认为我不感兴趣。4  I hate to think what/how/where etc spokenHAPPEN used when you feel sure that something would have a bad result, or when an idea is unpleasant to think about 我不敢想… I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn’t called the police. 我不敢想如果你没有报警会发生什么事。5  I hate to say it, but .../I hate to tell you this, but ...but .../I hate to tell you this, but ... I hate to say it spokenSORRY/APOLOGIZE used when saying something that you do not want to say, for example because it is embarrassing 我真不想说,不过…/我不好意思告诉你,但… I hate to say it, but I was glad when he went home. 我真不好意思说,但是我很庆幸他回家去了。6  I hate to ask/interrupt/disturb etc spokenSORRY/APOLOGIZE used to say that you are sorry that you have to ask etc 抱歉问一句/打断你/打扰你等 I hate to ask you this, but would you mind giving me a lift home? 我真不想开口,你能让我搭你的车回家吗? I hate to interrupt, but it’s urgent. 我真不想打扰你,不过这事很紧急。 —hated adjective the hated security police 受人憎恨的秘密警察5 —hatern[C] I’m not a man hater.我并不憎恨男人。n GRAMMAR: Using the progressive• Hate is not usually used in the progressive. You say: I hate that record. He hated her new boyfriend. ✗Don’t say: I am hating that record. | He was hating her new boyfriend.• In spoken English, people sometimes say I’m hating to describe their feelings about something that is happening right now: I’m hating every minute of this film. THESAURUShate verb [transitive] to dislike someone or something very much 讨厌,不喜欢Billy hated his stepfather. 比利讨厌他的继父。He hated the fact that his wife was more successful than he was. 他恨妻子比他成功。nShe hates people being late.can’t stand/can’t bear to hate someone or something. Can’t stand is less formal than hate, and is very common in everyday English 不能忍受〔can’t stand 没有hate正式,在日常英语中很常用〕She’s OK, but I can’t stand her husband. 她还行,但是我受不了她丈夫。He couldn’t bear the thought of life without Nicole. 没有妮科尔的生活他想都不敢想。She can’t stand being on her own. 她受不了一个人待着。loathe /ləʊð $ loʊð//detest verb [transitive not in progressive] to hate something or someone very much. Loathe and detest are a little more formal than hate 厌恶,憎恨〔loathe和detest比hate稍正式一些〕He loathed housework. 他很讨厌做家务。Greg had detested his brother for as long as he could remember. 格雷格自记事起就讨厌他的哥哥。nShe evidently loathes her ex-husband.despise verb [transitive not in progressive] to hate someone or something very much and have no respect for them 鄙视,看不起He despised the man and could never forgive him for what he had done. 他鄙视那个人,永远无法原谅他所做的事。They despised the wealth and consumerism of the West. 他们鄙视西方的财富和消费主义。abhor /əbˈhɔː $ əbˈhɔːr, æb-/ verb [transitive not in progressive] formal to hate something because you think it is morally wrong 〔因认为不道德而〕厌恶,憎恶He abhorred violence. 他憎恶暴力。We abhor racism in any form. 我们憎恶任何形式的种族歧视。5 FREQUENCY 使用频率→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushate• He was an evil dictator who was universally hated.• It takes many years for kids who have suffered so much to learn to love and not to hate.• Turner was a rebel from the start. He hated authority and he hated the law.• Don't go in now - she hates being interrupted.• Sharpe, who hated dancing, smiled at the thought, then turned and spurred the horse towards home.• Pat hates her job.• Jill really hates her stepfather.• He both hated it and loved it, and he became more and more afraid that some one would discover his secret.• I hate it when you speak to me like that.• If you're playing against Gary, I warn you, he hates losing!• I hated my first husband. He used to hit me and the children.• Tony hated science when he was at school because he wasn't any good at it.• Why does everyone seem to hate the Library? 2.• They loved the issues, hated the pols.• Hurry up - I hate to be late!• Although I hate to leave stuff here.• He hates to lie in bed, and follows us around like a puppy.• I hate to spend money for things I never will need nor want.• She hated unpleasantness, though she wouldn't back down from a fight.• "Go away!" Jackie screamed. "I hate you!"hate somebody doing something• Jenny's mother hates her staying out late.hate somebody’s guts• I wish she'd die tomorrow. I hate her guts.• The two of them hate each other's guts.• The sergeant knew the men all hated his guts for the way he treated them.hate2 ●●○ noun [uncountable]  HATEan angry unpleasant feeling that someone has when they hate someone and want to harm them 憎恨,仇恨 SYN hatred OPP love Her eyes were full of hate. 她眼中充满了仇恨。hate for Mrs Williams has spoken of her hate for her husband’s killers. 威廉斯太太谈起过她对杀害她丈夫的凶手的仇恨。 → pet hate at pet3(2)n COLLOCATIONSphrasesbe full of hate/be filled with hatePeople’s faces were full of hate.a look of hateHe gave me a look of pure hate as I entered the room.a message of hateWhite nationalists are using the media to preach a message of hate.somebody’s eyes are burning/smouldering/blazing with hate literaryThen he noticed the dark eyes, smouldering with hate.adjectivesabsolute/pure hate (=complete and total hate)His speech was an expression of pure hate.hate + NOUNa hate figure (=someone who is hated by a lot of people)After the incident, he became a hate figure in the British press.hate mail (=letters or messages expressing hate and threats towards someone)Since appearing on the show she has even received hate mail from the public.Examples from the Corpushate• There was anger and hate in her voice, and I felt afraid.• Their faces were full of hate.• a look of hate• Is to be a king the same thing as to be the object of universal hate?• His mind was filled with hate and the desire for revenge.Origin hate2 Old English hetehate1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1 →5 FREQUENCY1hate2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  very to dislike something Corpus much




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