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单词 handlebar moustache
释义  Related topics: Humanhan·dle·bar mous·tache /ˌhændlbɑː məˈstɑːʃ $ -bɑːr ˈmʌstæʃ/ noun [countable]  HBHa long thick moustache which curves upwards at both ends 〔两端上翘的〕翘八字胡须Examples from the Corpushandlebar moustache• He had no hair and a handlebar moustache that his face made look a foot long on each side.• He had a prominent handlebar moustache and a high colour to his cheeks.• Put on those flying goggles, tweak that handlebar moustache and blow the enemy to hell!han·dle·bar mous·tache nounChineseSyllable  thick long at curves Corpus upwards which moustache both a




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