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单词 Dividing
(1) Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.
(2) Bacteria reproduce by dividing and making copies of themselves.
(3) What's the dividing line between normal drinking and addiction?
(4) The dividing line is somewhat hazy.
(5) Troops were disengaged from the dividing line.
(6) This path marks the dividing line between my land and my neighbour's.
(7) For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred.
(8) The river was chosen as a dividing line between the two districts.
(9) The Action Group worked by dividing its tasks among a large number of subgroups.
(10) Dividing by two is the inverse of multiplying by two.
(11) I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units.
(12) There's a very thin dividing line between joviality and hysteria.
(13) There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.
(14) There's no justification for dividing the company into smaller units.
(15) The dividing line between luxuries and necessities is constantly changing.
(16) There is no clear dividing line between what is good and what is bad.
(17) You have to hyphenate a word when dividing a word.
(18) Pour custard over chocolate and croissants(/dividing.html), dividing equally.
(19) Top with croissant cubes, dividing equally.
(20) Dividing students into small groups usually helps facilitate discussion.
(21) The election campaign was bitter, dividing the city.
(22) Where are the real dividing lines?
(23) What physical processes might explain the dividing line?
(24) Groups were continually dividing over minor points of doctrine.
(25) The dividing line on approval of FoxTrax appears clear.
(26) Like Stirling, it commanded a vital dividing line.
(27) He admitted drawing the dividing line will be hard.
(28) Dividing one room into two is not a difficult operation, and simple studding can provide adequate support for sheet plasterboard.
(29) To find your nearest UK school, we have a clickable map dividing the UK into regions.
(30) The mean of 13, 5 and 27 is found by adding them together and dividing by 3.
(1) Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.
(2) There's no justification for dividing the company into smaller units.
(31) This temperature can then be converted into Celsius by subtracting 32, multiplying by 5 and dividing by 9.
(32) Democrats choose with a show of hands, a sign-in sheet or dividing into groups for each candidate.
(33) The single event which marked the dividing line was the company's twenty-fifth anniversary celebration in April 1979.
(34) The car swerved across the dividing line of a two-lane highway.
(35) The age of an archaeological specimen can therefore be determined by dividing the total radiation dose by the annual radiation dose.
(36) It was then that Carrie took over, dividing her time between caring for her baby and attending to her customers.
(37) He must have landed straight across the dividing wall and exploded.
(38) The plant is propagated by dividing older tufts or by spores; growth is very slow.
(39) The emission or absorption of one particle by another corresponds to the dividing or joining together of strings.
(40) He tried dividing the lake into quadrants, carefully inspecting each quadrant.
(41) Thus, dividing the remaining constraints by, P5 is transformed into P6 P6: minimise subjectto.
(42) Pour custard over chocolate and croissants, dividing equally. Place cups in large baking pan.
(43) Once, multiplying or dividing by zero had terrifying results, reducing orderly arithmetic to instant nonsense.
(44) Dividing the extra pay by the extra risk of injury, indicates the implied compensation per injury.
(45) It successfully produces delinquents, creating a criminal section of the population and thereby dividing the subordinate classes into mutually antagonistic fractions.
(46) A dual scan display improves on this by dividing the screen in two and refreshing each half separately.
(47) An important preliminary point is that the dividing line between an exclusion clause and a disclosure clause may be thin.
(48) Here each film shows a different junction so it is necessary to use a new method of dividing the data.
(49) They were adding, multiplying and dividing, mentally, on paper and with a calculator.
(50) The dividing wall was placed so a well established laburnum remained in one corner of their garden.
(51) The ordinate scaling is derived by dividing the area beneath a normal distribution curve into columnar segments of equal area.
(52) So the designers added external tendons that extend vertically, dividing the skin into segments like a pumpkin.
(53) But one of two new rulings deemed experimental for one season, is dividing the rugby world.
(54) In the early days of archaeology, the dividing line between archaeologists and treasure hunters was all but invisible.
(55) I wondered what they were thinking, then pondered on the fineness of the dividing line between exhilarating adventure and irresponsibility.
(56) The dividing line between acceptable and anti-social behaviour was often blurred.
(57) Cells multiply by dividing and this usually requires cell growth, the cells doubling in size before dividing in two.
(58) The statistical description of a turbulent flow starts by dividing the velocity and pressure field into mean and fluctuating parts.
(59) He said that dividing up the company would make the units more profitable.
(60) Some criterion must then be devised for dividing these shares between the potentially more than 2 million investor applications.
(61) The campaign was bitter, dividing the city of 68, 000.
(62) It is, however, the point where the valley comes apart, dividing into a western and an eastern branch.
(63) Where is the dividing line between normal use and addiction?
(64) They are below the line dividing wealth and poverty, but above the line dividing poverty from destitution.
(65) One kind of astrocyte and the oligodendrocytes are derived from a common dividing progenitor cell which can differentiate into either cell type.
(66) Standard cancer drugs indiscriminately kill dividing cells, causing nausea, hair loss, even death.
(67) On a barbed-wire fence dividing the railway embankment from the meadow a lamb was caught.
(68) One must insist on this clear dividing line between the two stages of writing.
(69) The dividing line between health and gastronomy was finely drawn.
(69) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(70) But a brain with a fixed number of cells almost certainly works better than one whose cells are constantly dividing.
(71) Talks about the modalities of dividing the Czechoslovak federal state had resumed on Aug. 4.
(72) The peripheral hem blew back over the canopy, dividing it into two lobes.
(73) Yet throughout the narrative, Prost's awareness of the dividing line between professional respect and personal friendship is firmly evident.
(74) My six-year old daughter has ominously started making paper aeroplanes and dividing them into teams.
(75) The use of weapons became the central issue dividing the tribes.
(76) Attendance rates are calculated by dividing the number of openings in the school register by the number of pupils present.
(77) They ate in silence, the drawing dividing them, to which, between mouthfuls, Ruth added a stroke or two.
(78) But when change was in focus, the issue became the unifying and dividing forces which applied to the entire cosmos.
(79) If so, you could say that a bacterium can live for ever by dividing itself into infinity.
(80) Below this a valve closes, dividing the airflow to the engine so that it runs as two separate three cylinder units.
(81) As he points out, N is an important dividing line in statistics generally between large and small samples.
(82) Parents pressed against windows dividing the hale from the ill for views of their children.
(83) Who is going to be responsible for physically dividing the space so that the sub-tenant can operate as a separate entity?
(84) It's a delicate dividing line but Young Richard can cope efficiently with it.
(85) It serves, in the gospel of Mark as a kind of water shed, a dividing line in his gospel.
(86) Congenital syphilis is arbitrarily divided into early and late stages with the dividing line at two years of age.
(87) The dividing line between them runs roughly from the Caspian to the mouth of the Indus.
(88) Many single parents struggle with the dilemma of dividing time between work and children.
(89) Reproduction can also be accomplished by asexual subdivision of polyps, each polyp dividing to form two.
(90) Walls can be cut half-way down or at either side to form dividing slabs rather than solid masses.
(91) The dividing line between the two forms of agreement is often fine.
(92) On an international scale Louth sits right on the line dividing the Eastern hemisphere from the Western.
(93) There is no dividing line between the pagoda and life outside.
(94) We're getting food like corn beef milk and flour and dividing into packages and taking into inaccessible places.
(95) You calculate the dividend yield by dividing the annual dividend by the market price of a stock.
(96) Propagation is done by either dividing the rootstock with shoots or by planting seeds in a container of damp sand or loam.
(97) This factor can be compensated for, by dividing the semantic score between two words by the joint length of their definitions.
(98) Then, effectively isolated from the rest, it would continue dividing.
(99) Spry Inc has reorganised, dividing its system integration and software development operations into two separate companies.
(99) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(100) In fact, the dividing lines were often difficult to draw between those formally described as sick and those described as early-retired.
(101) Toward afternoon, he rapped on the dividing window and asked the chauffeur to stop.
(102) Everything was in sharp focus, the horizon was a clear line dividing sea and sky; more rain about.
(103) We were on the dividing line between the inshore waters and the Kuroshio.
(104) This rise in prices is eliminated from the figures by dividing national income by the price index and multiplying by 100.
(105) One problem is that we may have no clear criterion for dividing up the workforce into classes and strata.
(106) The crucial dividing line therefore is between this general advice and participation in management.
(107) A satisfactory dividing line could have been drawn in these terms.
(108) Middle, the 96 X-ray detected non-binary stars showing the cut-off of coronal emission at the dividing line.
(109) The issue dividing the Church was the question of women priests.
(110) Usually, however, the dividing lines in this sort of linguistic stratification are simply annihilated in the fabliaux.
(111) Where does the dividing line come between yesterday's news and the history books?
(112) A border is a dividing line marking an abrupt shift between two separate, sometimes antagonistic, entities.
(113) The approximate vertical column has been obtained by dividing the slant column by 20.
(114) " They've finished dividing up the property.
(115) Used in speaker dividing network circuits.
(116) Probably the dividing line occasionally became blurred even in Haig's mind.
(117) Data from DCCI: Netizen's penetration rate is the result of dividing the population with the amount of netizens.
(118) Sexto: A size of paper obtation by sub - dividing a broadsheet into six parts.
(119) One of the main contents of continental sequence stratigraphy is dividing the three-order Sequence into " LST , TST and HST", representing three stages of a lake basin deposition.
(120) Based on feedback linearization and state feedback, we propose a piecewise continuous control law by dividing the system into two subsystems.
(121) It is one of two natural islands dividing the Seine and is an example of some of the first attempts at urban planning as it was mapped out from end to end which is apparent when you see it.
(122) The method introduces the wire dividing plate in the hot-cast anchor to improve the casting performance of the hot-cast anchor and the anchoring performance of an inhaul cable of the hot-cast anchor.
(123) After studying the questions of data allocation and tile declustering in heterogeneous disk systems, a same-rate virtual disk dividing method and a virtual disk sorting method are proposed.
(124) After dividing into subcostal artery, the outer diameter of 67 percent of subcostal artery was bigger than that of inferior abdomen arteries.
(125) The control strategy of reactive distillation dividing wall column was first studied through steady-state sensitive analysis, the temperature relative gain of each tray were obtained.
(126) And the main modules of the system contain analog input module, user dialog module, frequency dividing module and isolate-driving module.
(127) Many garbage collection algorithms require dividing the heap into separate memory spaces, some of which may be inaccessible to the user program at certain times.
(128) BOS is about creating new land , not dividing up the existing land.
(129) Average cost is computed by dividing the total cost of goods available for sale by the number of units available for sale.
(130) Eventually, such solutions to the need for dividing a scarce resource may lead to speciation.
(131) ENPs learn division best by understanding the concepting of dividing a whole number into smaller parts.
(132) But the family behind Herm?s doubts the sincerity of LVMH Chairman Bernard Arnault, who has expanded his luxury-goods empire by pouncing on family businesses, dividing the clans and seizing control.
(133) This dividing head is one of accessories for milling machine.
(134) This article tells of pump unit equipment system efficiency dividing and testing principle and technique.
(135) Provide the vectograph of dividing layers , the realization course of the attribute data on the basis of west institute's planning drawing.
(136) Cayce said that there were sects within the Essene movement itself. The philosophical dividing point seemed to be whether man could make things happen or whether only God could make things happen.
(137) Mainly be suited for big dividing and cutting machine or rewinder in the industry of papermaking.
(138) Provide a dividing guide card for every twenty to thirty folders.
(139) Nature has but one system of mechanics for "dividing the undivided" and "conditioning the un- conditioned" and that is the same in microcosmic waves or macrocosmic ones.
(140) Among them is God Dividing the Light from the Darkness, the Fall of Man and so on.
(141) The method is available by practice, it can improve gear grinding machine dividing precision.
(142) The principle of ladderlike dividing and its approach were described and all kinds of critical instances were discussed.
(143) The scaling factor is obtained by dividing the height of the graph's axis by the highest value in the data.
(144) Besides, the principle of ruling radial gratings with arbitrary equal spaces by the help of the circular dividing machine controled by a single-board micro processor is also explained briefly.
(145) Dividing his command, Morgan assailed both strongholds at the same time.
(146) By dividing the dimension of constraint system to some assembly elements the constraint system can be deminished, and the local character can be utilized.
(147) By contrast, you calculate return on assets, or ROA, by dividing net income by total assets, which includes liabilities.
(148) Forbes said the ranking was compiled by looking at a star's past three movies and dividing their total earnings by the films' gross income to get the actor's payback figure.
(149) A design framework for modulized intelligent garment style CAD system was proposed, thought dividing the garment into several components, the components become comparatively unattached design units.
(150) The speed is based on the synchronous motor speed reduction ratio as a benchmark calculated by dividing the value of.
(151) Further simplification of the control design process could be realized by dividing the rotorcraft dynamics into translational dynamics and attitude dynamics by using singular perturbation theory.
(152) And the experiment results obtained from the 2 " high precision CNC dividing head are shown. "
(153) We'll have the men eat at the mine, so there's no dividing at home.
(154) So the reform should be started with clarifying our concept, and done with dividing public enterprise, deepening shareholding system reform, constructing scientific management pattern.
(155) And then, quantization proportion analytic method and rate analytic method are utilized to analyze the every function area dividing, gross investment, and Caculate rent and sale situation.
(156) HTNOWHERE On the screen background or on a dividing line between windows.
(157) The Irish began by dividing the island into North and South and setting up a distillery.
(158) The result and theoretical analysis reveal that dividing the buffer area into two levels, i. e. , gateway agent area and local agent area which forms dynamically, will decentralize the buffer mission.
(159) Dividing and contrasting the stratums of Chang 6 oil bearing beds by High - resolution sequence stratigraphy.
(160) This paper introduced the process of designing a Mongolian syllables dividing software.
(161) For a criminal the stakes are higher and the dividing lines sharper.
(162) Based on demand management and optimal goal of social surplus, it presents non-linear water pricing model, which includes two parts: dividing water gap model and end model of water price.
(163) Clinical experiment results show that this dividing method is quite effective for cast-off cells of urological organs.
(164) Wallace: What are the major issues currently dividing China and America?
(165) The border dividing north and south was the geographic line known as the thirty-eighth parallel.
(166) Methods: Dividing 510 primigravida determined to have cesarean section into study group and control group, all accepting B-sean 42,60,90 days after delivery.
(167) Western China is the dividing line between subtropical and temperate.
(168) The phrase "rightly dividing" is a metaphor derived from the stonemason's craft of cutting stones straight to fit into their proper place in a building.
(169) This percentage is obtained by dividing the number of main lines connected to digital telephone exchanges by the total number of main lines.
(170) In this case, product costs are debited to a single work in process account. The unit cost of the finished product is determined by dividing the total product cost by the number of units' product.
(171) The second desideratum, of low thermal and high electrical conductivity, was achieved by dividing the bismuth telluride into pellets a few nanometres across.
(172) Handling the calibration data gained by the dividing head is to get the sensitivity and bias of all the accelerometers.
(173) Straight-run gasoline separation was studied with a novel column structure, the dividing wall column.
(174) If the transient from one setting to another is large, the actual transient time can be calculated by dividing the current transition by the slew rate.
(175) T: Go on dividing, what will happen to the quotient?
(176) About 40 dividing wall columns ( DWC ) have been applied industrially.
(177) Brokers annualize a yield on an investment by multiplying weekly dividends by 52 and dividing the answer by the net asset value per share.
(178) With the use of computability theory dividing whole-word coding into two parts: writing-input coding and computational coding, an method of none keyboard mapping for spelling language is proposed.
(179) The ratio is computed by dividing annual net sales by average accounts receivable.
(180) A cell that's no longer dividing is known as senescent; it continues to live but no longer functions as it once did.
(181) In the equation approach, we start by dividing total expenses in to variable expenses and fixed expenses, and then express in come in equation form.
(182) The measure of a company's financial leverage calculated by dividing long - term debt by stockholder equity?
(183) A slant angle of the dividing surfaces is set to one at which the light projected from the light source is reflected in a direction substantially parallel with a plate of the light guide plate.
(184) The distinguishing sequence algorithm in image layered-searching is applied to accelerate TERCOM by dividing the terrain map to three layers.
(185) Software, too, has a pretty clear dividing line between goal - directed tasks and excise tasks.
(186) Methods It was used in phacoemulsification for dividing nuclear with capsulorhexis forceps.
(187) Organizing involves dividing the work responsibilities and assigning them to employees ( delegating ).
(188) Using the evaluating step of result transition weight number method, this paper analysed the teaching validity of teachers by dividing the grade of result.
(189) It's a controversy dividing cardiologists,(/dividing.html) even as use of umbrella-shaped implants to seal the hole shut steadily rises.
(190) Low dissipation factor, high ripple current. Used in speaker dividing network circuits.
(191) The middle group of castings are the parts for the Gingery dividing head and tailstock.
(192) The paper expatiated it on the basis of different algorithms in this field by dividing them into two categories named as feature point method and amplitude characteristic ratios method.
(193) Dividing the actual flow by the theoretical value calculated above will yield a value which, taken as a percent, indicates volumetric efficiency.
(194) In this paper an approximate analysis of this problem is given by dividing the pipeline into many "L"-type sections.
(195) First we calibrate the accelerometers on dividing head to get the offset and sensitivity, then do the rotation experiments on centrifugal machine and rotating floor.
(196) The years 1896 - 7 seem to mark a dividing line between spasmodic uprisings and widespread revolt.
(197) Calculation accuracy, time and computer capacity, etc. , are taken in full consideration while dividing the grides .
(198) Finally, aiming at the fact that in some articles, the Fuzzy Similar Matrix is applied to dividing the Grid Resources, this paper uses the...
(199) Foote's most recent play, "Dividing the Estate," is an ensemble piece.
(200) He tried dividing it into two bundles, tying them to his walking stick, and slinging the whole affair across his back.
(201) Alfred Russel Wallace charted a great dividing line in the living world—and found his own route to the theory of evolution.
(202) Compared with traditional serial transmission mode, OFDM systems obtain many advantages through dividing the entire channel into many narrow sub-channel and transmitting digital stream in parallel.
(203) Because the dividing line between pottery and porcelain, care about quality white hard or semi-transparent, and the largest is the key to burning temperature.
(204) U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood acted quickly to reallocate those funds — dividing up more than $1 billion among California, Florida and 12 other states.
(205) RUP provides a structured approach to iterative development, dividing a project into four phases: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition.
(206) The results suggested that people were in fact successfully dividing their attentional between two different locations for several seconds, while ignoring what was in-between.
(207) Such shortening is part of a cell's aging process, and since cancer cells keep dividing forever, the Whitehead group reasoned that making human cells more mouselike might also make them cancerous.
(208) By dividing the bond market into digestible chunks, they haveincreased investors'appetite for corporate debt.
(209) Devilism is a feature just opposite to the kind nature of human beings. In Lear, it develops into being thirsty for flattery words, dividing a nation's territory and being ready to revenge.
(210) Based on analysis of area dividing and bend nesting of curve by the furthest visibility condition, a new generalization method of contour lines is proposed firstly.
(211) For example, dividing 1 by 9 yields the infinite repeating decimal .111111...
(212) Anthrax grows by dividing into two daughter cells that are generally identical.
(213) The dividing line between the two is not always sharp.
(214) Research universities dividing their mathematics department into pure and applied sections include Harvardand MIT.
(215) Have second tonsorial, he insists to want a gangmaster to deliver the dividing line intermediate.
(216) The use value can be dividing into direct use value, indirect use value, option value, and quasi-option value. The nonuse value can be dividing into bequest value and existence value.
(217) Dividing the pixel size by the metrical size gives you a resolution.
(218) The change order point is dissected and classified into four categories, and the algorithm of dividing the change order points is given.
(219) The real dividing - line between continents and oceans occurs at the foot of a steeper slope.
(220) You can convert this value easily to the equilibration time by dividing by the flow rate in milliliters per minute.
(221) Sina, Sohu, Netease, Tecent in website of 4 big doors, sina and Sohu are more dedicated the devoir at the portal, now, sohu also dividing line.
(222) Whether to dichotomize or even multichotomize the matter, how and where to draw the dividing line, all this is based on some special knowledge and practical purpose.
(223) Dividing the bearing capacity by the cross section area of the pile endpoint, one can figure out the l...
(224) A new power control switching table is set up according to new dividing of input voltage space and resultant voltage space vectors.
(225) It is helpful for understanding by dividing image world into 3 parts: the nature image world, the vision world and the created image world.
(226) Growing to return a week is affirmative, whole body month white long robe, in the hand one handle periodical, ferocious on seeing, arrive to also have several charming dashing sensibility of dividing.
(227) The main spindle of the dividing head drives the workpiece by means of a 3-jaw universal chuck or a dog and live centre similar to a lathe.
(228) In general, mitoses are more likely to be seen in malignant neoplasms. Remember, though, that normally cells are actively dividing in bone marrow, gonads, and gastrointestinal tract.
(229) It has long been proposed that stem cells function by dividing to generate an identical daughter cell and a cell that becomes more specialized.
(230) At first, the paper is defining these affreightment businesses and dividing them into two types: hire-transportation and property leasing.
(231) By present decision the king is dividing the nation and delivering it into Hitler's protection.




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