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单词 Governmental
1. Most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmental agencies.
2. It is reported that the governmental troops have successfully squelched an armed coup.
3. Is governmental power limited in other ways?
4. An internal dispute between governmental factions. 6.
5. Elections are also about government and governmental power.
6. City money is being wasted through governmental incompetence.
7. National governments Include official and quasi-official governmental organisations.
8. The political or governmental phase largely began after the First World War.
8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
9. Since the budgets of all governmental agencies have the same general purpose, certain similarities exist in their forms.
10. Similarly, financial administration is receiving increased attention by governmental units at all levels.
11. With governmental control of the food supply, railroads, and fuel, states' rights were virtually nonexistent in some areas.
12. Traditionally, governmental audit has been concerned with the financial and regularity audit.
13. In effect, they argue that the governmental agenda can not be taken as a given.
14. I have spoken very often to governmental officials, but they take no interest in this town.
15. And thirdly, international funding through international, governmental and non-governmental agencies.
16. In 1970, a federal agency was created to coordinate governmental action to protect environment.
17. The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
18. During the war Wallas became a power broker in governmental circles.
19. Secondly, this book is primarily about constitutional and administrative law and about governmental institutions.
20. The inspectors, appointed by the Crown in order to avoid governmental interference, had right of access to virtually any chemical company.
21. This is the ultimate sustainable city in terms of jokes and governmental circus acts.
22. The theory challenges the assumption of orthodox welfare economics that the existence of market failure is sufficient reason for governmental intervention.
23. Businesses accounted for 469 of those false alarms, residences were blamed for 223 and 11 came from governmental locations.
24. It could also be argued that the power to tax should be assigned a value in a governmental balance sheet.
25. In other words, the First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
26. Throughout this paper 1 have stressed similarities between Bentham's Panopticon proposals and current governmental advice on energy conservation.
27. Equally if one lived in a society where everybody was constantly protesting against the smallest governmental peccadillo life would become intolerable.
28. Table 111. 9 reports the frequency of expectations of considerate treatment at the hands of governmental officials and the police.
29. Leal theorizes it might be possible to eliminate the $ 60-million annual electrical bill local governmental entities must pay.
30. Hence self-restraint of the ruler must be reinforced by effective institutions: restraints upon the arbitrary exercise of governmental power.
1. The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
31. Such a large Survey would of course serve many other governmental purposes.
32. From her point of view, failure to act would be a dereliction of governmental duty.
33. However, most foundations and governmental funding agencies will supply a list of recently funded research projects.
34. Nor does it contemplate the knock-on consequences for Labour ministers of attempting to implement their programme while rebuilding the governmental machine.
35. Dole meant to suggest that if elected he would bring real governmental reform and new national economic progress.
36. By contrast a municipal corporation was a public governmental authority with administrative duties owed to all the inhabitants of its area.
37. It is not likely to evolve from successful competition between religious, governmental, or economic agencies.
38. Two-Party Systems A two-party system is characterized by the alternation in governmental power of two major political parties.
38. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
39. Surely Ministers are appearing at the Dispatch Box solely to answer questions about their governmental responsibilities.
40. The ultimate decisions will be taken at governmental, even presidential, level.
41. Eurocurrency business is in very substantial sums and also often involves governmental or governmental agency transactions.
42. The contributors, from some 16 countries, represent academic, industrial, governmental and international organisations.
43. Perhaps the biggest reason was the de facto revenue raid on the treasuries of other governmental entities the project would entail.
44. One motivation for early landscape photography was governmental employment of photographers for civil and military mapping purposes.
45. To provide financial information useful for determining and predicting the economic condition of the governmental unit and changes therein.
46. At the governmental level, administration and whole health care systems become geared to particular forms of approach.
47. Once approved, these are used as the basis for governmental policy review.
48. That leaves, in my view, no room for governmental restraint on the press.
49. You manage a telephone switchboard for a large governmental agency.
50. It violated the essence of the principle of the separation of governmental powers.
51. The Bank lends to governments and governmental agencies, although private organizations can borrow if the national government guarantees the loan.
52. More generally, the instinctive drive for self-preservation led to the emergence of a range of public and governmental institutions.
53. These people are alienated in their expectations of treatment at the hands of governmental authority and police.
54. Social studies, as they explore what governmental body is responsible for the quality of their water?
55. Governmental pluralism was not of course peculiar to the early modern period.
56. Some courts have carved out exceptions to governmental immunity, however, and found school boards liable.
57. Chief executives are officials who run governmental bodies that formulate and enforce laws.
58. Only when cultures are well developed is there enough social trust to support commercial and governmental institutions.
59. The Rassemblement had been premised on a total governmental collapse.
60. By fully exploiting their market position currently, monopolistic firms might elicit adverse public opinion and governmental censure.
61. But the Detroit metropolitan area, comprising various cities in three surrounding counties, already has regional governmental authorities.
62. Are there more representative ways in which public sentiments regarding governmental action may be expressed? 2.
63. The sum was chicken feed, and the more governmental corruption that went on there, the better.
64. This project has examined the current level of industrial and governmental activity on the area of clean technology.
65. The feelings that people have toward governmental authorities may be inferred from their expectations of how they will be treated by them.
66. Such limits might be acceptable if the only persons entitled to challenge governmental action were persons directly affected.
67. But it was also clear that the governmental machine had failed to revive the economy or reform social institutions in the 1950s.
68. He argued that our existing governmental arrangements are inimical to forging a sense of fraternity.
69. The 8 p.m. news bulletin each evening gave prominence to presidential and governmental words and deeds.
70. Was this because of governmental housing policy or a poor employment record on the part of the bread-winner of the family?
71. In some respects[Sentence dictionary], governmental bodies enjoy the same freedom of action.
72. She had been creating quite an uproar, which eventually called for governmental intervention.
73. For example, he introduced governmental policies that undercut traditional Confucian values.
74. Can teachers use governmental immunity as a defense against negligence?
75. Other forms of backstairs succession may be more peaceful but do not indicate much greater governmental stability.
76. They put an intern on it, and in traditional governmental fashion an answer came back three years later.
77. Chief among these special functions was a governmental or administrative duty at either local or provincial level or possibly both.
78. It therefore had to change tack, further adding to confusion in governmental policy-making.
79. The people are being asked to give their own judgment before major governmental decisions are made.
80. The Republic's ability to absorb the effects of dramatic electoral and governmental shifts was about to be tested.
81. In line with the services provided by other governmental agencies much local government activity occurs through the medium of discretionary powers.
82. This kind of governmental double standard towards minorities survived until the passing of the Race Relations Act in 1965.
83. So also did the governmental structures of the Merovingian kingdom.
84. This required careful and delicate safeguards that would be built into the governmental structure and become an integral part of it.
85. But once transferred, there will be no direct responsibility for their exercise to a higher governmental authority.
86. Control of spending was crucial to the government's strategy because it wanted to cut governmental borrowing and taxes.
87. The exigencies of administration in governmental, religious, and economic systems breed uniformity, because it simplifies the problem of control.
88. The plans to reverse decades of governmental policy without benefit of public hearings and substantive dialogue have produced little.
89. The retirement impact hypothesis appeared to spread quickly and to be widely accepted, particularly in governmental and other widely disseminated documents.
90. He then appoints the members of the cabinet and clearly dominates the cabinet in the governmental process.
91. Despite the enormous casualty figure, a major concern of governmental officials was that insurance cover property losses.
92. A state in which the police and other governmental authorities are heavily in female hands would not last a week.
93. And governmental immunity may protect some school districts, but it is not a defense for individual teachers.
94. Other factors include two years of drought, acid rain, run-off from contaminated land and reduced governmental expenditure on sewage treatment.
95. Finally, all governmental flows suggest means by which government might attempt to stabilize the economy.
96. Many states become federations to distribute governmental power where there is a huge area to be governed.
97. This is because, as we have seen, judicial review is not restricted in its scope to governmental bodies.
98. The only governmental power the Commission possesses is the power to make law; and it is not the Congress.
99. The vesting of such powers in governmental bodies was certainly not new.
100. I have already set out the dangers of allowing a governmental authority to have the right to sue.
101. In the United Kingdom there is no codified constitution expressly imposing limits on governmental power.
102. The life. history material, consequently,[/governmental.html] can provide us with reports of personal experience at the hands of governmental authority.
103. Such tribunals, generally deriving from statutory provisions, had multiplied as the range of governmental activity spread.
104. The second part discusses the objective of governmental accounting.
105. It doesn't come from any official governmental source.
106. How does Tocqueville distinguish between governmental and administrative centralization?
107. This definition includes early religious and governmental archives.
108. The state once blazed the trail for governmental innovation.
109. But these governmental regulations don't replace safe food handling.
110. Thus, the difficult cases usually involve governmental benefits.
111. The three major fields of accounting activity are private accounting, public accounting and governmental accounting.
112. Despite US governmental rebuttals of the downgrading, and the Federal Reserve's reassurances, the move is still likely to bring new challenges to the US's already sluggish economic recovery.
113. They tried to blow the whistle on governmental corruption but failed.
114. Especially after the dismissal of agriculture tax, this measure will reduce the local governmental fiscal resources and make the operation more difficult.
115. A patent is a governmental grant of an exclusive monopoly as an incentive and a reward for a new invention. To be patentable, an idea must be novel, useful and nonobvious.
116. In terms of workload and responsibility, both quality and quantity of work are specifically regulated at governmental offices. The work is far from an easy one.
117. Besides, a manual of project risk management for governmental procurement is produced.
118. It concludes that the forestry property mortgage is mainly supplied by governmental finance, and the petty loan is nonprofit because of the huge financing costs.
119. Large - scale governmental construction projects shall install public artworks to beautify the environment.
120. Coessential change not only the journalist that perplexing Chongqing and reader, still perplexing Chongqing city to be in charge of the governmental official that news publicizes .
121. The first organizations of consequence in the West were governmental, religious, and military institutions.
122. Through analyzing the rules and legal nature of the charge, the essay asserts that in some sense it belongs to a kind of eclectic method, similar to the governmental compulsory charge.
123. Because of the weightiness and particularity of governmental information, the progress of the national and social informatization is determined by the standard of government informatization .
124. It is a kind of cultural lag and lack of spirit of innovation, and also the governmental misleading and serious self-reform lag.
125. This governmental special fund, with a primary allocation of 1 billion RMB, is officially launched today.
126. As the cameras rolled and crowds gathered to stare at the fair-haired American with the local governmental leader, the villagers quietly whispered and joked among themselves.
127. In other words, malversation has become a mode of behavior to maximize individual benefit, profitable, with more chances and low risks, and widely adopted by governmental officials.
128. In many places governmental agencies leave the authority to children symbolically for the day.
129. Before the reforming and opening,[http:///governmental.html] Chinese were equalitarian . Governmental employers took care of the whole life of their staff—from cradle to tomb.
130. The economic impact between the area below traditional system is - and - aft economic connection through governmental intermediary expression.
131. This efficiency of price control over economy , as well as the legality of governmental control activities.
132. For them to prosper, they need an open business environment free of bureaucracy and too many governmental regulations.
133. And at that time the grain trade took different forms such as local trade, governmental trade, army trade, long distance trade etc, and each form contributed a lot to the growth of Shanxi business.
134. Most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmental agencies, rather than disputes between private parties.
135. These approaches combination of support from the EC, the corporate sector and the governmental agencies.
136. Scientific technology has become the key factor that influences social development, the same is true that scientific technology has omnibearing influence upon governmental diplomatic abilities.
137. Processing also wants to rectify governmental oneself while processing consolidates market order.
138. As a new developing theory, governmental theory serves to re-explore management patterns of public affairs in society.
139. Unconstrained culture may distort economy and thus needs governmental regulation.
140. Non - Governmental Organization ( NGO ) is a very complicated international atmosphere.
141. If parties are engaged in terroristic activities in a virtual world, it may bring them to the attention of a governmental agency.
142. ICC is a nongovernmental organization a counterpart to the governmental World Trade Organization(WTO) in the international economic relations and trade realm.
143. Through induction the dynamical model of regional development mode innovation is given. It is motivated by the four forces including natural, historical, residential and governmental factors.
144. While only one candidate stands in each constituency, analysts watch the elections closely for clues to political shifts, as members of parliament hold key governmental and military roles.
145. Discussed a system to choose the governmental action model in the process.
146. The article puts forward to improve the corresponding proposal of governmental response mode finally.
147. So governments should usually not get involved in such issues, except when its intervention has enough benefits to compensate for governmental inefficiency and ineffectiveness.
148. "Person" means any natural person, company, firm, body corporate of unincorporated association or body, including any Government or governmental or statutory instrumentality or port authority.
149. Therefore, the local government is expected to take order with the reinforcement, weakening and change of governmental function, boost regional economic growth and offer quality public service.
150. A nation's money supply is based on either the production of a commodity or governmental fiat.
151. The third week will combine additional visits to governmental agencies with cultural and commercial experiences.
152. Public finance transparency is an important part of public information access right and governmental information disclosure system.
153. The reform of township governmental organizations will move fast as the abolishment of the Agricultural tax.
154. Many governmental and philanthropic efforts have fallen far short of our expectations.
155. The third part discusses the basic postulates of governmental accounting.
156. Unison Hong Kong - For Ethnic Equality is established as a non - governmental organization.
157. Third , we should norm governmental economic acts and strictlystrengthen financial disciplines and law of bankruptcy.
158. And achieve greatly because have governmental background cast, also share among them major company.
159. Efficiency audit, computer -aided audit, and promotion of the transparency of the governmental audit are good ways to meet the challenges.
160. Respondent United States Senator publicizes examples of wasteful governmental spending by awarding his "Golden Fleece of the Month Award."
161. The largest databases are usually maintained by governmental agencies, business organizations, and universities.
162. Governmental accounting Many accountants are employed by not - for - profit organizations, including governmental agencies.
163. This paper an attempt to make a comprehensive and systematic analysis of governmental administration innovation.
164. Our charity solicits funds from both governmental agencies and private enterprises.
165. Starting with failure , this paper explores the invalidation in our governmental regulation of production safety.
166. After the founding of PRC, three non - governmental trade associations were founded.
167. The second analyzes the relation of social capital change and governmental regulation reform.
168. The subject of Macro -adjustment system is an integrated management system which are constituted by main governmental function management branch and other correlative function departments.
169. This can bring about of course the interpose of governmental director branch.
170. Governmental property should be defined as the resources with service potential owned or controlled by the government.
171. Natural monopoly is one of the traditional domains for governmental regulation.
172. Qi Yumin is governmental airdrop the cadre of the 3 rd government to Hua Chen.
173. To conduct specific consultative services, project surveys and decision making advices entrusted by various governmental agencies.
174. Our departure from Tientsin was signalized by an unusual mark of Chinese governmental courtesy.
175. The United Nations is an inter - governmental international organization composed of sovereign states.
176. The existence of the staff and workers with difficulties is one very heavy problem laying before the face of the Party, Governmental and Trade Union organization at all different levels.
177. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the governmental marine causes and nongovernmental marine trade both developed quickly.
178. One of important goals of the governmental financial report is to provide information about financial condition.
179. Governmental reward fund shall BE arranged in the general budget or fund budget of finance.
180. We should disclose the governmental accounting reporting to the public to report the accountability the government.
181. Confucianism focuses on the fields of ethics and politics, emphasizing personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, traditionalism , and sincerity.
182. Binxing property was consisted of governmental appropriation, the gentrys donations, apportioning money, and so on.
183. In China, to speed up the functional transformation of governments has been set as the target of Chinese governmental reform in the 11th Five-year Period.
184. Anaylilzing the standard of governmental non-tax revenue can help establishing the model for all kinds of governmental non-tax revenue standards.
185. Governmental executive ability is a crucial factor to maintain and develop a government agency.
186. The ensemble of central administrative and governmental services in imperial Rome.
187. In the United States, there are two of the governmental agencies, which perform extensive accounting work.
188. Participate and go through whole process for Annual budget preparation, year-end tax work papers,[Sentence dictionary] and various governmental reports.
189. And requested the production of standard governmental approvals gold projects in Idaho and the United States insurance companies underwriting agreement.
190. Economic crisis still causes the storm and stress of Indonesian society and governmental reliance crisis, regnant and Indonesian the Suhatuo of 30 one's remaining years always...
191. We also find that inter-provincial migration, economic opening, denationalization, and governmental participation in the economic activities tend to enlarge the urban-rural inequality.
192. Many non - governmental organizations support the creation of self - sustaining programs in poor countries.
193. The article divides the conception of democracy into three levels, which are ultraist, governmental, and social democracy respectively.
194. Its purpose is to provide a reference to our reformation of governmental accounting report.
195. Administrate periodical official training & inspection as per governmental regulation required.
196. Cuba may be experiencing the beginnings of its own period of Glasnost — which will inevitably render policies of censorship and governmental repression unsustainable.
197. Without the correct identification, capture, management, and presentation of information, you'd be hard pressed to make any decisions -- business, personal, or governmental -- let alone good ones.
198. De la Victoria and Oposa have been leaders in a campaign to persuade governmental bodies to close the Visayan Sea Marine Triangle to commercial and destructive forms of fishing.
199. The ladies have always it was changed that many governmental department would syncretize own activities into society.
200. Special assessment funds must be set up in every government to fulfill governmental function and it is the one of the most important funds.
201. The reform of economic system makes the governmental function change and the reform of business accounting makes government accounting do.
202. If there exists credit rationing[], it is viewed as temporary disequilibrium phenomena caused by an exogenous shock to the economy or long-term credit rationing caused by governmental constraints.
203. Governmental action is pull wires builds the bridge, cooperative main body can be an enterprise only.
204. Public notices are important means and channels for governmental institutions as well as non-governmental institutions to speak to the public.
205. It has been an important and urgent task to remould mechanism of governmental integration effectively.
206. The public's trustiness is a governmental important affection and the public calls.
207. In practice, public safety service exists in forms of governmental arrangement, market arrangement and multi-central arrangement.
208. As an important case in governmental reform, the audit-storm, the information revolution of national audit, is the positive incident in the process of approaching to public audit.
209. Such community containing both nongovernmental and governmental factors has a considerable difference with the western sports community having the characteristics of pure citizen and self-government.
210. Mining concession must let resources to enter and be liberated from governmental power, which is a precondition to control mining market.
211. The crime of Endangering governmental rule: Treason felony , Misprision, Seizing prisoner, Oganizing the private armed forces.
212. This view was challenged by scholars, by elected governmental representatives, and by religious leaders.
213. Governmental Services. The Industrial Park has a highly-efficient and clean-handed service team to serve the investors.
214. Basis " byelaw " regulation, the means that governmental information makes public has two kinds, one.
215. The United States was established on the mutually reinforcing principles of individual enterprise and limited governmental influence.
216. If its plans come to pass, its activities in space will dwarf those of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and other governmental space agencies.
217. The new governmental structure struck a balance between centralization and decentralization—resulting in a lasting government that has worked well for over 200 years.
218. But local and provincial governmental officials are the fiddle with the numbers.
218. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
219. Recently, several non - governmental - credit pilot project companies were set up, indicating that a diversifying rural financial openness.
220. These users include managers, stockholders, banks and other creditors, governmental agencies, investment advisors, and general public.
221. Among them, governmental policy support and more developments space given to little amount credit institution are our country needed to learn.
222. Thirdly, the liberal democratic party has straightly taken part in the governmental operation, and has become a nerve centre of it.
223. Rules of WTO as ones of global multi-trade regulate the governmental administrative conducts of the members.
224. But the inner morals of law, or the main principle of law such as the compulsiveness, clarity, universality, stability, governmental acts and legal regulations have decisive impact on morals.
225. Now most of town governments in China endure the financial pressure in different degrees, which reflects financial revenue and expenditure problems, and the governmental polity defects.
226. Meanwhile, personal incomes, governmental expenditures, and inflationary pressures continued to mount.
227. And governmental intervention is excessive, can cause governmental failure again.
228. Governmental organizations are too pedantry, with slavish attention to rules.
229. At present the major problems in Henan governmental management system are the overuse of authority and default in obligation and jural construction in economic management.
230. However, non - governmental women's to commemorate the Bright Moon, we have to wrap kicker.
231. He designed armaments and instructed governmental staff in technical matters.
232. Unfortunately, governmental intervention, which was intended to regulate the market and accelerate the economy, has become an enemy of economic freedom.
233. With governmental dominant, take a way that has Korea distinguishing feature, look had gained abecedarian victory.
234. You are also given opportunities to work with governmental agencies in drafting legislation, codes and regulations.
235. The governmental management working function and method is in accordance with the way will with mode of the global public management.
236. In order to develop circulation economy, tax benefit and governmental support are needed.
237. The core of the last two tasks is democracy and rule by law, aiming at setting up a systemic base of public finance, the key is to rebuild governmental budget system.
238. To merely televise governmental proceedings will not affect society unless society watches these events.
239. Governmental officials began a project in 2000 to redesign the test.
240. In market economy, full competition is helpful to create a buyers' market, and will constitute the primary principle to the governmental procurement law.
241. The TLV-TWA for CO2, as listed by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists and by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is 5000 parts per million, or 0.5%.
242. However, its status was degraded by the military junta when it packed its governmental and administrative bags and moved 200 miles north to an undeveloped site just two miles from Pyinmana.
243. Medicines go through national agent , local agent , governmental open tender , medical company and medical agent . Each level would strip off some skin to get some interests .
244. Nonprofit accounting also follows a pattern of accounting that is similar to governmental accounting.
245. Yemen senior security official said that the local mediation committee, consisting of governmental and tribal individuals, reached an agreement on Tuesday morning.
246. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the governmental agency that regulates civilian uses of nuclear technology.He added that the agency "isn't in a position to make any firm commitments" to review the EM2.
247. Our country's positive fiscal policy, mainly based on governmental productive expenditure, has made great contribution to encourage national demand and remove short-run economic fluctuation.
248. Newspapers and magazines are proclaiming the advent of the "age of man" on their cover pages,[http:///governmental.html] artists are invoking the Anthropocene and even German governmental advisers have adopted the term.
249. The third part is about the administration legal rule system of Non - governmental Public Organizations.
250. East of Pakistan fresh river for business district and residential district, west of for governmental agency.




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