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单词 Triassic
1. By the beginning of the Upper Triassic, rhynchosaurs were still the dominant herbivores.
2. Their fossils are commonest in Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks.
3. The end of the Triassic was marked by what is probably the third largest extinction event since the Cambrian.
4. This was towards the end of the Triassic period.
5. Source beds are turbidite of middle Triassic series.
6. The age is Late Triassic early - middle Carnian.
7. South Tianshan: a Late Paleozoic or a Triassic orogen?
8. In the study, area, the Triassic systems can be divided into 3 sedimentary isochronic planes, 4 depositional systems and 10 sedimentary facies.
9. At the end of Triassic period, the marine sedimentation on Qaidam Massif (including its surroundings) has ended, and interior basin started to develop in Qaidam area.
10. Triassic is the principal reservoir and production horizon in Akekulei region of NortheasternTarim Basin.
11. Otherwise with Paleotethys closing in late Triassic period, the pull-apart continental margin reversed in Indo-China movement creating Indo-Chinafolded orogeny.
12. The Upper Triassic Formation is sub-abysmal basinal facies deposit in the south and north depressions. A black shale layer developed.
13. Following the Triassic collision, with Pacific plate subduction and continuous accumulation towards Eurasian plate in the Jurassic-Cenozoic, the huge accretionary complex belt was eventually formed.
14. The north-south structure in upper triassic epoch and, 4) The whole tilting structure after middle jurassic epoch.
15. Lichuan synclinorium from Silurian System to Triassic System has 7 combinations of oil source rock, reservoir and cap rock .
16. Crocodiles and lizards have a fossil record extending back to the Triassic, snakes to the Cretaceous.
17. Recent evidence from boreholes clearly demonstrates the control of Triassic basin sedimentation by marginal faults.
18. The Dashui gold ore deposit is a super-large and special one found in Triassic carbonate rocks of neritic facies in the south of western Qinling orogenic belt.
19. There exists boundary claystone near the boundary between both the marine and terrestrial Permian and Triassic in the eastern Yunnan-western Guizhou area.
20. The natural gas in Jurassic reservoirs is sourced from the underlain upper Triassic source rock in the upper part of Xujiahe formation.
21. Pterosaurs, like these depicted gliding near an ancient sea, first arose during the Triassic period about 215 million years ago.
22. Lung fish - Queensland is home to lung fish, a living fossil from the Triassic period 350 million years ago.
23. Formation factors and mechanism of the laumontite in upper Triassic Yanchang group of Jingan oilfield are analyzed.
24. Nappes are products formed in the compressional State by Indo - China movement in late Triassic Period.
25. At model is erected. ordos basin developed from Mid - late Triassic to Early Cretaceous, then, underwent reformation.
26. The insufficient oil and gas sources found in the Triassic system are discussed in terms of petroleum accumulation feature, spatial distribution and degree of filling in oil-gas reservoirs.
27. The comprehensive analysis indicated that Helanshan area was a part of Ordos Basin in the Early-Middle Triassic period.
28. Such a pattern likely arose in the common ancestor of birds, dinosaurs, and alligators--called archosaurs--during the Triassic period,[Sentencedict] 251 to 199 million years ago.
29. Recently a rich and well preserved crinoid community has been found in the Late Triassic Wayao Formation in Guanling County, Guizhou Province, China.
30. An active margin appeared border of the Nanpanjiang Sea from Late Permian to Middle Triassic.
31. Study of the Triassic system of Chengchao, Majiao and Puqi proves the existence of evaporite in the upper part of the lower Triassic Da Ye Group.
32. The hydrocarbon source rocks of Triassic Jurassic and reservoir cap rock assemblages developed well in the basin, and it is one of the important exploration areas.
33. Synclinal oil and gas pools have been discovered in the Tertiary, Gretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic and Permian rocks in the Songliao, Bohai Bay, Ordos and Sichuan basins in China.
34. The stratiform and strata-bound iron ore deposits in the Middle Triassic series in the lower reaches of the Yangzi River were formerly considered as simple contact-metasomatic ore deposits.
35. The study work reveal that orogenic zone of west Qinling formed in Triassic Period should be a favorable area for finding Cu-Mo-Au deposit due to the thick crust and frequently magmatic activities.
36. Conodonts went extinct at the end of the Triassic Period, about the time dinosaurs were evolving.
37. Soil type consisting of various compositions of sandstone, marl, dolomite, and shingle common in Alsace dating back from the Middle Triassic period.
38. The Jinya fine disseminated gold deposit in the northwestern Guangxi of Middle Triassic occurred in turbidites.
39. Soil type consisting of marl and limestone common in Alsace dating back from the Upper Triassic period.
40. Both mammals and dinosaurs appeared near the end of the Triassic period, some 220 million years ago.
41. Dinosaurs first appear in the fossil record during the Triassic period, some 230m years ago.
42. The metamorphic ages of the eclogites are largely 320~220 Ma ( Carboniferous period to Triassic period ).
43. The initial designs of the reek were inspired by Placerias, a stout, four-legged tusked species from the Triassic era.
44. The Kuangshanliang and Tianjingshan present a duplex which comprises of a shallow fault-bend fold of late Triassic and a deep blind stacking anticline imbricated by several thrust sheets of Cenozoic.
45. The palaeogeographical evolution sensitively responds to the tectonism in the whole Triassic.
46. The shallow polyhalite potash deposit in Sichuan are distributed in the north plunge top of Huayingshan anticline where is anhydrock of earlier Mesozoic Triassic period.
47. Faults, breakpoints, and the Triassic reflection configurations are readily recognized.
48. His speech, every day Triassic placed full - time secretary to clear information.
49. Analysis of the fossil associations of dasycladalean algae in the Middle and Upper Triassic of Croatia is given with the emphasis on the stratigraphical ranges of particular species and associations.
50. Controlled by the normal faults, the lithofacies paleogeography when the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation deposited showed differences between eastern and western parts of the researched area.
51. In three main coal - forming periods arsenic contents decrease from Tertiary, Late Triassic to Late Permian.
52. Based on systematic petrochemistry and detailed field survey this paper explores the tectonic settings of volcanic rocks bordering Yunnan and Guangxi during Permian Middle Triassic.
53. In the Triassic period, following the collision between North-China and South-China cratons, the Tanlu fault zone was formed.
54. In the region the Middle Triassic Anisic Stage stratigraphic development and facies variation are rather violent.
55. The specimen was collected from the grayish-green mudstone and shale of the Upper part, the Lower Member of the Middle Triassic Tongchuan Formation (Tr2t), Tongchuan region, Shaanxi Province, China.
56. There exists an extended set of early Triassic intermediate-acid volcanics closely related to microdot gold ore in Southwestern Guangxi.
57. A hypothetical supercontinent that included all the landmasses of the earth before the Triassic Period. When continental drift began, Pangaea broke up into Laurasia and Gondwanaland.
58. During Palaeozoic era and Triassic period, Taikang area received marine, continental-marine transition, and continental sediments,[] then uplifted in the end of Triassic and was denuded widely.
59. The marine deposits of Early and Middle Triassic are widespread over Paleo-Tethyan realm, including South China, Indo-China, Malay Peninsula and regions to their south.
60. It passes mainly through the purple -- color soft sandrock and mudstone in Triassic or Dyas Systems.
61. This is the first report of Triassic Radiolaria within the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone.
62. Fe-Mn ores are confined to the neritic argillaceous-carbonate formation of the Lower Triassic Bocigou Formation and controlled by the stratum and lithology.
63. A new pachypleurosaur (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the lower Middle Triassic of southwestern China and the phylogenetic relationships of Chinese pachypleurosaurs.
64. Iron ores in the Gushan deposit, Anhui Province, occur in a contact tone between Mesozoic gabbro diorite and its country rocks dominated by Triassic shale, siltstone and sandstone.
65. The discovery of the radiolarian fossils has great significance for the stratigraphic division and correlation of the Triassic and study of tectonic evolution in the northern Qiangtang area.
66. The key structure in this area is a duplex that comprises of a shallow fault-bend fold of the Late Triassic and a deep blind stacking anticline imbricated by three thrust sheets of Cenozoic age.
67. Most of people considered that the natural gas in Jurassic in Baimamiao gas field in West Sichuan Basin came from the coal measure strata of Upper Triassic in the past.
68. Then the Indosinian Block moved northward and amalgamated with North Vietnam Block in early Triassic.
69. The Triassic productive intervals of and gas in Tahe oil field belong to low - resistivity reservoirs.
70. In recent years[Sentence dictionary], South Sichuan Gasfield has made a great success of secondary exploration in the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in the old zones.
71. On the southwestern margin of the basin there occur middle Yanshanian Late Triassic and Early Cretaceous coarse clastic molasse-like deposits and angular unconformity.
72. The Triassic period ended 210m years ago with another mass extinction of land animals and sea creatures.
73. The basement is the metamorphic rock at Siniansystem or Pre- Sinian system and has deposited the stratum from Triassic Period to QuaternaryPeriod.
74. The results show that the Triassic SPIRs in the area studied belong to high potassic calc-alkaline series, which were formed in the post-collision setting during Indosinian orogeny.
75. Asilisaurus lived during the Triassic, when crocodile-like beasts ruled the Earth, with dinosaurs becoming dominant only during the Jurassic, some 35 million years later.
76. The allopatric coral fossils are collected in the olistostromes of the Upper Triassic Zhuwo Formation in Mandi, Zamtang, and two biozones of Triassic bivalves are established.
77. The Western Sichuan Foreland Basin developed Upper Triassic coal measure source rock, which mainly generated gases.
78. Thick stratum was deposited in the west part of southern North China and the Ordos area during the Late Triassic, when the stable North China Craton turned into circum- Pacific tectonic tract.
79. The Bennettitales are a group of extinct seed plants that are similar to the cycads in both size and leaf morphology that existed from the Triassic to the early Cretaceous.
80. Was There a Mass Extinction of Land Plants at the Permian - Triassic Boundary ( PTB )?
81. County formation hypoplasia, missing the entire Paleozoic sector in the health sector and the Triassic.
82. Triassic is the oldest period of Mesozoic followed successively by Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods.




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