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单词 hairstyle
释义  Related topics: Hair & beautyldoce_143_ihair·style /ˈheəstaɪl $ ˈher-/ ●●○ noun [countable]  DCBthe style in which someone’s hair has been cut or shaped 发型,发式 Do you like my new hairstyle? 你喜欢我的新发型吗? →5  See picture of wavy 波浪形的, bob 齐短发, bon 圆发髻 ... →4  See picture of 见图 hairstyleExamples from the Corpushairstyle• It is counterproductive to be derogatory about hairstyle, clothing, or current countercultural heroes.• He assessed everything about her, from her clothes and shoes to her luggage and hairstyle.• She looked at her handsome companion, who stuck to his sleeked-back hairstyle even when relaxed.• I was lumbered with one hairstyle and that's the way it would stay.• Some charge that the process hairstyle was a black attempt to look white.• Now is the time to experiment with softer hairstyles, and find new shapes to frame the face and soften features.• Whatever their hairstyles, serious critics mostly maintained a stony silence.• Keep the width of your hairstyle to a minimum at the sides but create height on·style nounChineseSyllable  which in the hair style Corpus someone’s been has




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