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单词 hairline
释义  Related topics: Hair & beautyhair·line /ˈheəlaɪn $ ˈher-/ noun [countable]  1  DCBthe line around your head, especially at the front, where your hair starts growing 〔额上的〕发际线,头发轮廓线 He had put on weight, and his hairline was beginning to recede. 他发福了,头发也开始往后秃了。2  a hairline crack/fracture MIa very thin crack 细微的裂纹/裂缝 a hairline fracture in a bone 细微的骨折Examples from the Corpushairline• I was worried about a hairline fracture, but luckily it was just a bad lump.• A hairline distinction exists between this description of personal experience and the evaluation of a work.• His long bushy eyebrows, mingling with his coarse black hairline, made him appear to have no forehead at all.• Yo mumbles to herself at the windows outlining her hairline with a contemplative index finger.• He still wears a sailor suit, the cowlick at his hairline gives his forelock a life of its own.• My hairline had ascended another inch or so.• By the artistic team at Zoo Ultra short hairline contrasts with thick natural waves.• Apparently, all that yoga stuff doesn't work for the·line nounChineseSyllable  your line the especially Corpus the at around head,




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