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单词 hackles
释义  Related topics: Animals, Birdshack·les /ˈhækəlz/ noun [plural]  1  somebody’s hackles rise ANGRYif someone’s hackles rise, they begin to feel very angry, because someone’s behaviour or attitude offends them 某人被激怒,某人勃然大怒 Laura heard his remark, and felt her hackles rising. 劳拉听到他的话不由得心头火起。raise somebody’s hackles (=make someone angry) 激怒某人 His tactless remarks were enough to raise anyone’s hackles. 他缺心眼的话语足以激起任何人的怒火。2. HBAHBBthe long feathers or hairs on the back of the neck of some animals and birds, which stand up straight when they are frightened or ready to fight 〔某些鸟兽遇到危险时会竖起的〕颈背毛,颈羽Examples from the Corpushackles• The script fits Steve Forbes, whose self-financed run for the Republican presidential nomination is raising hopes and hackles.• She felt defensive hackles rise on the back of her neck.• Both sexes may erect hackles on neck when alarmed, to form prominent whiskers.• I think documenting would only get his hackles raised further.• But something has happened to raise our hackles.• In the United States, the mere idea raises hackles.Origin hackles (1400-1500) Probably from an unrecorded Old English hacule “small hook”hack·les nounChineseSyllable  they rise, feel hackles begin someone’s to if Corpus




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