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单词 Dimly
1) She dimly realized that she was trembling.
2) The room was dimly illuminated by the soft glow of his bedside lamp.
3) A nightlight glowed dimly in the corner of the children's bedroom.
4) A figure was dimly visible in the evening gloom.
5) The room was dimly lit.
6) I dimly remembered seeing the film before.
7) The shoreline could be dimly seen.
8) He followed her into a dimly lit kitchen.
9) She was only dimly aware of the risk.
10) I did remember, but only dimly.
11) He was only dimly aware that it was raining.
12) The thought rose dimly in my mind.
13) The bedside lamp glowed dimly.
14) She was dimly aware of voices shouting.
15) A solitary light burned dimly in the hall.
16) I was dimly aware of the sound of a car in the distance.
17) Though the shoreline could be dimly seen, it was impossible to judge how far away it was.
18) He fell, and was dimly conscious of Tara standing over him.
19) In Milton's poem, Satan, even after his fall, dimly reflects his former glory.
20) The cafe occupies a single dimly lit room.
21) Lights burned dimly in the wards.
22) Dimly she heard Luke's terse voice as he spoke.
23) The room was dimly lit by indirect illumination.
24) Christina dimly recalled the procedure.
25) Lights glowed dimly through the woodland.
26) When we left the forest,[http:///dimly.html] pale moonlight reflected dimly on the frosty ground and it was easier to see.
27) I dimly remembered having watched the sun set, copper orange over a colourless world.
28) Babies are weak and vulnerable in the presence of huge shapes that they can only dimly perceive.
29) Babies are weak and vulnerable in the face of huge shapes and loud noises that they can only dimly perceive.
30) His gaze remained fixed on the polished surface of the table, which dimly reflected the glooms and gleams of the room.
1) She dimly realized that she was trembling.
2) Babies are weak and vulnerable in the presence of huge shapes that they can only dimly perceive.
3) The room was dimly illuminated by the soft glow of his bedside lamp.
4) A nightlight glowed dimly in the corner of the children's bedroom.
5) A figure was dimly visible in the evening gloom.
6) He was only dimly aware that it was raining.
7) She was dimly aware of voices shouting.
8) In Milton's poem, Satan, even after his fall, dimly reflects his former glory.
31) Mira Sorvino stars in this dim-witted, dimly lit monster flick about gigantic cockroaches living in the New York subway system.
32) Dimly making out figures, he leant forward on his mount, and a volley of fire tore him to the ground.
33) The stack swung in farther, revealing a long, damp passageway, dimly lit with strip lights.
34) Theodora swung her leather valise from the car boot into the dimly lit entrance hall.
35) She was only dimly aware of the approach of the two boys who were walking swiftly from the street corner.
36) There were occasional stark outcrops of rock and dark pools like tiny versions of the lochans he dimly remembered from his homesite.
37) Some of these rituals we still practise today, though their meaning is only dimly remembered.
38) She was also dimly aware of his powerful military presence and immaculate clothes, and a slight, well-disguised limp.
39) The room is dimly lit and the regalia are mounted in a centrally placed glass case. Armed guards stand watch.
40) The dark shape was still visible against a background of dimly lit beams.
41) The sonar room was heavily insulated against all outside noise and dimly lit by subdued yellow lighting.
42) The room is dimly lit and the regalia are mounted in a centrally placed glass case.
43) Now it was dark, and our world was a dimly seen circle of indigo water, foam-streaked and turbulent.
44) Far below us, we could just see the coastline of Argentina dimly outlined.
45) Finally, you arrive in the paint scraper aisle, a dimly lit gulag in the rear of the store.
46) The room was dimly lit by the flame of a single candle.
47) Guests step off the elevator into dimly lit halls, a dubious signature of Starckdesigned hotels.
48) The bereaved are dimly aware of these feelings, and are equally embarrassed about displaying tears.
49) She was dimly conscious of an overpowering contrast, her female vulnerability against iron-hard male muscle and superior strength.
50) Swing-doors on either side of the box-office in the small foyer led to an inner foyer, carpeted and dimly lit.
51) Some streets are dimly lit by smoking torches, but the houses have only the shadowy light of candles and oil-lamps.
52) In the grey-green water we could dimly see a large, pale body beneath the grey fin.
53) He realised dimly that if he had volunteered to go on training all night his teachers would not have objected.
54) Milton tells us in Paradise Lost that Satan, even after his fall, still dimly reflects his former glory.
55) In her dimly lit living-room she had a gumball machine welcoming Kenny and me and the many other children who visited often.
56) She was dimly aware of Mrs Longhill running in but she brushed past her and flew upstairs to her bedroom.
57) He was dimly tempted to say, though,[] that he knew a thing or two about gore.
58) Above shone the stars and the rings; below lay a dimly visible sea of clouds.
59) When the rear of the cupboard swung open, Schiller could dimly discern a light switch inside.
60) This occurs when the part of the Moon turned from the Sun is dimly illuminated by light reflected from the Earth.
61) The shop was dimly lit and cluttered but he found his way to the front door which was bolted.
62) There it is at last, a dimly lit porch, the number twenty-one just visible.
63) One day the players would drive through countryside that looked dimly familiar.
64) Dimly, Patrick Lundy heard the governess' shrill voice repeat - yet again - a line of verse.
65) In our ordinary life this truth is hidden from us or only dimly glimpsed at times or imperfectly held and conceived.
66) An old wood stove decorates the center of the dimly lit hall.
67) It brought me back too precipitately into the small, dimly lit world of the hotel bedroom.
68) William Swain lived out the tensions that Jody only dimly apprehends.
69) When she regained consciousness she found herself lying on a large settee in a dimly lit room.
70) He believes Dan infected him during a brief encounter six years before, which Dan only dimly remembers.
71) The room is dimly lit.
72) The Wild Goose Pagoda was dimly visible.
73) It was towards this corner of the place, dimly lighted by the reflection of a distant street lamp, that the gamin guided his two " brats ."
74) I was dimly aware that dozens of curious people were looking at us.
75) His backlit black-and-white photos captured musicians on stage and off, transforming them into luminous figures against their dimly lit surroundings.
76) It appeared that he dimly perceived his time to go had come.
77) Dimly the shadowy form of the Mayflower riding at anchor.
78) The hallway was large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering most of the stone floor.
79) In the dimly lit hall of one Charlestown tenement he encountered David Powers.
80) The caves of Valporquero, 4,000ft up in the mountains, by contrast, are a dimly lit subterranean world of vast, pink-tinged chambers and narrow hallways.
81) Two white sculptures , roughly human height, inhabit a dimly lit gallery.
82) Of course, the shapes are cosmic dust clouds faintly visible in dimly reflected starlight.
83) A gray brick tunnel, dimly lighted, led to the elevator shaft.
84) It is a vast, sombre cavern of a room, some thirty feet high and sixty feet square, and so thick with the dust of centuries that the mud brick walls and vaulted roof are only dimly visible.
85) Its strutting brass, anxious lyrics and eerie vibe is dimly reminiscent of The Specials' Ghost Town.
86) The bathyal zone is the dimly lit middle zone,[] which because it has little sunlight does not contain photosynthesizing producers.
87) At that point MI 5 began dimly to glimpse an awesome and tantalizing prospect.
88) In fact , he dimly remembered Goodson's TELLING him his gratitude once.
89) We leave the tearoom and walk down a typical, dimly lit Shanghai backstreet towards the bank.
90) Lying on my bed I could see, through the uncurtained windows, the distant snowy peaks shimmering dimly in the starlight.
91) Yang Caini is reincarnate " nocturnal goddess " , take the swing arsis that is being hanged in half sky to photograph photo, dimly discernible romance is full of mysterious breath.
92) In the motorized wheelchair, boyish face dimly illuminated by a glowing computer screed attached to the left armrest.
93) At that point MI 5 began dimly to glimpse an awesome tantalizing prospect.
94) It was a misty afternoon, but the February sun shone dimly, and we could just distinguish the two fir trees in the yard, and the sparely scattered gravestones .
95) He dimly realizes it is dangerous if he acts imprudently without full preparation.
96) The men watched in frustration as the ring's strobe light, meant to alert searchers, blinked dimly in the murk.
97) Surrounding both at this 10th annual 20 Sur Vin wine competition in a stone-pillared wine temple are dimly lit barrels of very expensive red.
97) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
98) They arouse instincts which can only be dimly understoodExploring really deep caves is not a task for the Sunday afternoon rambler.
99) a dimly lit room.
100) The lamp overhead gave out a pallid glow , shining dimly on my face, still half asleep.
101) Two lamps burned dimly.
102) It was a misty afternoon, but the February sun shone dimly.
103) Soon you hear a lot of static, but then the needle simply disappears in a vibrational blur as the song in question is dimly but recognizably heard above the background noise.
104) The freeboard of network economy period make, unreal changes the hubble - bubble that gives countless dimly discernible.
105) Near the horizon the sun was smoldering dimly, almost obscured by formless mists and vapors, which gave an impression of mass and density without outline or tangibility.
106) An Artaxerxes III, covered with blood, flourishes dimly for a time.
107) Trilobites may have evolved such sophisticated eye-lenses to maximise optic neurone response in a dimly lit environment.
108) Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly - lighted den below.
109) McTeague besan dimly to feel that life was too much for him.




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