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单词 Let alone
1. Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness.
2. He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements.
3. She can't ride a bicycle,let alone drive a car.
4. I didn't have any clothes, let alone a passport.
5. We can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.
6. Fibber! You couldn't run 10km, let alone a marathon!
7. There isn't enough room for us, let alone any guests.
8. His cabin is uninhabitable in summer, let alone in winter.
9. I haven't decided on the 'menu yet, let alone bought the food.
10. I didn't even get to see the fox, let alone be in at the kill.
11. He's the best shot in the world, let alone in England.
12. Our budget is scarcely sufficient to pay people, let alone buy any new equipment.
13. There isn't enough room for 'us, let alone six dogs and a cat.
14. The baby can't even sit up yet, let alone walk!
15. Some people never even read a newspaper, let alone a book.
16. It would have fooled me, let alone a buffalo.
17. Keeper Judge never touched him let alone trip him.
18. We hardly saw each other, let alone our children.
19. But these images were not arbitrary, let alone trivial.
20. He wouldn't even squash a fly, let alone murder someone.
21. I'm so sick today that I couldn't walk as far as the kitchen, let alone go to the zoo with you.
22. It is incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. The majority saw little future for college-based sandwich courses, let alone the assessment of the industrial part.
24. We lived in a little three-bedroom tract house with no basement, let alone a storm cellar.
25. Britain in mid-1979 was unlikely to lurch into any drastic transformation, let alone a dictatorship.
26. Few adherents to the new classical macroeconomics trouble even to question it, let alone provide an analytical basis to justify it.
27. There were no great expectations that they would actually enjoy the experience, let alone learn anything really worthwhile.
28. It is pretty difficult to carry on a conversation like that, let alone write a scientific paper.
29. I doubt very much that your wrist is even slightly reddened, let alone broken.
30. The following year had left her with little enough time for dreams, let alone nightmares.
1. His cabin is uninhabitable in summer, let alone in winter.
31. I was paralysed with fear at the very thought of making eye contact with them, let alone playing the teacher.
32. With his bladder about ready to burst, Gao Yang could barely stand straight, let alone speak.
33. They personally would be too embarrassed to talk to a cripple, let alone argue with one.
34. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought I would even go to Hollywood, let alone work with people like him.
35. I don't want to make the novel sound wacky, let alone conspiratorial.
36. She didn't know anything about falling in love, let alone falling in love on a budget, as Nelson put it.
37. He can't even outsmart his own electorate, let alone us.
38. The practice is quite widespread, but no one has achieved any very reliable estimate of its scale, let alone a trend.
39. I would be distressed to hear of any ladies reading it, let alone a girl of your tender years and experience.
40. The roofs of the towers look as though they would barely stand the rigours of a light breeze, let alone a rain storm.
41. There is not even a postcard to buy, let alone a stamp.
42. The Labour Party utterly failed to grasp the point, let alone the enormity, of what the Government had done.
43. Nor was he apparently aware of Lenin's scorn for those who spoke of common culture, let alone psychology and community.
44. Will mankind, even under advanced capitalism, let alone any future more liberated society, ever cease to sing and dance?
45. We had major novelty value - it's strange enough for a foreigner to visit the area let alone pose in a raft.
46. For many years the College did not provide pensions for members of staff, let alone dependents.
47. No Soviet figure, let alone such a prominent one, had ever mounted such an attack in the Western press.
48. Let alone the content of the piece, the tsarist ring of the title was bound to provoke Soviet anger.
49. You'd have trouble swinging a gerbil, let alone a cat, in the kitchen.
50. The landed nobility showed no inclination to build bridges with urban property-owners, let alone workers and peasants.
51. Many thousands of children had never even seen, let alone owned a pair of shoes.
52. If anyone answers the phone he won't even know whose voice it is, let alone what she's saying.
53. I ask myself whether Chaillot ever glanced at his libretto, let alone read it.
54. In reality, Diana was struggling to keep her head above water, let alone undertake a radical management restructuring programme.
55. Another insinuated that on one had ever seen that many patients with Munchausen's syndrome let alone tested them.
56. Many wildlife reserves and parks are too dangerous for park rangers, let alone tourists.
57. It was hard to imagine him having a casual chat with anyone, let alone a more intimate relationship.
58. This makes them incredibly difficult to see, let alone capture on film.
59. He had little time for flippancy or gossip, let alone the nostalgic ramblings of an ex-employee.
60. Clearly no government can legislate for such a wide array of circumstances, let alone attempt to enforce such legislation.
61. We would not even pass for distant cousins let alone members of the same nuclear family unit.
62. She was twenty-three and simply too young to comprehend the feelings of middle age - let alone those of a middle-aged Prince.
63. Only rarely did Polly experience such exotic delights as clean sheets, let alone fresh soap and towels.
64. He will not need to rig the election, or buy voters, let alone do anything worthy.
65. Foster parents were not always equipped to cope with the vagaries of their own children, let alone the problems of outsiders.
66. It is a serious matter, attacking a white person, let alone a white minister.
67. That she should spare a first glance, let alone a second, on this man was almost incredible.
68. The vote for the extreme right is depressing, but not the beginning of a trend, let alone das End.
69. A ceasefire, let alone lasting peace, will take long negotiation.
70. A lot of people can barely earn enough to support themselves, let alone their families.
71. Riding winners was the only way he knew how to re-establish his self-worth, let alone his public esteem.
72. They could not control the Army, let alone the various tribes.
73. Let alone following in the footsteps of Herakles or Medeaboth of whom destroyed their own chil-dren.
74. Even in my mind I found it extremely unwieldy trying to lance one - let alone 100,000 - from a charging steed.
75. The fact was he felt like a child again, powerless against forces he could not understand - let alone control.
76. Rosamund Heartgood, a financial journalist, would be surprised to hear that e-love is alive, let alone well.
77. He had all the strength it would take to kill an adult person, let alone a baby.
78. Robyn could barely think, let alone string coherent words together to form an answer.
79. Stalin, let alone Mao, has never achieved remotely comparable diabolic status.
80. No one even had a hangar big enough for building such a whopper, let alone the risk capital.
81. I'd never even held a tiny baby let alone changed a nappy or supervised bath time.
82. There can't be that number of snipe in the whole of Lewis let alone Barvas Estate,[/let alone.html] surely?
83. If your income drops or ends, how will you pay them off, let alone keep up with the accumulating interest?
84. The museum directors and critics did not name any abstract expressionist, let alone Pollock.
85. None of the friendlies would have been able to see let alone reach them under the dense canopy where they went down.
86. Illich asked whether such education was even desirable, let alone possible.
87. But then many humans are largely unaware of their own mind, let alone that of others.
88. Lucky you were to escape with your lives, let alone your horse.
89. I doubt he would have given one of his grandparents a point that morning, let alone me.
90. Hardly anybody in the big wide world has heard of us, let alone been influenced by our lives.
91. In many ways families have never recovered from the earlier recession of the 1980s, let alone the current recession.
92. Most stable-lads would have counted themselves lucky even to get a ride let alone to win a race.
93. I wouldn't work with my mom, let alone my whole family.
94. It is as much as you can do to read the job advertisements in the Times Educational Supplement, let alone the leader.
95. Except my bloody husband, who is still blissfully unaware of this man's existence, let alone his identity.
96. With two of the office down with chicken-pox, she hardly had time to think these days, let alone relax.
97. For this I would most certainly cross oceans, let alone forgo a couple of treatments.
98. A marriage begun without financial security looks hazardous to the poet, let alone where the man seems cunning and manipulative.
99. He was still quite unable to discern what the bequest could possibly be, let alone whether it was of any value.
100. As yet, however, no rigorous taxonomy of text types is available, let alone describable in terms of typical linguistic features.
101. It's unwise to let policy be influenced, let alone jeopardized, by outraged personal pride.
102. It's bad enough being paranoid, let alone telling everyone about it.
103. We have players in the league whose families, let alone countries, are torn apart by war.
104. The thought of a day, let alone months, spent on board a narrow boat would fill her with horror.
105. I went, but my friend wouldn't speak to me, let alone come out to keep me company.
106. Such a modus operandi would be a severe task for an experienced campaigner, let alone a novice like Forbes.
107. This did not depend on majority let alone mass literacy.
108. But for the forgotten victims - the wives - there is little official recognition, let alone pressure for reform.
109. Illiterates have no hope at all of calculating the expense of local service, let alone long-distance calls.
110. We have only a limited capacity for checking the accuracy of many environmental monitoring results, let alone of predictions.
111. She had damn all in the way of information, let alone the illusion of town hall propaganda.
112. She could not walk to the shops as there was no guarantee she would arrive there,[http:///let alone.html] let alone walk back.
113. It's disappointing that Butman doesn't ask these questions, let alone provide answers.
114. Great swathes of the world don't even have electricity or roads, let alone an information superhighway.
115. Sometimes in a country parish there is no organ or other instrument, let alone some one to play it.
116. Hardly an inspirational notion, let alone a formula for improved customer relations.
117. And the place is a nut we're hardly likely to crack with an army, let alone this handful of us.
118. Many places have poor electricity, water, telecommunications and transportation systems, let alone high-tech factories.
119. He kept no pin-up on his locker, he was never seen writing a letter of any sort, let alone a love-missive.
120. It is very dangerous to be bitten by a centipede , let alone one so big!
121. He could barely keep body and soul together let alone support his family.
122. Some village schools have no tape recorders, let alone a multi - media player.
123. The suggestion comes amid doubts about Jobs'ability to running Apple, let alone a car company.
124. No one has ever catalogued them all, and it's doubtful that any of the plane's natives, let alone any other bean counter, has ever considered the effort worth the time and danger.
125. The unnamed paparazzo doesn't seem to care about his job, let alone Jarman, saying "I'm only a snapper."
126. As Alan Pardew said, you would struggle to see this sort of turnaround in a seven-a-side Sunday kick about, let alone in the Premier League.
127. But he didn't listen to me, and so, while I danced around him in pain, trying to persuade him to let alone the watch, he calmly did the shameful deed.
128. If only I could shag like that now, let alone in 50 years' time!
129. The European nation was not expecting to lose the war, let alone anticipate being burdened with payments that would reach into the next century.
130. First, the fat lady has yet to gargle, let alone sing, and we won't know our true 1967 - 1990 cost of funds until all losses from this period have been settled many decades from now.
131. He did not have enough money to have the tire patched up, let alone buy a new one.
132. No one likes being bossed or dictated to, let alone defeated.
133. There is no appetite to return to the moon, let alone push on to Mars, El Dorado of space exploration.
134. The offer rate increased to 25 rupees and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!
135. It is because everyday character traits, like all human behavior, have hard-wired and genetic components that cannot be molded entirely by the best environment, let alone the best psychotherapists.
136. However, the federal government had no experience in transporting large numbers of civilians, let alone their household effects, farming equipment, and livestock.
137. As for food, a lot of people even haven't heard of perfect nutriology, let alone nutriology of improvement.
138. Crucially, the search engine can provide answers without physically detecting (let alone cloning) the string of bits that encodes the questions and thus without knowing what the questions were.
139. In fact, think about that very right, even from an economic point of view, but also calculate the input-output ratio , let alone more complex than other things.
140. " We don't even have enough money to reward the matchmaker, let alone get married. "
141. There is no indication he had ever set eyes on a copy of Liber abbaci, let alone read it.
142. How could an untutored, untravelled glover's son from hickville, the argument goes, understand kings and courtiers, affairs of state, philosophy, law, music—let alone the noble art of falconry?
142. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
143. Darwin knew little about cells, let alone any pre-cellular "replicator".
144. No local government should be a shareholder in a private company, let alone a multinational, because a government's role is that of a vindicator of market regulation.
145. CCNP, this with respect to prep let alone, already the road by, exchange, it is 4 books remotely apart with erratum, each have 600-700 page originally (attention, what I say is English edition.
146. To accept your current quotation means a heavy loss to be incurred to us, let alone any financial profits.
147. My conclusion: he was too pathologically mean to turn the lights on, let alone redecorate.
148. The practicality of achieving this has, of course, not been considered, let alone the desirability.
149. Language barriers may cause cultural barriers between two Westerners, let alone when it happens between an Easterner and a Westerner.
150. He doesn't know what scruples are, let alone have any.
151. It is difficult for us to form correct and entire understanding if we didn' t compare System-Based Auditing and Risk-Oriented Auditing, let alone absorb and refer.
152. This makes it hard for operators to build brand loyalty, let alone sell premium services.
153. After all, it is not asthe perpetrators of these shenanigans were indigent, let alone indentured slaves.
154. Mr. Barret is not proficient in diagnosis, let alone investigation.
155. Our current old, piecemeal energy transmission capability is barely up to today's need let alone tomorrow's and I see no signs of private capital stepping in to do the job.
156. The Xiongnu people didn't maltreat Zhongyuan people, let alone killed them for sacrifice.
157. Text-editing software has to cope with a Western European legacy written into the very structure of old-style UNIX file systems, let alone terminal emulators or shell scripting languages.
158. We tend to snigger at anyone or anything that suggests we take sex too seriously, let alone explore the potential for sex to be mind-altering. 'In the West we diminish sex.
159. A man is rich in proportion to the number of thing which he can afford to let alone .
160. Martha said that what we see around us isn't as predictable as it seems to be—there's a whole sub-atomic level of life we can't see, let alone predict or fully understand.
161. All this proves there is no detente, let alone lasting peace in this world.
162. I will not imprison members of the same party in the same cell block, let alone the same cell.
163. I just use this form. Actually, overloading is reasonless , let alone you cannot figure out what's inside.
164. Only a small percentage of major crimes in Mexico are resolved through the capture, let alone conviction, of the persons responsible.
165. While documentation was certainly provided, the general populace never got the in-depth to really explore the nooks and crannies of the language, let alone write their own compiler.
166. For one thing, it's hard to believe that the Rube Goldberg financial engineering the statement proposes can really resolve the Greek crisis, let alone the wider European crisis.
167. In our country, has not promulgated the Civil Code, let alone the Commercial Code.
168. After the war began, political mobilization was very far from extensive, let alone thoroughgoing.
169. Pedants will find plenty to quibble in Mr Kaletsky's analysis the past , let alone his predictions.
170. We tend to snigger at anyone or anything that suggests we take sex too seriously, let alone explore the potential for sex to be mind-altering.
171. The hardware design makes it pretty clear that this is a purpose-built appliance, which is probably why this system costs less than the Kuro Box, let alone a regular computer.
172. Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want. Let alone learning english!
172. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
173. Instead of spending your evening dancing and meeting people that you would probably never talk to let alone rub up against, try heading out to dinner with some close friends.
174. But it reflects an out-of-date world order, not the current global balance, let alone a future one.
175. You had no grounds to detain Mr. Logan let alone disrobe him.
176. The thirsty Soviet may have had his choice of beverages -- soda water from a machine, kvass from a barrel -- but rarely, if ever, did these things come with a paper cup, let alone a plastic one.
177. A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.
178. BEIJING (Reuters) - It's time for markets to take a deep breath: the yuan will not become a reserve currency, let alone dethrone the dollar, this year, next year or any time soon.
179. They could see the pimply skin at her hairline and every knot in her frizz-hair that she hadn't taken the time to comb or run a brush through, let alone shampoo, for four, five days.
180. No less than a lot of women are furtive approbatory in that way, their husband does not know how to let them get at all basic, the sex with sufficient prep let alone was satisfied.
181. Without a strong and steady economic background, one could never imagine an easy and simple life, let alone an affluent and luxurious one.
182. The man can hardly pay house rent, let alone buy the house.
183. I think that's fair enough, really - they've worked themselves into the ground to avoid relegation and weren't far away from promotion , let alone clearing the drop zone!
184. Without the correct identification, capture, management, and presentation of information, you'd be hard pressed to make any decisions -- business, personal, or governmental -- let alone good ones.
185. Let alone Bob, Whose rear end looks something more like this, like swiss cheese.
186. They didn't even touch on that question, let alone discuss it.
187. Maximizing memory usage is one of the most important aspects in achieving optimal performance for any computing resource, let alone databases.
188. You have lots of opportunity to use the language with foreign staff and customers let alone with your co-workers.
189. And even if China does democratize, there is absolutely no guarantee that this will make life easier for the United States, let alone prolong America's global hegemony.
190. Yet I would never look at the table full of leftovers , let alone squirm over them.
191. Now they are playing opposition from another continent, let alone another European country.
192. Let alone those surrealistic combinations, violent and bloody scenes and the processing on the incomplete body, all of this come from the desire of destruction.
193. Many free software users are suspicious of comparatively benign automatic survey tools like the Debian Popularity Contest or Smolt, let alone something that takes control from their hands.
194. George VI's predecessors had no fear of the microphone, let alone the live radio address; they could command attention by appearing astride their horses.
195. I didn't do biology O-level , so I have not even the smallest grasp of the nutritional properties of plants and seeds, let alone animals.
196. Most consumers have never heard of beefalo, let alone tasted it, and only a few Seattle grocery stores carry it.
197. All Georgia wanted was to be let alone so the state could recuperate.
198. The new film's lukewarm reception , let alone the current economic climate, make it a tall order.
199. A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.
200. Body scanners, sexual assault patdowns, censorship laws, seizure of property without even a notice (let alone a court order or conviction), even without doing or having done anything illegal.
201. Some Guyanese are unable to walk or even stand, let alone work.
202. So even if you open-book examination, you are not likely to test well, let alone such things.
203. Most nations lack a single velodrome, let alone access to state-of-the-art wind tunnels.
204. Love is a telephone which is seldom program-controlled or directly dialed. You can not get an immediate answer by a mere "hello", let alone go deep into your lover's heart by one cal.
205. He designed her self-immolation of death of letting nature take its course, the old things must be dead, let alone such a poisonous woman.
206. For years the university did not provide pensions for staff, let alone dependents.
207. But it is necessary for us to let alone these flatteries, and make a dialectical thinking to these education skills of multimedia , network, intelligence.
208. That's something we humans have trouble enough with, let alone a single-celled organism without a neuron to call its own.
209. One can not make nucleic acids in the laboratory, from non-living material, let alone RNA.
210. The Treasury played down suggestions that it was making emergency contingency plans to shore up Lloyds let alone nationalise the bank.
211. The doll-like figures in these stories are unlike anybody, let alone oneself.
212. That all other districts were looted And this one this time let alone.




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