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单词 trump
释义  Related topics: Cardstrump1 /trʌmp/ noun  1  trumps [plural] (also trump American English)DGC the suit (=one of the four types of cards in a set) chosen to have a higher value than the other suits in a particular card game 〔纸牌戏中的〕王牌花色 Hearts are trumps. 红桃是王牌。2. [countable] (also trump card)DGC a card from the suit that has been chosen to have a higher value than the other suits in a particular game 〔纸牌戏中的〕王牌,将牌3  trump card something that you can do or use in a situation, which gives you an advantage 王牌,绝招,杀手锏 But then he decided to play his trump card (=use his advantage). 不过他决定使出他的杀手锏。 They hold all the trump cards (=have things which could give them an advantage). 他们掌握着所有的王牌。4  come/turn up trumps SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto provide what is needed, especially unexpectedly and at the last moment 〔尤在最后时刻意外地〕提供需要之物 Paul came up trumps and managed to borrow a car for us. 保罗及时伸出援手,为我们借到了一辆汽车。Examples from the Corpustrump• Spades are trump.• We had beaten him, but he played a final trump card.• Why, produce her trump card.• Adversity is the regime's natural habitat, and in dealing with its own populace its one moral trump.• In return, it promised not to play its one trump card - water.• The citizens of Hebron, by contrast, hold all the trump cards.• Parents must recognize that if a child does not want to do homework, the child holds the trump card.Related topics: Cardstrump2 verb [transitive]  1. DGCto play a trump that beats someone else’s card in a game 〔纸牌戏中〕打出王牌赢〔别人的牌〕2  to do better than someone else in a situation when people are competing with each other 赢,胜过,打败 By wearing a simple but stunning dress, she had trumped them all. 她穿了一条简单却惊艳的裙子,力压群芳。3 trump something ↔ up phrasal verb SCTRICK/DECEIVEto use false information to make someone seem guilty of doing something wrong 伪造 〔罪名〕,假造〔罪证〕 They had trumped the whole thing up to get rid of him. 他们捏造了整个事实以便除掉他。 —trumped-up adjective Dissidents were routinely arrested on trumped-up charges. 持不同政见者经常因莫须有的罪名而被捕。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustrump• In the contest for national ascendancy, motherhood appeared to be trumping arms-bearing.• Benckiser trumped Green's bid to buy the company.• A family's decision for a woman to marry trumps her own decision to participate politically.• When state department analysts are asked for their opinions, however, pragmatism will probably trump ideology.• That easily trumped the 23 percent winnings turned in by the overall market.• That you have trumped this up.• Anxious to avoid indictment, peasants trumped up charges against their neighbors, while others accused their rivals of imaginary crimes.trump1 nountrump2 verbChinese  cards the the Corpus suit of (=one types four of




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