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单词 Immense
1. What we are ignorant of is immense
2. She gazed at the immense expanse of the sea.
3. The immense pressure causes the rock to fracture.
4. They made an immense improvement in English.
5. To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap.
6. He made an immense amount of money in business.
7. Winning the prize carries immense prestige.
8. The sea was rolling in immense surges.
9. With immense relief I stopped running.
10. There is no doubt that Bohr's influence was immense.
11. The Church wields immense power in Ireland.
12. They spent an immense amount of time getting the engine into perfect condition.
13. An immense volume of rocks and molten lava was erupted.
14. People who travel by rail still read an immense amount.
15. The expense of living is immense.
16. The professor was revered for his immense learning.
17. To my immense relief, he didn't notice my mistake.
18. The sun is an immense globe.
19. Her services to the state have been immense.
20. The idea aroused immense enthusiasm among party workers.
21. He has had to surmount immense physical disabilities.
22. She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth.
23. This island country commands immense natural resources.
24. The town takes immense pride in recent achievements.
25. His immense enthusiasm carried us all along.
26. The political fallout of the revelations has been immense.
27. The photos are of immense historical value.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. His services to the State have been immense.
29. The psychological effects on the United States were immense and in Washington the wounds have still not fully healed.
30. When the first settlers moved into the area they faced immense hardships.
1. She gazed at the immense expanse of the sea.
2. The immense pressure causes the rock to fracture.
3. They made an immense improvement in English.
4. To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap.
5. He made an immense amount of money in business.
6. Winning the prize carries immense prestige.
7. With immense relief I stopped running.
8. There is no doubt that Bohr's influence was immense.
9. The Church wields immense power in Ireland.
10. They spent an immense amount of time getting the engine into perfect condition.
11. An immense volume of rocks and molten lava was erupted.
12. When the first settlers moved into the area they faced immense hardships.
13. People who travel by rail still read an immense amount.
14. The expense of living is immense.
15. The sun is an immense globe.
31. The rose was chosen as the star flower because of its immense popularity.
32. My grandfather got immense pleasure out of life until the end.
33. Dealing with children who are so damaged calls for immense tact and sensitivity.
34. Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone.
35. The western world has contributed to the immense amount of suffering in underdeveloped countries.
36. If it had hit the Earth, it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust.
37. The camera must be strong enough to resist the immense water pressure at depth.
38. With the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructure is more or less rapidly transformed.
39. I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy Davis for her immense practical help.
40. She was able to draw on her immense inner strength.
41. The benefits are immense.
42. I think our main feeling would be of an immense gratitude.
43. Many of these sites?of immense scientific interest?are not legally protected.
44. The film depicts immense courage amid the horrors of war.
45. There is still an immense amount of work to be done.
46. Male speaker Chiefly there's a feeling of immense relief.
47. Culture gained immense advantage from this linguistic asset.
48. Migrating birds cover immense distances every winter.
49. Who can fail to admire such immense success?
50. Yet from that very still place immense power emerges.
51. Such dating methods are still of immense value today.
52. Ethically directed, the potential for doing good is immense.
53. The holocaust is an immense and vile red herring.
54. The crowning glory is the immense terminal.
55. It requires the highest ethical standards and immense skill.
56. Squids grow to an immense size.
57. The casualty list was 307, and the devastation immense.
58. The heat and glare of the furnace is immense.
59. In the Gulf war the United Nations played a part of immense importance.
60. Mr Lamont declared the Tories stuck to their election pledges but he faces immense pressure to balance the books.
61. The area covered is 270,000 square feet of which the immense central hall occupied 79 feet by 183 feet.
62. His general attitude is one of an untiring and immense courtesy and helpfulness.
63. Open space has come under immense pressures from developments such as housing and road building, or neglected due to lack of resources.
64. It is a land of immense potential, but it could easily fall to pieces. Debt forgiveness would be a start.
65. The dislocations caused by the World War and the Civil War were immense in terms of human lives.
66. Yet the schools in which this coming together of parent and teacher in the service of children occurred had immense benefits.
67. To their immense relief and great pleasure it played to capacity audiences.
68. No great torrents of water, no spectacular waterfalls, no deafening roars of waters disgorging their immense might.
69. The infusion of desire that rushed her was so immense that she obeyed instantly, drawing her legs up to his hips.
70. A three-storeyed neo-classical frontage of immense length, the ground level is in grey stone, the upper storeys in pale ochre.
71. Some grew to a length of two metres and were armed with immense pincers with which they seized smaller creatures.
72. They stood in fascinated awe as the immense panelled surface slid past.
73. It's helping them to understand the immense pressures on them to stay for ever in the closet.
74. High above the immense trees which shadowed the river a magnificent golden eagle soared in slow circles.
75. He had been given and had himself taken an immense amount out of that mining culture.
76. Weather satellite images of the area taken from synchronous orbit show an immense circular area of dense clouds above the impact site.
77. His campaign machine, oiled by his immense wealth, was superbly efficient under the management of his brother, Robert.
78. And travelling maintenance crews may not turn up from one year to the next because of the immense areas they have to cover.
79. His success will be of immense importance to each and every Bank Official in the future.
80. The potential for abuse in such a system is immense.
81. About the immense difficulty that would undoubtedly be experienced by rescue teams.
82. During the approaching round the time would come, inevitably, when he would have to play a shot under immense pressure.
83. All round the church are chapels at two levels, set between the buttresses and in the immense thickness of the walls.
84. Also, that in spite of the immense price difference between various designs, the basic china was of exactly the same high standard.
85. They returned, like astronauts from the moon, with stories of immense craters and chasms.
86. 60 million years ago, the whole area was an immense desert.
87. If so, an immense difference would arise in decisions on right and wrong between Bentham and Mill.
87. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
88. The Profitboss therefore puts an immense amount of work into determining his final position prior to the negotiation.
89. The performance was immense.
90. It was as an administrator that he gave immense service.
91. Even so, the Peace of Paris of 1763 was bound to produce an immense number of acquisitions of territory for Britain.
92. Holford House now had a knobbly look, the immense chimneys standing inside roofless walls, covered in thick blankets of ivy.
93. Only great eagerness to learn, on the part of the people, will make it possible to overcome immense difficulties here.
94. Through the hydraulic doors, I could see the lush green lawn that stretched languidly across an immense parking lot.
95. The gap between the linguistic creativity of even the most intelligent ape and even the most backward of human beings is immense.
96. But still I feel that one more thing of immense value must have been taken away with that wagon.
97. He loves his county and has taken immense pride in the wholesale jubilation at the football team's success.
98. The car trip through the cold and darkness felt like an immense journey to me.
99. Taylor pointed out that Mattel already has immense advertising, marketing and distribution muscle.
100. At first, I thought it was because of his immense size.
101. I had the immense and delicate task of restoring confidence in Kambawe.
102. More than that, they were searching for a tiny trickle in an immense sea.
103. It is however, of immense importance, so to speak, from another angle.
104. Like the Council, we place immense importance on the outcome of last year's Earth Summit.
105. The golden strength was coursing through her, and with it an immense and unstoppable confidence.
106. Not badly at all, given the immense difficulty of restoring credibility to Labour as a party of government.
107. The pressures to perform were immense and their careers were on the line: They expect me to hit the ground running.
108. The impact on the rich cultural diversity of communities all around the world is immense.
109. But he had an immense capacity for rows, and fell out with everybody sooner or later.
110. The work of Ptolemy thus took on immense value because of its utility.
111. But disasters like Blake and the Berlin tunnel do immense damage to the morale of intelligence agencies.
112. This type of welfare can have immense benefit not only to the child but to the family as a whole.
113. Five myths about exercise Given the immense benefits of exercise, why do so many students try to avoid it?
114. The carrier, glowing through the night with its immense burden of radioactivity, is too hot to handle.
115. With recycling and an adequate source of power, this immense population is sustainable into the indefinite future.
116. Their influence on fiction, immense as it has been, is evidently only part of a larger pattern of social influence.
117. It seems prodigious, immense, far greater than the social forces that mold generations.
117. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
118. These attributes clearly included immense potential for societal and cultural modification in relation to economic exploitation of the environment.
119. Hearing them live, you realised that their voices have immense power as well as great beauty.
120. The violent citizens sought to kill or abduct the Pope when Barbarossa refused to pay them an immense bribe.
121. I felt immense loss and immense satisfaction at the same time.
122. The immense dumbbell-shape drew closer, almost languidly there out a wide-focus tractor beam, and anchored our two ships together.
123. Although from time to time you may find it hard to believe, this is a year of immense personal growth.
124. Yet it is very simple to prepare and offers immense satisfaction for those who follow some simple guidelines.
125. A full volley will rip through the toughest regiment causing immense casualties in the blink of an eye.
126. He gazed for a long time at the Prime Minister's empty chair, exulting in his own immense power.
127. But behind this bleak image is a country of colour and immense cultural diversity.
128. Your family, if you have one, can be an immense source of support and comfort.
129. It was so immense it did not twist like the others but in supreme majesty made its way down the turbulent chute.
130. However, out work carries immense potential, even more far-reaching than our own lives.
131. Whilst the consequences of these changes may be hotly debated, their marketing impact on business enterprises has been immense.
132. Still, there is an immense income disparity between the largest cities, Jakarta and Soerabaya, and rural areas.
133. It was with immense relief that he drove in and killed the engine.
134. They do an immense amount of work which is frequently unsung or unnoticed.
135. But the achievement of all those goals will require an immense effort, and will not come without tears.
136. The Isolation Plant is an immense underground catacomb of storage cells.
137. He could sense an immense power enveloping the planet, and knew his death was only hours away.
138. Efforts of this kind, considerable though they were, could not solve the immense housing problem.
139. The Czech coup had another immediate result with immense long-range consequences.
140. The verdict came as an immense relief for Mr Major, who put his job on the line over the Maastricht Treaty.
141. The immense size and power of the Government of the United States ought not obscure its fundamental character.
142. The Metropolitan Grill is relatively immense; no fewer than three dining areas divide the space.
143. That sense is still lacking on the World Wide Web, despite its immense popularity.
144. A magic-wielding character of immense power, the Great Enchanter lived for untold centuries.
145. At these words, immense relief flooded me as the burden of lies I had helped create lifted off my shoulders.
146. Can we understand and harness the immense energy of the Sun?
147. It required an immense effort from the Kop defence and midfield to contain the visitors.
148. And an immense fire escape, erected when the house was transformed into apartments in the 1940s,(http:///immense.html) decorated the front exterior.
149. One where the fuel weighed very little but delivered an immense amount of power.
150. Suddenly, the immense wall of molten lava bearing down from Mount Etna on to their doorsteps came to a halt.
151. Vertical pitches descend 250 feet to an immense cavern, second in dimensions only to the chamber in Gaping Gill.
152. On arrival in the New World, Tawell's wife found that her husband had amassed an immense fortune.
153. It was only a dim personification: something vague and immense which with its motion brought about change and therefore was alive.
154. The mounting of school productions and active involvement in community or touring theatre initiatives are thus of immense value.
155. Hierarchy has added immense value to the world, and pundits who call for its demise are either fools or cynics.
156. He loved the country deeply. Beneath his bluff exterior was an immense austerity.
157. Only fragments remain but these show the immense size of the building, over 400 feet in length.
158. Man is so constructed that such isolation is too immense to conceive and the young cabin boy loses his rational faculties.
159. It bears repeating that the photograph opens up an immense visual field.
160. From the ground floor of the church the viewer absorbs the impact of the immense church.
161. The United States had towns and industries that were already flourishing; it also had immense powers of persuasion and assimilation.
162. The outer provinces still possessed immense stretches where atomic power had not yet been re-introduced.
163. It is no denigration of his immense achievement to point to these real difficulties which it raises.
164. Dunne went down the stairs they had just come up into an immense smoke-filled room.
165. Yet, if one really considers it, what is at stake is of immense importance,[] and can not be ignored.
166. Debates were abandoned in the 1964, 1968 and 1972 campaigns, largely because of candidates' concerns about their immense impact.
167. It's an immense price to pay for hardwood doors, windows, coffins and plywood.
168. Hamilton was one of those unfortunate men who have inherited immense wealth but not a lot more.
169. Loren Carpenter boots up the ancient video game of Pong on to the immense screen.
170. This demonstrates the immense importance of the detector in the overall performance of the zoned system.
171. He reiterated, with immense care and deliberation, why it was that Sien had come to mean so much to him.
172. At Christmas the pressure to sit down and eat with others is immense.
173. He must have had immense courage because so much was required of him at such an early age.
174. Once again an immense amount of credit had been earned by Alec Stewart.
175. The immense surrogate slave power released by the steam engine ushered in the Industrial Revolution.
176. De Pomiane's output was immense - some dozen cookery books, countless scores of articles, broadcasts, lectures.
177. These pilot studies are often of immense value in the design of more systematic and more extensive social surveys.
178. Yet, the culture had an immense appeal to me(), and I wanted to blend in and belong to it.
179. Childebert's dux Guntram Boso is said to have captured an immense amount of gold and silver when Gundovald fled from Avignon.
180. In 1945 there was immense confidence in the civic and administrative institutions of government.
181. He is under immense pressure to freeze benefit increases in the coming year for the jobless, the infirm, and pensioners.
182. The fact that it doesn't cause you immense emotional pain doesn't mean you're not committed to it.
183. Perhaps we are born with an immense desire for knowledge, which can be obtained from books.
184. The discovery that the budget was short by $9 million caused immense problems.
185. This ensures that the pilot does not use the immense power of hydraulically operated controls to over-stress the structure of his aeroplane.
186. He showed immense physical courage in fighting the illness which left him unable to walk again unaided.
187. I thoroughly recommend it as of immense value to students at every level.
187. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
188. Which came first and why should there be such an immense variety?
189. Petra Arroyos found immense pleasure in books and wanted her grandchildren to share that joy.
190. There is an immense amount of space, an intoxicating amount.
191. At the same time, if governing poses few political problems, its administrative problems are immense.
192. In high spirits, his father was talking about the immense advances made in forensic science in recent years.
193. Immense carmine portraits of Marx, Engels and Lenin were hoisted as witnesses and validators of the pageant.
194. The sky was so immense it swallowed the landscape, but the land swallowed up the provenance of the sky.
195. I was also gratified by the immense good will and friendship towards Britain which I encountered on all sides.
196. In either case, its initialling at Maastricht by Heads of Government on 10 December 1991 was an event of immense importance.
197. Each fragment's immense kinetic energy was transform into heat.
198. The porch is supported by six immense pillars.
199. He took the book, to Paul's immense chagrin, and began the copying himself.
200. And so the Greek cities showed immense powers of absorption.
201. The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.
202. He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.
203. We are not in this to reap immense financial rewards.
204. Operating on the borderline of superconductivity and ordinary conductivity, they produce immense amplification.
205. I'd seen it before in people who held immense power.
206. The great vault brightened, like the dome of an immense lamp.




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