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单词 Jellyfish
1. You can get a nasty sting from a jellyfish.
2. Some types of jellyfish have a powerful sting.
3. The sting of a jellyfish is very painful.
4. Her husband is a perfect jellyfish.
5. They look rather like elongated jellyfish and appear to have no structural virtues.
6. Like jellyfish, they have only one opening to their gut through which they both take in food and eject waste.
7. Between these, a hundred jellyfish as delicate and as translucent as rose petals pulsate like butterflies.
8. Those waters remained the domain of the jellyfish and other floating invertebrates.
9. I can feel myself dissolving where the jellyfish stings me.
10. But afraid of the stinging jellyfish that shimmered, ghostlike, underneath the surface, I never even tried.
11. Tofu by texture is what jellyfish are made of, all soft and squishy and unearthly.
12. Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria.
13. How many jellyfish can you see? One, two, three!
14. A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.
15. A jellyfish crop circle in Kingston Coombes, Oxfordshire.
16. A jellyfish is a spineless animal.
17. Dory, That a jellyfish! Bad Squishy!
18. After an hour, my hands turned limp, like free-swimming jellyfish puckered in little wrinkles and folds along the fingertips.
19. Though not as deadly as the sea wasp, this jellyfish can cause severe irritation if it stings a human.
20. You can see his bones through his warty hide, like a jellyfish, like an X-ray.
21. The little-known sea wasp, in spite of its name, is actually a jellyfish.
22. There are also stinging cells with coiled threads inside them, the unique possessions of the jellyfish tribe.
23. I was going for a swim, until the people in the hotel warned me about the jellyfish.
24. Grant starts the motor and makes soup of the jellyfish.
25. But its live counterpart does not glow, even though tests show the jellyfish genes are present.
26. These species float near the surface of the water on their feathery extended tentacles and hunt jellyfish.
27. There they give just the same protection to their new owners as they did to the jellyfish that developed them.
28. Life is a beautiful magnificent thing, even to a jellyfish. Charlie Chaplin 
29. The simplest creatures to possess these physical characteristics are the jellyfish and their relatives.
30. Waves of anger jolted through him and his face seemed suddenly magnified while it flattened like a jellyfish.
1. You can get a nasty sting from a jellyfish.
31. Researchers have discovered a potential new species of comb, or ctenophore , jellyfish near ...
32. And that predator is the giant ocean sunfish, the Mola mola, whose primary prey are jellyfish.
33. This picture shows that the fishermen are conveying jellyfish in Lushun Salt Pan.
34. Dr Yun plumped instead for a chemical called Green Flourescent Protein (GFP), the substance responsible for making certain species of jellyfish glow in the dark.
35. Rather, its rainbow glow emanates from light reflecting off the creature's cilia, small hairlike projections that beat simultaneously to move the jellyfish through the water.
36. GFP is a well-studied molecule, first isolated from jellyfish, that has revolutionised biology by acting as a custom-made "torch" that can light up living systems on command.
37. In the adult, or medusa stage of a jellyfish, they can reproduce sexually by releasing sperm and eggs into the water, forming a planula.
38. The outer layer a diploblastic animal, such as a jellyfish.
39. Physalia was inspired by the " Physalia physalis " jellyfish, whose name translates roughly to "Water Bubble".
40. Do not eat jellyfish. Or fish that have spikes. Or fish that have parrot like beaks. Of that puff up like balloons.
41. Studies of the bioluminescent mechanisms of jellyfish to date have focused primarily one species , Aequorea victoria.
42. You'll find the Mola mola in warm and temperate zones of all oceans. It eats fishes, zoa plankton, and jellyfish.
43. The annual output of the aquatic product reaches 250,000 tons including sea cucumber, prawn, clam, sea worm, oyster, conch, crab, Spanish mackerel, jellyfish etc.
44. This gene enables the jellyfish to glow with the bioluminescent protein aequorin.
45. Besides large waves, the harsh chafing of salt water and jellyfish(), the passage between Florida and Cuba is full of sharks. But Nyad plans to swim without protection from a shark cage.
46. Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. They are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. Many jellies are so transparent that they are almost impossible to see.
47. Thus, Palau Jellyfish Lake has the world's only non - toxic jellyfish.
48. In the Catalonia region and the Balearic islands – both hugely popular with British and German tourists – officials said this summer has been relatively quiet on the jellyfish front.
49. Last October, scientists field-tested a cotton pest called the pink bollworm moth, carrying a test gene for a glowing jellyfish protein.
50. Sponges , jellyfish and corals were joined by bony fish, scorpions and trilobites.
51. The scientists say they injected a green glowing protein found in jellyfish into fertilized marmoset eggs.
52. Jellyfish are one of the most well - known colonial organisms.
53. Nomura's jellyfish first arrived in Japanese waters in 2005 when fisherman out looking for anchovies, salmon and yellowtail began finding large numbers of the gelatinous creatures in their nets.
54. When a cloud starts producing rain or snow, but none of it reaches the ground, the result is a virga. Because trails hang down from a clumpy cloud,[http://] virgas are known as jellyfish tails.
55. Co-ordination: a nerve net is present which co-ordinates swimming of jellyfish and other behavior.
56. Among other things, he was famous for a jellyfish a hat.
57. Jellyfish drift in the frigid waters of Alaska's Inside Passage.
58. "Jellyfish are an excellent bellwether for the environment, " said Jacqueline Goy , of the Oceanographic Institute of Paris. "The more jellyfish, the stronger the signal that something has changed.
59. The material used in the latest work is the green fluorescent protein (GFP), which is found in the jellyfish Aequorea victoria and has been used to image live cells since the 1960s.
60. So how long will it be before we can become jellyfish - like immortals?
61. In addition, honey, jellyfish, holothurian, wild rice stem, celery, vinegar, medlar , water chest nut to falling blood pressure has certain effect.
62. The zooplankton, which encompass a wide range of little organisms from single-cell protozoa to creatures such as jellyfish, krill and copepods, provide the basic link in the ocean food chain.
63. One of tourist attractions that handkerchief fatigue has distinguishing feature most are acaleph lake, have the unique avirulent jellyfish on the world.
64. Larger migrators include the shrimp-like krill, animals that resemble small shell-less snails and jellyfish, and other fascinating creatures.
65. While surveying the Red Sea reefs in Israel, scientists found a mushroom coral munching on a moon jellyfish.
66. Box jellyfish have remarkably sophisticated eyes with lenses and retinas.
67. Today, I was at the beach near my vacation home in Australia, and grabbed what I thought was a plastic bag, which turned out to be a very deadly jellyfish.
68. One capsized after the jellyfish became entangled in its nets.
69. The conclusion: the gel of detoxication and alleviating itch has an evident anti-inflammatory and alleviate itching effects, and the curative effect with it curing jellyfish dermatitis is conspicuous.
70. Includes SpongeBob , Squidward , Patrick , and Gary minifigures, plus plenty of jellyfish!
71. Researchers have discovered a potential new species of comb, or ctenophore, jellyfish near the Ryukyu Trench near Japan.
72. The turritopsis nutricula species of jellyfish may be the only animal in thethe fountain of youth.
73. The jellyfish in the picture was found in the Celebes Sea near the Philippines .
74. Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria . They are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea.
75. It is this form that grows into the adult medusa jellyfish.
76. WASHINGTON - In a surprising discovery about where higher life can thrive, scientists for the first time found a shrimp-like creature and a jellyfish frolicking beneath a massive Antarctic ice sheet.
77. This has allowed jellyfish become the lower reaches of the chain.
78. According to conventional thinking, simple animals, including sponges, jellyfish and corals, evolved step-by-step in a linear fashion into those with more complex bodies, such as mammals.
79. Jellyfish, South Africa, 2003 Photograph by David Doubilet A Catostylus species jellyfish seems frozen in place in this split-level view off the coast of South Africa.
80. How did Marlin manage to escape from the forest of jellyfish?
81. If we're going to save the world from total jellyfish domination, then we've got to figure out what the jellyfish predators -- how they live their lives, like the Mola.
82. Iodic much consist in is marine in using a plant, wait to contain rich iodine like shrimp of sea fish, sea, jellyfish, kelp, laver.
83. Often mistaken for a jellyfish, the Portuguese man-of-war is actually made up of a colony of organisms working together.
84. Jellyfish are part of the Cnidaria group, along with anemones and corals – about 5 per cent of the total.
85. The moon jellyfish are, in fact, just about everywhere, including Mexico, Alaska and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. They include the stinging Portuguese man-of-war.
86. It was an omnivorous grazer , sweeping up drifting fish , jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants .
87. Catostylus species jellyfish seems frozen in place in this split-level view off the coast of South Africa.
88. The body of an adult jellyfish is a bell-shaped, jellylike substance enclosing its internal structure, from which the creature's tentacles suspend.
89. Jellyfish come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.
90. Given impressive-sounding names like "Portuguese man-of-war," jellyfish are certainly respected and feared by humans.
91. This animal is in "The Guinness World Book of Records" for being the world's heaviest bony fish. It reaches up to almost 5, 000 pounds -- on a diet of jellyfish, primarily.
92. The box jellyfish has killed more people in Australia than stonefish, sharks and crocodiles combined.
93. Supervision of food safety should be further strengthened, especially for the producing, processing and marketing of jellyfish and twisted cruller stalls.
94. Are jellyfish and prawn mixed what is raising a technology?
95. The jellyfish sting actually comes from tiny nematocysts on the jellyfish body.
96. A nerve net is present which co-ordinates swimming of jellyfish and other behavior.
97. There are well - known Ruiyun Temple, jellyfish Temple, Yong - owned kiosks, as Ha Temple.
98. "slippery strange") as a marine creature found in the Seto Inland Sea, often seen bobbing around on the surface of the water like some sort of giant jellyfish or octopus.
99. Box Jelly fish - The box jellyfish is considered the world's most venomous marine creature.
100. Taken with the G11. Without strobe or built-in flash. The sun when placed behind the jellyfish and the "sunburst" effect was achieved.
101. Irrigation madman when referring to women,[Sentence dictionary] there are specific name: jellyfish.
102. Chrysaora fuscescens is a type of jellyfish found in coastal waters from Alaska to California.




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