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单词 golden
释义  Related topics: Colours, Elementsgold·en /ˈɡəʊldən $ ˈɡoʊl-/ ●●● W3 adjective  1  CChaving a bright yellow colour like gold 金色的,金黄色的 golden hair 金发 golden sand 金色的沙2  a golden opportunity CHANCE/OPPORTUNITYa good chance to get something valuable or to be very successful 良机,绝好的机会 He wasted a golden opportunity when he missed from the penalty spot. 他罚球没有命中,浪费了一个绝佳的机会。3  golden boy/girl SUCCESSFULsomeone who is popular and successful 金童/玉女 Hollywood’s golden girl, Julia Roberts 好莱坞玉女朱莉娅·罗伯茨4  [only before noun]HAPPY a golden period of time is one of great happiness or success 〔时期〕幸福美好的,非常成功的golden years/days etc the golden years of childhood 幸福美好的童年 the golden age of radio 无线电的黄金时期5  somebody is golden American English spoken informal used to say that someone is in a very good situation and is likely to be successful 某人有希望了 If the right editor looks at your article, you’re golden. 如果正好有慧眼识人的编辑看中你的文章,你就有希望了。6  HCM literary made of gold 金子的,金质的 a golden crown 金冠冕Examples from the Corpusgolden• Bake in a pre-heated oven for 40 min until golden.• The tops will brown before the glazed bottom so let the buns bake until the tops are a deep golden brown.• Sensing the audience craving for that golden era, the band played it up.• Every leaf was picked out in golden radiance.• She lay on the bed and pulled the coverlet up over herself and the golden Satan shone behind her closed eyes.• a golden statue• golden sunlight• I once dreamt of her as an angel with golden wings.golden years/days etc• The oil crisis alone could not have shattered the confidence which capitalists felt during most of the golden years.• There were exaggerated expectations for one thing, a more or less inevitable consequence of those golden years.• Every long table is filled with oldsters in their golden years costumes-juvenile ensembles of short pants, shirts, and sneakers.• The 1960s were expansive, golden years for the television networks.• In the golden days of cinema, feuds often erupted between roguish directors and powerful studio heads.• During these golden years of instruction, parents can make a world of difference by staying engaged and supportive.• Nifty reputation Low-key, approachable and diffident, Matheny was the daddy during the golden days of Southwestern College art.• Where were the golden days which Paris and Chicago and Grosvenor Square had promised them?gold·en adjectiveChineseSyllable  colour yellow Corpus gold having bright like a




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