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单词 darned
释义  darned /dɑːnd $ dɑːrnd/ adjective spoken informal  1  I’ll be darned! spoken informal SURPRISEDused when you are surprised about something 真没想到!〔表示吃惊〕 Did they really? I’ll be darned! 他们真的这样做了?我简直不敢相信!2. I’ll be darned if ... spoken informal used to emphasize that you will not allow something to happen 我决不允许…3. darned if I know spoken informal used to emphasize that you do not know something 我要是知道才怪呢Examples from the Corpusdarned• Seems the boy was flying too low, hit one of those darned electricity cables.• Perhaps, after all, a general election is only the sublimation of a darned good riot.• We were a darned sight better than them.• But you're all going to have to work a darned sight harder.• He saw now that they only wanted the darned things for analysis.darned adjectiveChinese  when are about you Corpus surprised used something




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