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单词 glamorous
释义  glam·or·ous /ˈɡlæmərəs/ ●○○ adjective  BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGEXCITEDattractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success 有魅力的,令人向往的,奢华的 She led an exciting and glamorous life. 她生活奢华,充满刺激。 the most glamorous neighborhood in the city 城里最繁华的街区 On television, she looks so glamorous. 她在电视里看上去光彩照人。Examples from the Corpusglamorous• On television she looks so beautiful and glamorous.• On television she was so beautiful and glamorous, and here she looked so tired and almost old.• Both pictured a glamorous brunette, at least a dozen years older than herself.• glamorous clothes• glamorous Hollywood movie stars of the 1950s• Want to buy underpriced apartments in a glamorous location that has few vacancies and little competition from new construction?• It specialises in giving everyday people a glamorous look that would do the cover of any top fashion magazine proud.• Yet the woman who finds a genuinely protective mate in a less glamorous man may still feel romantically deprived.• The picture showed a glamorous young woman sitting in a sports car.glam·or·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  and to wealth success attractive, Corpus and exciting, related




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