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单词 Referring
1 You know who I'm referring to.
2 She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes.
3 Referring to children's friends as girlfriends and boyfriends sexualizes them.
4 Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer's'proud demesne '.
5 He gave the speech without referring to his notes.
6 You know perfectly well what I am referring to.
7 I imagine you're referring to Jean-Paul Sartre.
8 No referring back to books or notes!
9 My doctor is referring me to a dermatologist.
10 Can you act out this scene without referring to the text?
11 Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
12 She deliberately muddied the waters by constantly referring to other irrelevant cases.
13 He kept referring to Wehman as a tragedian.
14 I am referring to collecting information.
15 Was the old nun referring to hands?
16 Y., referring to the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.
17 Hypertrophy Increase in size when referring to skin cells.
18 The Foreign Secretary opened his speech by referring to the monumental events that now surround us.
19 He says he actually was referring to loans that surpass the equity of the homes, not home-equity loans in general.
20 He spared us both by referring me to eye-witness accounts published by Amnesty International.
21 Logan said, referring to the Colorado Avalanche star whose $ 21-million contract upped the ante for Kariya.
22 Tex Slampacker was referring to yet another man-made ecological disaster.
23 The media avoided referring to the human tragedy of war.
24 When I said some people are stupid, I wasn't referring to you.
25 Although she didn't mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.
26 Its truth-value does not depend on whether there actually occurred the happy event referred to by the second referring expression.
27 A number of people were walking quietly to and fro, studying the architecture, referring to guide-books and conversing in low voices.
28 A stranger would not have known to write the three-page note referring to the business dealings of John Ramsey.
29 So when our Lord spoke about the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand, he was referring to its being qualitatively present.
30 The principle of waveform detection using motional voltage can be illustrated by referring to a three.phase variable.reluctance stepping motor with one-phase-on excitation.
1 You know who I'm referring to.
2 She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes.
3 Referring to children's friends as girlfriends and boyfriends sexualizes them.
4 Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer's'proud demesne '.
5 No referring back to books or notes!
6 Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
31 The price must be clearly legible to a prospective purchaser and clearly identifiable as referring to the goods in question.
32 Mr Gow made it clear that he was not referring to small men in any literal sense.
33 The two notes referring to James Island suggest that he has just started to identify different species by their specific island localities.
34 Referring back to the aggregate supply curve derivation in Fig. 10-5, it is that is usually attributed to the Keynesians.
35 We believe strongly, however, that the term prevention should not be used when referring to abortion.
36 The reports produced to date are internal documents, and only those referring to botany need be mentioned here.
37 Samaranch did not elaborate, but he may have been referring to a more high-powered device to detect illegal substances.
38 To this end the workshop began by referring to the information leaflet which accompanied the workshop.
39 Indeed, the embassy will certainly be represented at the forthcoming trials to which I think the hon. Gentleman is referring.
40 The former health secretary brushed aside talk of a demotion by referring to himself as the new Minister for Majorism.
41 We're not referring to discreet overviews of the local naturists either!
42 The Domesday Group had also predicted the terrible slime slick to which Slampacker was referring.
43 What I have been referring to vaguely as the knowledge system, Fodor calls the central systems.
44 Face an abbreviation for typeface referring to a family in a given style.
45 I am not referring to adhoc arrangements or short-term palliatives.
46 Among snatches of conversation, both of us remember his referring to the underground as being rather like hell.
47 He becomes extremely sarcastic, referring several times to Brutus' honour.
48 We instinctively understood that de Niro was referring to Taxi Driver, even in this much later movie and it's funny.
49 She knew exactly what he meant, could recall in graphic detail the event to which he was referring.
50 We discuss the computer program in rather anthropomorphic terms, referring successively to the talents personality and style of the computer program.
51 Don Shepperd told the news conference, referring to the fighter pilots involved in the two encounters.
52 When referring to an individual, including yourself, never use the word 'just'. Gordon B. Hinckley 
53 Referring clinicians gave permission for this to be carried out and the study was approved by the local Hospital Ethical Committee.
54 At the time he'd thought she was referring to his slaying of the two men-at-arms.
55 I am referring here to the recent growth in economic analysis of politics and law.
56 The referring doctors included trainee general practitioners and locums as well as the partners.
57 For instance, referring to the title, some characters are just and immoral, some are fair and dishonest.
58 Had the umpires gone too far in referring wear marks on the ball to the match referee during the luncheon interval?
59 I am referring to the cleavage between the country's rulers and the population.
60 The debate over the middle peasantry can only be resolved by referring to concrete situations.
61 The facts Before turning to the precise terms of the statutory provisions I must set the scene by referring to the facts.
62 She had a distinctly uncomfortable feeling that he was not referring to the fight which had followed that little incident.
63 He used the word 'girl' in the pejorative sense when referring to the women who worked for him.
64 The comparative method is not really a term referring to a fixed procedure that is to be followed rigidly.
65 Try to continue your argument without them, referring to them only in order to read out an authority.
66 In other words, one can not explain the existence of all properties of organisms by referring to their survival value.
67 All four I am referring to have replaceable batteries - an improvement on earlier models.
68 Silver said, referring to the write-off that the owners can claim because the car is a charitable donation.
69 Then, in the following paragraphs, keep referring to the story.
70 Tasting - i.e. referring to isolated passages in the text. 2.
71 Before referring to the arguments, it is necessary to refer to other provisions of the Act of 1986.
72 This is very subjective and I question whose past he's referring to.
73 The relationship between these two groups defines the working environment to which Paul is referring.
74 When dealing with a pair, divide the track length in half and use this measurement when referring to track length.
75 Bouvet refers to the characters ti and shang-ti as being the most commonly used in referring to the Sovereign Lord.
76 I have substituted the similar word larder, referring to a place where food is stored.
77 I would like to know in what proportion of the control patients the referring general practitioner considered the diagnosis of malignant melanoma.
78 Moses said, referring to its ability to host professional teams on a temporary basis.
79 I shall seek to remain in order by referring to what is in the Bill.
80 That is the very point to which I am referring.
81 We are referring here to the offence of causing death by reckless driving, not to manslaughter.
82 The description is picked mainly to help the hearer recognize what or who the speaker has in mind and is referring to.
83 I was referring not to press reports,() but to my conversation with the gentleman concerned.
84 Mr. Powell I was not referring to a press report of the Robert George case.
85 Even when referring to personal opinion it is not normally considered good style to do so directly.
86 In fact, one can not be sure to what economic and social developments the opinion is referring.
87 That being of a man. referring to the bible where men were made out of clay.
88 The Administration of Justice Act itself makes amendments to some legislation referring to solicitors.
89 Without specifically referring to the letter to Mr. Choudhury, he quashed both decisions by the appeal committee.
90 In fact, she was referring only to his denials of having leaked the report.
91 For what object of thought is one referring to when one is asserting the existence of men?
92 When talking about the elderly in this sense we are referring to people in an advanced age group of well over eighty.
93 I was still enjoying the novelty of being married, and referring to Jenny as "my wife".
94 There are many illustrations throughout which offer a visual display of the technique or design which the text is referring to.
95 His income tax liability is then calculated by referring to tax tables which are supplied by the Inland Revenue.
96 The guy he was referring to was walking quietly to-ward us, a sergeant wearing a white helmet and bright armbands.
97 I am referring to a level of promiscuity which even the most liberal heterosexual would regard as immoral.
98 They're referring, of course, to his brother Edgar, with whom he has collaborated often in the past.
99 A spokesperson for Genovo declined to comment, referring all questions to Wilson, who could not be reached.
100 You're referring to the alleged infidelity, are you not?
101 Even Stuttgart are referring to Bayern as the favourites.
102 Are you referring to that news program earlier today?
103 While we snigger, referring to the side of her.
104 This is generally used when referring to commission charges.
105 Khrushchev replied that he was referring to press reports.
106 The referring expression is grammatically called subject.
107 Here he was referring to two different world outlooks.
108 Emily. : Are you referring to the navigational system?
109 The narrower the scope of a variable, the fewer opportunities you have for accidentally referring to it in place of another variable with the same name.
110 He was referring to the stripy animals that prowl the country in declining numbers.
111 June produces a file, containing all the correspondence and memoranda referring to the convention arrangements?
112 In the following chart the lubrication times are listed referring to gearboxes operating under regular and continuous duty.
113 In LEVEL 5, the term for referring to symbolic attributes.
113 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
114 Method: Referring to the related literature inside and abroad and summing up.
115 I think Sylvia Plath was referring to idiots when she said, "If you expect nothing from anybody, you're never disappointed."
116 Referring to the other nations'law and jurisdiction practice, the civil liability of the arbitrators varies a lot, includes Absolute Immunity, Absolute liability and Limited Liability.
117 Why are some media referring to Opus Dei as '' God's mafia ''?
118 Bolt is referring to chicken nuggets from McDonalds, small, deep-fried, bite-sized chicken pieces.
119 It calls its operations in Libya "Harmattan, " referring to a "hot, dry wind that blows from the northeast or east in the western Sahara."
120 The article didn't pull its punches, criticizing State Grid's top leaders and referring to the company as 'Frankenstein's monster.'
121 "Eli Lilly and Company developed the first cephalosporins, " Moellering told me, referring to familiar drugs like Keflex. "They developed a huge number of important anti-microbial agents.
122 Why not just begin by increasingly referring all personnel requests to Jonhn Pearson?
123 The "genitive" form of the constellation name, used when referring to stars in that constellation.
124 However, the researches referring to internal accounting control in nonprofit organization are not many.
125 For the past several years, he has been referring to "the disaggregation of higher education, " the breaking apart of university functions.
126 "I worry that the risk of runs is still very much there," says Phil Suttle, chief economist at the IIF, referring to the restrictions on the Fed.
127 On a campaign visit in August of that year, Allen publicly acknowledged Sidarth's presence to participants at the rally, referring to Sidarth on two occasions as "Macaca."
128 Why not just begin by increasingly referring all personnel requests to John Pearson?
129 Of course'e was referring to the Labour Party, you understand.'.
130 Conclusion Ethylparaben is a good bacterial inhibitor referring to this eye drop in experiment.
131 "Investors in offshore funds want transparency," said John Fadely, a Clifford Chance lawyer focusing on fund formation, referring to concerns of the LPs.
132 So whenever you see King of the South in Daniel it's always referring to the Ptolemaic Dynasty, one of the Ptolemies. Who's the King of the North?
133 The word bullheaded in English has a similar meaning when referring to such a person.
134 There's some debate about exactly what part of Asia Minor he's referring to because there are different parts that were called Galatia.
135 In the first code example, the parent node has a $ref property value of "child1", which means it's referring to the id value of the child node.
136 He expressed confidence that nude dancing would remain legal, referring to a 1998 case in Davenport that found it an art.
137 It is Chinese parlance referring to those who live without Hukou, or household registration papers, and therefore denied access to public education, healthcare and housing allowance.
138 As has been pointed out, the action or state denoted by the present perfective (progressive), though referring to some indefinite happening in the past, has some connection with the present.
139 I carry about me not a scrap of writing openly referring to it.
140 On the basis of referring a great deal of data, this article illuminate the deficiency of beeline depreciation break-point experience formula on double-declining balance method.
141 The so-called "transfer berm, " referring to the adjustment of the bow direction, to take the lead against the wind into Cexie wind, so that it can also promote the shape of a ship forward.
142 Implement the Item Connector client by referring to the seven steps in the "Item Connector client" sub-section of the "Item Connector components" section.
143 I didn't expect my readers to be referring me to psychological counseling.
144 Sometimes we can determine the weather by referring to the state of matter.
145 And what I referring to wasn't just the caboose but the whole long extended-through-space object.
146 The same goes for carols referring to Virgin Birth and lullabies that invoke the Baby Jesus.
147 She could make a new dish without referring to a cookery book.
148 When most of us talk about a house, we are referring to a free-standing(http:///referring.html), single - family residence.
149 By referring to the classical CSMA/CD protocol, this paper presents an optimized CSMA-SNP/TR protocol, which is of better performance and has been verified both theoretically and experimentally.
150 A scammer could use this information to build a profile of a person and then target them with convincing phishing messages—perhaps referring to specific purchases on another website.
151 Of course I knew what they were referring to, but I wasn't even vaguely engaged.
152 Referring to our example, the aggregation information needs to contain the weighted sum of all values passed in so far (for that group) and the count for the number of values already processed.
153 " Imran told the anchor, referring to the disputed Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.
154 It could also be referring to Wichita Falls, Texas, or Wichita County in Texas.
155 Any function may access an external variable by referring to it by name, if the name has been declared somehow.
156 By presenting the air buoyancy decreasing coefficient and referring to tests, the natural period of heaving and some dynamic properties are discussed.
157 The upgraded bike that Paul was referring to is the Fujin SL - II.
158 Referring the isotropic dissipation function presented by Collins, an isotropic constitutive model is established.
159 Claus told the Obamas, referring to the couple's nights out on the town together.
160 This is referring to by the seller the burden of unloading charges, including freight, forwarding.
161 For example, different roles can be specified for each document by referring to each document name.
162 "They are raising all this money to help people in the south, " Ms. Painaqueo said of the government, referring to a telethon last weekend that brought in some $59 million for earthquake victims.
163 Referring to BIRR model, the paper develops a macroeconomic factors model in China's stock market.
164 Auto-unlink hooks : The hook destructor removes the object from the container automatically and the user can safely unlink the object from the container without referring to the container.
165 "The friend takes commissions after referring me to join an investment club to invest, " said another reader.
166 Mammals stimulating the lateral hypothalamus seem to be caught in a loop, Panksepp writes, "where each stimulation evoked a reinvigorated search strategy" (and Panksepp wasn't referring to Bing).
167 Referring to China, Quercize said "this is a priority number one."
168 Through analysing requirements and referring existed standards, oil companies can define their own drilling data documents based on XML.
169 Referring to the electronic production′s method, the process of establishing the model is presented and an calculational example about a certain automatic rifle is given.
170 On the East Coast, "the big waves come in from the northeast, and they drive the littoral drift predominantly from north to south, " Dr. Holman said, referring to the longshore movement of sand.
171 Schafernaker is no stranger to controversy, having had to apologize previously for referring to the Western Isles as "Nowheresville" during a weather forecast.
172 It can conclude that research of gene vaccine of DEV has good feature by referring to the gene vaccine of other herpesvirus, especially pseudorabies virus.
173 Without specifically referring to the pub attack, Chidambaram said the Centre had been following developments in the state due to the "mischievous and high-handed activities" of the SRS and RHS.
173 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
174 He ripped out and destroyed any news item referring to the theft.
175 Fitness - A nonspecific term usually referring to direct fitness.
176 The addressor educes its own value judgment through referring to anchoring value.
177 People usually personify a ship by referring to it as'she ".
178 The Agreement contained an arbitration clause referring all disputes to ICC arbitration in Geneva.
179 Referring to "the Model of Autonomous Learning", we can perspicuously illustrate how and to what extent a computer assists autonomous language learning.
180 Referring to the experimental results, the air swirl measurement by vane meter, which represents as accurately as possible the practical angular momentum flux, is to be discussed.
181 SIRS was a conception first brought forward in America in 1991 referring to the uncontrolled systemic inflammatory cascade induced by infectious or noninfectious factors.
182 "Others have, " replied Letterman, referring to George Bush's fondness for lengthy brush-clearing trips at his Texas ranch.
183 Later in the afterward, the tone of his voice changes as he talks scathingly about the "blindness" of those who use the word "snapshot" when referring to his work.
184 "I'm in enough hot water with some of my colleagues as it is, " he said, referring to the anger felt by some scientists over his growing fame as a populariser .
185 He prefaced his speech by referring to the recent death of the chairman.
186 The establishment of psychological committeeman system in China is the result of referring to the peer counselling model in western countries and areas such as Hong Kong and Tai Wan.
187 'It's giving me more things to be fearful of, ' Ryan said, referring to the disclosures of some banks' large holdings of loans to customers in troubled countries.
188 The unladen swallow group is now referring others to PyPy instead; another Python runtime which uses a custom JIT in order to speed up execution.
189 "Some people are already drinking their own pee and don't know it," said Britt, referring to the people of Orange County.
190 "And falafel, " she said, referring to the fried chickpea patties, a big part of the cuisine.
191 We start with Newton's Second Law, at first referring our problem to an inertial frame.
192 The name comes from the Capuchin friars, possibly referring to the colour of their brown cover, surrounded by a ring of coif.
193 He was referring to allegations that he pressured the police into dropping an investigation into an 18-year-old belly dancer.
194 It is realized by referring to a system formed by an ash bucket, ash storage pump, ash transporting pipe, and the air make-up pipe for compressed air.
195 A servo controller MTBF referring to the components failure rates published in foreign and domestic countries was calculated.
196 Referring to the characteristic of trust products in China, the basic concept of the default risk of money trust is introduced in the view of the investors.
197 An author referring to an entry would send a ping to the advertised end-point.
198 In 1842, German archaeologist Karl Richard Lepsius mentioned it among his finds at Saqqara, referring to it as number 29 and calling it the "Headless Pyramid" because only its base remains.
199 This is a precise way of referring to the role that performs day-to-day work on development artifacts such as models or source code.
200 The original punched card is put into the machine and, referring to the papers from which the first version was prepared, the checking operator tries to punch out a second version.
201 "He was like J. Edgar Hoover in that way," says one close friend of the Mubarak family, referring to the political extortions of the man who once headed the FBI.
202 Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go, " referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
203 He talked of beginning to leave Iraq, and rejected a "false" choice between safety and democratic ideals, referring to the torture and detention policies of the grey-haired Mr Bush sitting nearby.
203 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
204 By LBS, although the system cannot automatically create the storage location on the Warehouse Warrant or the Stock-out Note, it may determine it by referring to the archives for storage location.
205 We know it is because in 17:9,18 he talks about this city being on seven hills, referring to the famous Seven Hills of Rome.
206 He then realized she was referring to T'ang Hsiao - fu and said with a sneer, " What rubbish!
207 Database is also called an electronic database, referring to any collections of data , or information , that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer.
208 Then go over every possible outcome that has occurred to you in that connection and which has caused you concern, referring to each one quite specifically, saying.
209 Secondly, Referring to UIC 615-4 OR-The Reliability Trial of Bogie Frame, this article tests and verifies the static strength of the new frame.
210 "There are daily clips of cars 'drifting' in the streets of Riyadh," says Saif, a 21-year-old university student referring to the current fad for performing stunts and joyriding.
211 In another report from February Mr Wu is described as "an arrogant, Marx-spouting former Red Guard", referring to the youngsters who spearheaded Mao Zedong's chaotic Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.
212 There are differences in maintenance and performance when referring to columns in an untyped DataSet.
213 Right, the analysis you are referring to is between the libidinal, the erotic and the romantic.
214 "We aren't wearing kolts today, " says Inga, referring to the traditional costume of the Sami.
215 Referring to institutionalised business organizations, the majority of the firms had joined the local trade association.
216 Differentiation to general meaning is referring things transmit from homogeneity to heterogeneity.
217 The International Meridien Conference of 1884 established Greenwich Mean Time, referring to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, near London.
218 Method: referring to the 2000 edition pharmacopeia,[Sentence dictionary] the sample was disposed and tested according to every items' demand of stability trial of new medicine preparation.
219 A appositive phrase combines two words referring to the same person or thing from different perspectives.
220 He said he was referring not only to writing and analytical skills but also to the type of ethical issues raised by new technology like stem-cell research.
221 Qi said Hailin , he said, referring to the laying of large - screen interactive media network.
222 After referring the US army, s pedrail, this article use the theory of soil force to analyze the working of arista.
223 The subject, here referring to a man, is to remold and recognize the object.
224 Andrew had repeated what he had told the administrator earlier, at times referring to his notes.
225 The legislation referring the abroad experience to stop the both agency in freight forward circle should be structured.
226 The placeholders defined in the layout specification (label_1, text1, etc) are assigned concrete components by referring to their names, which is done using Ruby's metaprogramming features.
227 Based on investigations of the methods, the number and the properties of the solutions, some new results are obtained by referring to the maximal flow and minimal cut in the optimization theory.
228 At the end of this paper we make an explanation of the above-mentioned diversity by referring to the fundamental principles of cognitive linguistics and cultural anthropology.
229 Instead he has cloud-white hair, a soft lambswool jumper and a habit of referring to "the motorcar".




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