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单词 Respective
1) They each excel in their respective fields.
2) The tourists went back to their respective countries.
3) It is important that we dovetail our respective interests.
4) They are each recognized specialists in their respective fields.
5) Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets to devise a common counter-drug strategy.
6) We all went back to our respective homes to wait for news.
7) The happy couple and their respective parents took to the floor.
8) Both sides have been soaring up their respective divisions.
9) The respective casualty figures are, as usual,[http:///respective.html] uncertain.
10) Their respective companies may often work in tandem.
11) Each has a vent pipe from its respective circuit.
12) Interacting in terms of their respective roles, teacher and student know what to do and how to do it.
13) The floppy fringes and pouting lips of the respective lead singers are another story entirely.
14) Both men were ousted from their respective posts after a meeting of the club's board last May.
15) By virtue of our respective positions in the organization, you can tell me to meet certain performance objectives.
16) What disclosure should be made in the respective companies' financial statements?
17) Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we'd go to our respective classes.
18) After the party we all went off to our respective rooms.
19) Party congresses at all levels are convened by Party committees at their respective levels.
20) He and I are each going to visit our respective teachers.
21) Steve and I were at very different stages in our respective careers.
22) Resolution into these parts is necessary in order to find their respective causes.
23) Each state agreed to recognise and respect the other, including their respective political and social systems.
24) Both Du Pont and Conoco are world leaders, in their respective sectors, in environmental protection and safety.
25) In the interim, authority members will take resolutions to their respective cities for approval of the dissolution agreement.
26) The technicians and experts simply mirror this reality as they squabble over the means to maximize profits for their respective ruling classes.
27) Both documents seek to identify the skills and understandings which their respective subjects should seek to achieve at different stages of schooling.
28) The main recommendations of the Bains Committee centred around the respective responsibilities of members and officers.
29) Helms urged the secretary general to cooperate in the process through frequent consultation directly with him and between their respective staffs.
30) Catholics and Protestants in marginal areas were burnt out of their homes and forced to move into their respective ghettoes.
1) The tourists went back to their respective countries.
2) Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we'd go to our respective classes.
3) He and I are each going to visit our respective teachers.
31) The workshop is aimed at youth leaders who can develop media awareness training schemes in parishes and communities in their respective countries.
32) As early as sixteen they asked their respective parents to allow them to marry but no blessings were forthcoming.
33) This may not be unconnected with the social composition of their respective devotees.
34) During the workshop, participants shared reports on the status of religious broadcasting in their respective countries.
35) This was also true when gastrin and intrinsic factor were incubated together with their respective antibodies.
36) In every sense Gore and Bush represent the victory of the status quo within their respective parties.
37) Both sides have now agreed to consider their respective positions and a further meeting has been agreed.
38) Yet none of this obliterates the difference between the respective roles of names and descriptions.
39) The leaders met to discuss the problems facing their respective countries.
40) The respective attributes of ordinary shares and preference shares have already been discussed.
41) But the respective positions of Protestantism and Catholicism can be explained more reasonably against the background of economic and general history.
42) But it was also recognized that such circumstances called for different strategies within the respective elementary and higher sectors of education.
43) The ambit of the duty must depend on the circumstances,[http://] especially the respective positions of those involved.
44) And there are provisions of a restitutionary character designed to restore the respective parties to the share transactions to their former positions.
45) Certain other terms are implied into leases by virtue of statute and these are dealt with in their respective contexts.
46) The most striking change that occurred was with regard to the parties' respective attitudes towards Court-Country issues.
47) From each you can get a good idea of what police work in the respective countries is really like.
48) A central theme in their experience was the dogged struggle with subordinates about their respective responsibilities.
49) Once a year the sacred white barges of the Phoenix King and the Everqueen ply the waters to their respective shrines.
50) They had made no mention of their respective Christmas plans that morning.
51) We proceeded to state our respective positions, which took about fifteen minutes.
52) The neighborhood service centers assisted commissioners in assessing conditions and priorities in their respective subareas and in formulating appropriate proposals.
53) So long as he was solvent in law, he could not proportion his payments to creditors according to their respective debts.
54) On this hypothesis the spits both start from their respective headlands and converge towards the centre of the bay.
55) Details of joining fees for the respective sports sections of the club may be obtained from the Personnel Department.
56) The feasibility of providing a demonstration team will obviously depend on what items and people are available in the respective areas.
57) Still, most of his Wembley contenders will be off with their respective countries next week.
58) The directory lists resource persons and their respective fields of expertise.
59) Each of them has gods and ancestors whose respective power closely corresponds to that of the social groups themselves.
60) Each serpent or conduit conducts its respective energy to form the human electro-magnetic energy flow.
61) Unionised workers sought employment security and income advancement primarily within their respective enterprises.
62) These players would rush back to their respective teams and quickly make drawings to convey what was on the card.
63) The guidance gives an insight into the respective contribution of staff at ward, unit and health authority level.
64) Representatives who attended from Derry, Craigavon and other areas expressed interest in organising similar conferences in their respective areas.
65) Example Two: My kids recently completed their respective baseball and softball seasons.
66) It also encourages assembly participants to submit samples of video footage on social movements in their respective countries.
67) Any complaints will be dealt with by the ombudsmen of the respective industries.
68) But the respective roles of actions and objects in the construction of logical-mathematical knowledge are different.
69) In 1885 the two countries had even been on bad enough terms to recall their respective ambassadors.
70) In contrast to other commodities, metal futures contracts remain open at their original prices until their respective prompt dates.
71) The rationale of the distinction between summary and other proceedings probably lies in the respective limitation periods.
72) For each patient, p was calculated according to the value of each variable and its respective regression coefficient.
73) Each was an attempt to define the respective limits of integration and loyalty.
74) Each executive then presented plans and budgets for their respective departments.
75) Is it once again the respective requirements placed upon each of them by their respective regulatory authorities?
76) While there has been an increase since independence, educational institutions still fall far below the needs of the respective countries.
77) They agreed to ask their respective colleagues to come to an air-clearing session in Scottsdale.
78) Could they liaise more with external agencies to develop a co-ordinated programme which makes the best use of their respective strengths?
79) Since the respective philosophies involve different methods and aims, the differences in results are quite understandable.
80) The section length occupied by the respective injury grades was expressed as a percentage of the total section length.
81) We should see our respective institutions as having equal status, and our individual functions as equivalent regardless of grade. 7.
82) Packer and Sheehy were both taxiing around Sydney airport in their respective corporate jets on Tuesday when they accidentally collided.
83) They assembled quickly to hear the brief set of orders that explained their respective tasks in the battle to come.
84) I turn to consider the respective submissions on the other three issues.
85) The respective fates awaiting the two groups of embryos could not be more dissimilar.
86) If their respective rates are five and ten percent, then the discount rate is 15 percent.
87) Clearly, a list of observation statements acquired in such a way would form a very unsatisfactory basis for the respective generalizations.
88) Both have now been endorsed, with massive majorities, by their respective electorates.
89) The consolidated operating regions will market under the Verio name in all of their respective markets beginning today.
90) All five, for better or worse, have received recent votes of confidence from their respective general managers or team presidents.
91) The domain-specific dictionaries made a significant contribution to each respective domain-specific text, but so did the general dictionary.
92) They will rely instead on reports from correspondents for their respective owners, Univision and Telemundo.
93) Their respective economic stopping points may not leave them exactly equally matched.
94) Some of these overlap, and their respective roles are a mystery to spending departments.
95) Kirk Session minute book commencing March 6, 1823; all regularly kept from respective dates.
96) You may move cards off in ascending order from Ace to King to their respective piles off the playing area.
97) Dash and Alexander were as opposite as individuals as their respective choice of pseudonyms suggests,[] and their respective skills differed also.
98) It says the two complete kernels will be able to sit side-by-side on Windows systems and run their respective applications.
99) Part of the problem stems from real or imagined slights between their respective aides, Glenn Miller and Chris Limberis.
100) Swanson and Percival continued to show excellent form, leading home their respective fields.
101) One possible sign of trouble ahead: Petrocelli and Brewer on Wednesday filed separate papers codifying the verdicts for their respective clients.
102) Both need to refocus the political debate from their respective ethics problems to the big problems facing the country.
103) This will increase efficiency and be to the good of the respective communities.
104) Indeed their respective influences upon the world of Biblical scholarship have been minimal.
105) Forms can be obtained from their respective airport ticket counters[], city ticket offices or from travel agents.
106) Healthful rivalry among the respective clubs within a congregation. 2.
107) You know he is my enemy, just as I am his enemy, an enmity determined by our respective natures.
108) The participating States will make widely available in their respective countries the international humanitarian law of war.
109) All the producers of the items can be justly proud of their respective teams.
110) In both, the main class order can be criticized on the grounds of the separation of Sciences from their respective Technologies.
111) Exhibitions in Connecticut this year have generated a number of worthy catalogs that will remain valuable long after their respective shows close.
112) Within it the areas devoted to each will be under the aegis of the respective heads of departments.
113) Gourley and Letham hold top spots in their respective sections.
114) The factories, the largest employers in their respective areas, are of vital importance to their local economies.
115) I will arrange for you to be advised of the respective decisions as quickly as possible.
116) Both firms are also providing detailed guidance on their respective intranet systems.
117) Midhurst and Petworth were actually less affluent than their respective market areas.
118) And both of course climaxed a return to form by winning their respective championships last season.
119) The winning team will receive prizes of office equipment worth thousands of pounds to be used by its respective company.
120) Four years ago, the respective market shares were roughly 50/50.
121) Both light and sound are, after all, translated by the respective sense organs into the same kind of nerve impulses.
122) This covers 90 per cent of their respective exports and will be be phased in over 10 years.
123) That very evening, the two men tried out their respective hideaways.
124) Turnover has to be calculated by adding together the respective turnovers of all parent and subsidiary companies.
125) Both have pursued strategies to prevent the domination of their respective continents by any state that could threaten their security.
126) Member countries retain their respective currencies but there exists a parallel currency which circulates side by side with the national currencies.
127) Dorothy Newman nudged her fellow conspirator back to reality,[sentence dictionary] then they ran at breakneck speed to their respective homes.
128) They went into their respective bedrooms to pack.
129) All men have their respective duties.
130) The three methods described above have their respective merits.
131) Real estate investment risk was undulant with respective phases.
132) All games on 9 haowan. cn are copyrighted or trademarked by their respective owners or authors.
133) In top-down development(), both client-side and server-side developers use WSDL (the top) to produce the artifacts (the bottom) necessary for their respective environments.
134) The motor rotor shall be constructed of die cast aluminum, fabricated copper or their respective alloys.
135) NPV and PI should always be stated with their respective discount rate.
136) It has been translated into the Bahasa Indonesia language for a publication and issuance on CD-ROM, and several other countries have requested translation into their respective languages.
137) There are various self-established valuation methods of intangible assets, from which different types of enterprises shall select one that best complies with their respective situations.
138) According to Zadeh's possibility theory, the model can be converted to deterministic model by converting chance constrains to their respective crisp equivalents.
139) Case in point: A mom friend of mine recently went with a fellow mom and their respective 5-year-olds to get frozen yogurt after preschool.
140) The deposit agreement expressly limits the obligations and liabilities of depositary, ourselves and our respective agents.
141) Then divide the interval of element contents equally into three groups and distinguish preliminarily the distributional class of the data based upon their respective frequency.
142) In spite of living in different countries, times and cultural background, Bulgakov and Goethe represented remarkable resemblances in their respective works, Master and Margaret and Faustus.
143) Article 14 The assets other than current assets shall be put into the category of non-current assets and shall be presented on the basis of their respective nature.
144) Among the guidance principles of the air-to-ground missile, the proportional guidance method and the direct guidance method have their respective advantages and disadvantages.
145) The second chapter analyses the architectural design"s characteristic and its differences between Gropius and wright through the respective typical achievement of the two;"
146) This article proposed that the corresponding classification and the respective characteristic, and have carried on the analysis to the present air entraining agent service condition.
147) The ministers of all ministries, directors of all commissions, governor of the People's Bank and auditor-general shall be responsible for the work of their respective department.
148) A phrasal verb is a verb followed by an adverb or a preposition or both of them, and then forms the whole meaning which is mostly different from the respective meaning of its components.
149) The third group was anastomosed and then wrapped up with respective slice of sinewy membrane.
150) Next, you establish a business assertion relating two businesses, A and B, whose respective businessKeys are simplified here to businessKeyA and businessKeyB instead of the typical UUID format.
151) Methods:Amidase activities of PCA from AAV were measured in diverse experimental conditions by respective method of chromogenic substrate and active partial thromboplastin time(APTT).
152) Shareholders shall pay in full their respective subscribed capital contributions specified in the articles of association.
153) This paper summarizes the effect of different transition metal ions on peracid bleaching and their respective mechanism, and introduces some methods of controlling transition metal ions.
154) Both of the husband and wife enjoy individual ownership of their respective possessions.
155) The user-controllable channel selector is coupled to a respective user display unit and to a respective user receiver unit.
156) The protocol layer outputs data to the interface using the respective interface queues.
157) A comparison has been made between Chinese ink painting and underglaze blue decoration, their similarities and their differences have been found and their respective features portrayed.
158) With the adoption of a progressive disclosure policy, the World Bank has set the standard for which the other IFIs should strive as they review their respective information disclosure policies.
159) Calder ? ? n and Cerezo discussed their respective franchise players, Ra ú l and Fernando Torres.
160) Both nations must avoid the temptation to close off our respective markets to trade and investment.
161) We found: 1) Different age, levels of education and sex had respective sensitive life events. Some life events could construct psychic trauma at any age, level of education and sex.
162) Two American writers, Tom Wolfe and Jonathan Franzen, each published a voluminous novel recently in response to their respective literary "manifestos" calling for "social novels".
163) The counter's outputs are normally low and go high only at their respective decoded time slot.
164) Each people make ready especially anticipation and excited, prepared the respective baggage to prepare to embark!
165) Article 69 Units that manufacture, market or store dangerous articles, mines and construction units shall set up their respective emergency rescue organizations.
166) However antipodal, these two companies are sharing each other culture, and still held respective distinctive office.
167) In the period of validity, the supplier and requisitioning parties all comply with it, fulfill their respective obligation.
168) In people respective inventorying this year's loss, is smiling the sound appears in everybody ear bank.
169) A: Relevant Chinese company's investment in Australia is an independent and voluntary commercial act taken by the two sides in light of their respective development needs.
170) We introduced the revised log law by wake stream function, the relativity respective reached 0.
171) The scattered region of sympathetic postganglionic neurons of those organs were located respectively in the periphery of respective concentrative region.
172) The packets are then sent to the hypervisor, which directs them to their respective virtual machines.
173) The liability basis and indemnity foundation are quite different according to respective jural relation between litigants.
174) To develop potential distributor and new salon clients in respective sales territory.
175) However, their influences on the literary arena actually presented the enormous difference, which is a fortuitousness that respective condition caused.
176) The synthesis looked that each gateway has the respective characteristic, know one's place!
177) Various types of composite perforator have their respective effects on formation because they produce different pressure parameters in wellbore.
178) The past earnings requirements for under 28s and 28s and over are both broadly equivalent to the top decile earnings of all full time workers in the respective age groups.
179) Analysis and recommendations are presented in various problem areas by respective experts.
180) Result The Eustachian tube ventilation resistance was found to have a large respective divergence ( 1.20~6.86 kPa ).
181) The fracture toughness of the bimetallic interfaces is lower than those of respective counterpart metals.
182) Then picture hook up all the respective local histogram adjustments.
183) The greatest writers in their respective language—WilliamShakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes —died on the very same day in the very same year, April , .
184) In general, Said the critic and Ondaatje the writer coincide in interpreting the connotation of post-colonialism in their respective writings.
185) Analysis of respective chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 20 varieties of genus Nelumbo.
186) Simultaneously,[] an Irrevocable Fee Protection Agreement with the transaction code and date shall be made part of this contract under a separate arrangement between Party B and respective consultants.
187) AIM: To explore the mutual effect of co-culture of wild-type astrocytes (ASC) and motor neurons VSC4.1 (VSC) on the respective ability to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS).
188) The work of art has the same tendentiousness with it and can show the respective life style of the artists. Therefore, we can say that the actions of art embody the whole process of an artist's life.
189) Together with Executive Chef to create new dish and recipes, including picture taking which should be displayed in the respective kitchen.
190) Each module within the curriculum and the formation of the respective system.
191) In IN, SCP is distribute disposal system which is made of many module, user data intersperse respective module.
192) The duo set up a scam to settle their respective debts.
193) A new type of tofu coagulator(vegetable juice and buck wheat coagulator)was researched and produced respective with vegetable and buck wheat applying high effectively fermented technology.
194) Caucho was an active participant in the respective specification ( JSR-299 Contexts and Dependency Injection) so it is no surprise that they offer their own implementation in the form of CanDI.
195) Project analysis may often be supported by expertise-based estimates produced by project leaders who are experts in their respective business and technical disciplines.
196) After returning to HF - HD for 4 months, all measured parameters returned to their respective baseline alles.
197) Abandoned by his dispels, Jesus was tried respective by the Jewish Sanhedrin and by the Roman magistrate, Pontius Pilate being also suspected of agitating against the Roman government.
198) The post-type identifier helps Sametime Post Service to classify notifications and route them to their respective interest group.
199) Extract all the translatable strings from the applications to be placed in properties files and put them into their respective folders.
200) Against the existing problem on the spraying system of cross tube primary gas cooler, the respective modification measure has been taken, the cooling effect and safe delivery of gas were ensured.
201) Upon successful completion of this program, students will be awarded their respective international Montessori Certificate.
202) Based on respective thinking interest and research direction, investigators have made a fruitful study on exploring the brainteaser of competitive advantage from various angles.
203) The Ministers have overall responsibility for the respective ministries or commissions under their charge.
204) It goes on with the introduction of the three stages of Chinese translated poetry especially quatrain, their translation representatives of different translation methods and their respective features.
205) When I send you an account sale, I will deduct the premium from the respective account.
206) setMaterial() creates a new Material object and sets the colors with setColor() using the respective color component identifier.
207) Secondly, in the respective of taking earthquake as Excusatio, the rationality and deficiency of force majeure for statutory exemption system in China have been studied.
208) The first and second diode units cooperate to effect current flow between the input locus and the respective power rail during a predetermined operational condition of the apparatus.
209) When the lift reaches the fourth floor they go to their respective offices.
210) The left carotid artery was dissected and canula was inserted and connected with respective line.
211) Expert knowledge in the codes and standards of respective markets.
212) In chapter 4, the author establishes the handling cost model for respective vessel first to define the standard of vessel handling cost. This model belongs to the realm of absolute cost control .
213) Taxpayer who adopts the regular payment method should inform the respective taxation bureau in advance.
214) The employees of an operation unit shall discharge the safety duties of their respective posts on the basis of the safe operation systems and rules on safe operating.
215) If microflow parallelism is insufficient, examine your application and increase the respective thread pool.
216) Organs and entities shall determine the specific secrecy period, declassification time or declassification conditions according to their respective work needs.
217) The Fund's work is conducted through the China Oxford Scholarship Fund in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, both of which collect donations which are tax-deductible in the respective jurisdictions.
218) With advancement in radiobiology, the respective molecular mechanisms underlying cell kinetics alteration and DNA damage repair is being revealed gradually and takes on many obvious similarities.
219) English and German both belong to West-Germanic branch, the Indo-European language family, but the two kindred languages do have remarkable differences in their respective word order.
220) From the respective of technique, the detailed analysis is represented focusing on technical performance, sound, intensity, speed and soft pedal.
221) Compared with that of respective control groups, the released content of NO from macrophages, neuroglial cell of the NGF groups was decreased in the normal mice and the NOD mice.
222) We cannot remove our respective sections from each other, nor build an impassable wall between them.
223) A pair of capacitative rings attached to the respective pole piece is used to detect movement of the coil.
224) Secondary distribution cabinets supply power to their respective program control cabinet, frequency conversion cabinet and pump power cabinet.
225) There is an argument to express them in ground level abundance of the respective elements.
226) The administrative departments of labour under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the management of labour in their respective administrative areas.
227) Brunet and grave, light color elegance, can pass different colorific respective glamour, deduce different atmosphere and emotional appeal , abound the imaginary space of the bedroom greatly.
228) As part of the course I was in touch with my friends and faculty at the PSGFAIMER Institute through a listserv and we started discussing how to go about our respective projects.
229) Any patients treated with lamivudine , entecavir, or adefovir should be reported to the respective pregnancy registry.
230) The GTP is also a new challenge for intra-EMR cooperation in customs and tariff, air rights, ground handling, and land and water transport coordination between the respective local governments.
231) The institution had also received the Tanzanian Parliament Delegation of Urbanology , assigned by the Ministry of Commerce of China, and had won favorable comments from respective countries.
232) Both disk and tape storage technologies have their respective virtues, and are often deployed at varying degrees for data backup, protection, archiving, and disaster recovery solutions.
233) The Bengali and other scripts were also used in their respective regions.
234) Applicants which submit the highest well- substantiated pledges would be allocated with the respective TWFD or region of RFD after the endorsement of LFAC.
235) Next, labor both mutual map concerns, advanced the point of respective characteristic.
236) Besides this, China's per-capita average of forested land, grassland and freshwater resources amounts to only one-ninth, one-third and one-fourth of the respective world averages.
237) All of gene effects for the final characters were found to be algebraic sum of the respective parameters for net growths at different development stages.
238) The musicians took their respective places at the orchestra pit.
239) All names & logos are the property of their respective owners.
240) Compete adequately in domain of personalized end item, realize respective commercial profit.
241) The second half of this thesis is the respective statement of the Ci collectanea of Qing Dynasty.
242) Both had taken the tonsure and risen to high rank in their respective Buddhist sects.
243) The main lobe of a fixed billboard antenna may, within limits, be steered by appropriate phasing of the respective signals to individual elements of the array.
244) Low-yielding currencies such as the yen tend to attract flows during periods of uncertainty as their low interest rates reflect the capital surplus of their respective countries.
245) The children, following the gentes of their respective mothers,[] would be divided between them.
246) Governments introduced a par value of their respective local currencies in gold.
247) If plastic is dragging on the clamp frame, slow down the BFI rate or the closing speed of the respective platens. If touching the side heater make sure the heaters are not bent.
248) Moreover, metaphorical and metonymic sense extensions have their respective mapping models.
249) The author then explains its respective aspects, which include radiant effect, polymeric effect, accelerating effect, transmutative effect, and interactive effect.
250) So they should establish and improve their political party systems in light of their respective realities.
251) The phylogenetic reconstruction supported Delphinidae and Phocoenidae respective monophyletic groups, and proposed a sister relationship between these two families.
252) Discussed the thought according to the respective social contract, Hobbes and Locke have formed the statism theory and the limited government theory separately.
253) This insurance cover shall be maintained for the entire period of the (supply) agreement; i. e. until the respective end of the limitation period within which to lodge claims.




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