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单词 street
释义  Related topics: Roadsstreet1 /striːt/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  TTRROAD/PATHa public road in a city or town that has houses, shops etc on one or both sides 大街,街道 We moved to Center Street when I was young. 在我小时候,我们搬到了中心大街。 She lives just a few streets away. 她的住处就在几条街外。 I walked on further down the street. 我继续沿着马路走。 Someone just moved in across the street. 街对面有人刚刚搬进来。 a car parked on the other side of the street 停在街对面的一辆车2  the streets [plural] (also the street)HOME the busy public parts of a city where there is a lot of activity, excitement, and crime, or where people without homes live 〔热闹的、罪案时有发生的或无家可归者居住的〕街头on the streets young people living on the streets 流落街头的年轻人 She felt quite safe walking the streets after dark. 她觉得天黑以后走在街上挺安全的。 Children as young as five are left to roam the streets (=walk around the streets) at night. 在夜里年仅五岁的孩子被任由在街头游荡。 street musicians (=ones who play on the street) 街头音乐家 She has written about the realities of street life (=living on the streets). 她描写过街头生活的真实景象。3  the man/woman in the street  (also the man/woman on the street)ORDINARY the average person, who represents the general opinion about things 普通人,平民百姓 The man on the street assumes that all politicians are corrupt. 老百姓认为政客都腐败。4. (right) up your street British EnglishSUITABLE exactly right for you 刚好适合某人5  streets ahead (of somebody/something) British English informalBETTER much better than someone or something else (比其他人/物)好得多 James is streets ahead of the rest of the class at reading. 詹姆斯在阅读方面远远超过班里的其他同学。 → backstreet1, → be (living) on easy street at easy1(13), → one-way street at one-way(1), high street, two-way street, → walk the streets at walk1(8) COLLOCATIONSadjectivesbusy (=with a lot of traffic or people) 繁忙的The house faces onto a busy street. 房子正对着一条繁忙的街道。crowded (=with a lot of people) 拥挤的The streets get very crowded at weekends. 周末街上非常拥挤。quiet (=with very few people) 安静的It was late and the streets were quiet. 很晚了,街上静悄悄的。empty/deserted (=with no people) 空荡荡的As he walked home, the street was deserted. 他步行回家,街上空无一人。narrow 狭窄的an old city with quaint narrow streets 有许多古色古香小街的老城the main street (=the biggest street in a town or village) 大街,主要商业街They drove slowly along the main street. 他们开车沿着大街缓缓行驶。the high street British English (=the main street with shops) 大街,主要商业街nI bought this coat at a shop on the high street.a shopping street British English (=with a lot of shops) 商业街nThis is one of Europe’s most elegant shopping streets.a residential street (=with houses, not shops) 居住区街道na quiet residential streeta one-way street (=in which you can only drive in one direction) 单行道nHe was caught driving the wrong way down a one-way street.a side/back street (=a small quiet street near the main street) 偏僻的街道nThe restaurant is tucked away in a side street.winding streets (=streets that turn in many directions) 曲折的街道nWe spent hours exploring the town’s winding streets.cobbled streets (=with a surface made from round stones) 铺着鹅卵石的街道nThe cobbled streets were closed to cars.verbscross the street (=walk to the other side) 穿过街道She crossed the street and walked into the bank. 她穿过马路,走进银行。street + NOUNa street corner (=a place where streets meet) 街角Youths were standing around on street corners. 几个年轻人站在街角。a street light/lamp 街灯It was getting dark, and the street lamps were already on. 天色渐暗,街灯已经亮起。street crime/violence (=when people are attacked in the street) 街头罪案/暴力nYoung men are most likely to be victims of street crime.nstreet clothes (=ordinary clothes, not a special uniform or costume)She changed into her street clothes and left the theatre.Examples from the Corpusstreet• They live on Clay Street.• York, among many towns which have pedestrianised their centres, has paved many of its streets without adverse effect.• Our street was just a row of brick terraced houses.• She had lived in the same street in London all her life.• Across the street, on the steps of St Martin-in-the-Fields church, there was movement.• I imagine him marching-no, swanning-around the streets of his beloved Manchester as he talks to me.• Claudia, standing by the window, looking down at the street, knew the moment he stepped over the threshold.• Victoria can't walk down the street without someone recognizing her.• He heaved his bulk round, but saw only the tightly wedged backs of the mob out in the street.• He pointed to the side of the street.• There were stores on both sides of the street.• We need more police on the streets.• He's out there running the streets of Annapolis, just before dawn.• Pablo loved wandering through the streets of Barcelona.• I went straight back to the street corner where I'd lost him and started the slow cruise.• Wall Street is a famous financial center in New York.down the street• I had Carradine walled up and down the street several times, acting suspiciously.• Its headlights suddenly light up the pavement farther down the street he is walking on.• Though rationing was in effect, Tish managed to get a huge steak from an admiring grocer down the street.• A car or two, the wrong ones, took off down the street in the direction of the town.• There was the jade-green cockatoo on his orange perch, gazing pensively down the street.• When I finished up at Mrs James's, I ran down the street and watched the sky.• I walk down the streets of New York, the Village, and they stop and they talk, they want autographs.• C., can you walk down the street and bump into a row of newspaper boxes half a block long?street2 adjective informal  nrelating to or similar to fashions, types of music, or attitudes that are popular with young people in cities Her style is very street.Origin street Old English strætstreet1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1street2 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  road in public a a Corpus or city town




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