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单词 ghost
释义  Related topics: Folklore, Computersghost1 /ɡəʊst $ ɡoʊst/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  spirit 鬼魂RF the spirit of a dead person that some people think they can feel or see in a place 鬼,鬼魂,幽灵ghost of the ghost of Old Tom Morris 老汤姆·莫里斯的鬼魂 They say the young girl’s ghost still haunts (=often appears in) the house. 他们说那个少女的鬼魂依旧在那房子里出没。 He looked as if he’d seen a ghost (=he looked very frightened). 他看上去像见到了鬼似的。 → Holy Ghost, the2  memory/effect 记忆/效果 the memory or effect of someone or something bad that lived, existed, or happened in the past 〔不愉快的〕回忆,记忆ghost of5The ghost of poverty still haunts the lives of people who lived through the Depression.贫困依然阴魂不散,影响着那些经历过经济大萧条的人们。n The ghost of Stalinism still affects life in Russia today.3  the ghost of a smile/sound etc LITTLE/NOT MUCHa smile etc that is so slight you are not sure it happened 隐约的一丝微笑/一点声音等 The ghost of a smile flitted across her sad features. 她忧愁的面容上隐隐掠过一丝微笑。4. television/computer 电视/计算机AMT a second image that is not clear on a television or computer screen 〔电视或计算机屏幕上的〕重像,重影5  give up the ghost a) BROKENif a machine gives up the ghost, it does not work anymore and cannot be repaired – used humorously 〔机器〕报废〔幽默用法〕 Unfortunately, my car’s just given up the ghost. 可惜我的汽车刚刚报废了。 b) DIEto die 死去6  (not) a ghost of a chance CHANCE/OPPORTUNITYnot even a slight chance of doing something, or of something happening (没有)一丝机会 They don’t stand a ghost of a chance of winning. 他们根本没有获胜的希望。n THESAURUSghost the spirit of a dead person that some people think they can feel or see in a placeHis ghost is believed to haunt the house.spirit a creature without a physical body, such as an angel or ghostevil spiritsthe spirit worldapparition an image of a dead person that someone sees suddenly for a short timeHe claimed to have seen an apparition in the church.poltergeist a ghost that people cannot see, which throws things or moves things aroundThe house was haunted by a poltergeist that makes things move around all by themselves, sometimes quite big things like beds or wardrobes. spook informal a ghostI’m not scared of spooks.phantom literary a frightening and unclear image of a dead personThey had seen phantoms gliding on the surface of the water.spectre British English, specter American English literary a ghost, especially a frightening oneShe had looked like a spectre.The following night, the spectre appeared again.Examples from the Corpusghost• The San Joaquin is but a ghost.• More a ghost than a man at that point, standing there in what looked like a gray sack, shivering.• Do you think she saw a ghost?• Though he wasn't a ghost she was still too scared to touch that small, shaky hand.• The stars showed the way, but faintly, like lamps along a road for ghosts.• Do you know any good ghost stories?• Do you believe in ghosts?• They say the captain's ghost still haunts the waterfront.• Hindus believe that ghosts are scared of fire.• The church is haunted by the ghost of a young man who was killed there on his wedding day.• The ghost can be heard going up and down the stairs in the middle of the night, Ackley said.• The ghost of Stalinism still affects life in Russia today.• We lucky this ghost is a baby.ghost ... haunts• Mermaids have been sighted there and a ghost haunts a derelict bothy near the loch.• It is said that his ghost still haunts the crypts below the tower and occasionally assists searching scholars.Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingghost2 verb [transitive]  TCNto write something as a ghost writer 代人写,为…代笔→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusghost• The former reporter ghosted Reagan's autobiography.• Moving soundlessly on his thick rubber soles, he ghosted swiftly down to the lowest platform.From Longman Business Dictionaryghostghost1 /gəʊstgoʊst/ noun [countable]HUMAN RESOURCES people who are listed as workers on a company’s books and PAYROLL, but who do not do any work for the companySome contractors, in the interest of labor harmony, hire ghosts.Exhibitors complained that their bills are inflated byghost workers supposedly employed by the exhibition centre.ghostghost2 verb [transitive] to write something as a GHOSTWRITERShe received a generous advance fee for the book she’s ghosting.→ See Verb tableOrigin ghost1 Old English gastghost1 noun →n THESAURUS1ghost2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  a person the spirit of Business dead Corpus




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