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单词 fury
释义  Related topics: Naturefu·ry /ˈfjʊəri $ ˈfjʊri/ ●●○ noun  1  [uncountable]ANGRY extreme, often uncontrolled anger 暴怒,狂怒 SYN rage I was shaking with fury. 我气得发抖。 Jo stepped forward, her eyes blazing with fury. 乔满眼冒火地走上前来。 The report was leaked to the press, much to the president’s fury. 报告被泄露给了媒体,令总统大为光火。2  [singular]ANGRY a feeling of extreme anger 暴怒,狂怒;激动 ‘Go on then!’ shouted Jamie in a fury. ‘See if I care!’ “那就请便!”杰米怒吼道,“我才不在乎呢!”3  a fury of something EMOTIONALa state of very busy activity or strong feeling 〔活动、感情等的〕激烈,热烈;狂热 She was listening with such a fury of concentration that she did not notice Arthur had left. 她听得如此入迷,甚至没有注意到阿瑟走了。 In a fury of frustration and fear Nina bit his hand. 尼娜一时间又恼又怕,咬了他的手。4  like fury informalENERGETIC with great effort or energy 拼命地;玩命地 We went out and played like fury. 我们出去疯玩了一通。5  DN[uncountable] literary used to describe very bad weather conditions 狂暴,猛烈〔用于形容坏天气〕 At last the fury of the storm lessened. 狂风暴雨终于减弱了。n6. → Fury → furiousExamples from the Corpusfury• As her fury drained, she felt a surge of uplift.• But his fury was only rhetorical.• Today, public fury alternates with apathy.• It would be like the old days, real fury.• Retailers have trouble suppressing their fury.• Shaking with uncontrollable fury, she stood up to confront a fury• Provoked beyond control, Satan bayed in fury and launched himself at his tormentor's face.• It all comes raining down in a fury.• Union leaders erupted in fury last night over the proposed pay restraints.• Her children descended on me in a fury.• A gunman shot seven people in a fury over rejection by his girlfriend.• I whipped at them with a rope in fury.• She sat in a fury of indecision and worry, wondering if he and Ace had met.• The little man began to kick at the tentacle in fury.fury of the storm• And then the smell did something that the worst fury of the storm had failed to do.nFuryRMone of the three snake-haired goddesses in ancient Greek stories who punished crime 〔古希腊神话中的〕复仇三女神之一Origin fury (1300-1400) Old French furie, from Latin furia, from furere; FURORfu·ry nounFuryLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  often Corpus uncontrolled extreme, anger




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