单词 | Commonly |
例句 | 1. Great talkers are commonly liars. 2. Leagues are commonly made for mutual defense. 3. He is commonly supposed to be foolish. 4. Sodium chloride is more commonly known as salt.sentence dictionary 5. Leagues are commonly made for mutual defence. 6. 'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language. 7. It is not a theory that is commonly subscribed to. 8. Grey-market perfumes and toiletries are now commonly sold by mail. 9. It is commonly asserted that older people prefer to receive care from family members. 10. Christopher is commonly known as Kit. 11. The drug is commonly known as Ecstasy. 12. Elbow injuries are commonly found among tennis players. 13. Society is knit together by certain commonly held beliefs. 14. This is one of the most commonly used methods. 15. The rash most commonly appears on the back. 16. Nitrous oxide is commonly known as laughing gas. 17. An asterisk is commonly used as a wild card. 18. Leagues are commonly made for joint defence. 19. Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft. 20. Pupils should know how to spell commonly used words. 21. A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy. 22. Robins mostly appear in the winter and are commonly pictured on Christmas cards. 23. Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room. 24. Income in New England is commonly 10 % below the national average. 25. The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease. 26. These criticisms are commonly voiced by those who have some political axe to grind. 27. RP is the accent most commonly taught in language schools. 28. It was a deeply superstitious country, where earthquakes were commonly believed to portend the end of dynasties. 29. Although purists may object to split infinitives, like 'to boldly go', the fact is, they are commonly used. 30. The map on the opposite page shows where these birds commonly breed. 1. Sodium chloride is more commonly known as salt. 2. Leagues are commonly made for mutual defence. 3. 'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language. 4. It is not a theory that is commonly subscribed to. 5. It was a deeply superstitious country, where earthquakes were commonly believed to portend the end of dynasties. 6. Grey-market perfumes and toiletries are now commonly sold by mail. 7. Although purists may object to split infinitives, like 'to boldly go', the fact is, they are commonly used. 8. It is commonly asserted that older people prefer to receive care from family members. 9. The rash most commonly appears on the back. 10. Income in New England is commonly 10 % below the national average. 11. The most commonly cited reasons for stopping the treatment were lack of efficacy and side effects. 12. This behaviour is commonly observed among several species of finch. 13. The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life. 31. The goals commonly attributed to management are status, power, salary and security. 32. The disease was commonly referred to as "the green sickness". 33. The most commonly cited reasons for stopping the treatment were lack of efficacy and side effects. 34. That very commonly happens. 34. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 35. This behaviour is commonly observed among several species of finch. 36. Their dreams commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery . 37. Parsley is probably the most commonly used of all herbs. 38. Stray finds are more commonly discovered than whole new sites. 39. The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life. 40. She does some voluntary work, caring for the elderly, but care for is more commonly used to mean 'like':I don't really care for spicy food. 41. Metaphor and simile are the most commonly used figures of speech in everyday language. 42. "Necessary" is one of the most commonly misspelt words in English. 43. Walruses were commonly encountered in the Shetland Islands until quite recently. 44. Lung cancer is the most commonly found cancer in men. 45. Words with double letters, such as "accommodation", are commonly misspelt. 46. The island is more commonly known by the name 'Krakatoa'. 47. Pot plants are commonly treated with growth retardant so that they retain their shape. 48. The noise is probably pre-ignition, commonly called pinking. 49. Astrochele is commonly found clinging to gorgonians, corals, etc. 50. It is commonly found among California live oak trees. 51. It is commonly asymptomatic in anaemic patients. 52. Or give a new slant to commonly known facts. 53. They are commonly found in forests and brushy areas. 54. The combination is commonly known as a protease cocktail. 55. This commonly occurs at high tide. 56. I am what is commonly known as a loner. 57. Rip A strong current, commonly experienced on surf beaches. 58. Here are some of the most commonly known services. 59. Citations commonly bore little resemblance to events. 60. The technique is also commonly referred to as cost-volume-profit analysis. 61. Commonly, both are used consistently to help replace an undesirable behaviour with acceptable behaviour. 62. Although irritable bowel syndrome is commonly believed to be a colonic motility disorder, the evidence supporting this hypothesis is inconsistent. 63. Recent studies with ambulatory pressure monitoring systems indicate that an appreciable number of non-peristaltic contractions are commonly found in apparently normal subjects. 64. An added benefit is that rabbits are commonly raised without the use of hormones or steroids to promote growth. 65. The next chapter will explore some of the analytical techniques that are commonly employed in working capital management. 66. This method, which is commonly known as staged search,[] does affect the admissibility of the algorithm. 67. Now, the latter three are clearly matters of academic freedom, given the way in which academic freedom is commonly understood. 68. They commonly get a stock price bounce after announcing layoffs. 69. It is commonly asserted that older people prefer to receive care from family members rather than state agencies. 70. Extended Response Commonly known as an essay, this form of assessment is the most open-ended type of written test. 71. The most commonly used survey methods are direct observation of user behaviour or direct seeking of user opinions. 72. Previously chemotherapy was most commonly used to treat men suffering from testicular cancer. 73. The use of acids or alkalis is most commonly employed with the colorimetric procedures. 74. The body mass index is the most commonly used method for classifying obesity. 75. Iron deficiency anaemia is commonly caused by chronic blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract. 76. Viscose rayon is commonly used in tampons because it is highly absorbent and can be compressed for use in slimmer tampons. 77. Personal computers are now commonly found in site huts, even in remote locations where they can be powered by car batteries. 78. The nematodes are commonly called roundworms, from their appearance in cross-section. 79. These forms of power are commonly known as reward and coercive power respectively. 80. To whet your appetite, here are some of the most commonly asked questions about fine vintage wines. 81. Those capable of being sponsored are, in marketing terms, commonly referred to as' properties'. 82. Psychiatric hospital units for the treatment of anorexia commonly find that weight loss recurs after the patient is discharged from hospital. 83. These include for example syntax and semantics, and the use of information about compounds, commonly used phrases and idioms. 84. Scarman identified two views that were commonly held as to the causation of the disorders. 85. Here are the arguments made by supporters and opponents of medical savings accounts, commonly called MSAs. 86. In rested subjects alpha rhythm is indicative of low arousal, but sleep-deprived subjects commonly only achieve this level of arousal at best. 87. The region of the Galaxy commonly referred to as the bulge is thus synonymous with the bar. 88. In the Roman Imperial period copper and bronze statues and silver and bronze jewellery were commonly gilded. 89. Black children from middle-class or affluent families, they say, are more apt to adopt what is commonly called black slang. 90. Hemifacial spasm is not psychogenic as was commonly thought in the past, although it may be aggravated by emotional stress. 91. The search algorithms commonly used in the real world are almost invariably the very simplest. 92. There is an additional prediction about the relationship between arousal and memory which is commonly made from Easterbrook's hypothesis. 93. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the United States. 94. Nor can mosaic pavements offer any guidance,[http:///commonly.html] since their themes are commonly drawn from classical mythology. 95. Local eradication of prostatic cancer probably occurs more commonly with radical prostatectomy than with radiotherapy. 96. Possibly the most commonly used punch in karate is the reverse punch. 97. Crimes which are committed by those in higher positions in the social stratification system are commonly referred to as white-collar crimes. 98. I may have seen many Garter Snakes on sale which I took to be pattern variations on the species most commonly available. 99. The cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis Needs careful assessment Rheumatoid arthritis commonly affects the cervical spine,() causing several well defined deformities. 100. Though more commonly associated with wet weather, early morning dews or irrigation may be enough to keep rust multiplying. 101. He believes that one component is bacteria commonly found in soil and water. 102. Additionally, these bolts and other protection are commonly used to rest on during the ascent. 103. Most of these species of wrasse are commonly seen by divers in shallow coastal waters. 104. The most commonly used argument for standardising delivery of meals is that it is a more economic use of resources. 105. Spectacular medical breakthroughs sometimes occur, but they occur more commonly in science fiction than in the course of everyday scientific research. 106. Short-term loans are commonly employed to finance inventory and accounts receivable. 107. The golden chanterelle, as it is commonly known, is a favorite among mushroom connoisseurs. 108. L.P.E has many database functions for storing commonly used addresses and can automatically print a return address on each envelope if required. 109. These specific storage conditions however, although commonly used, need not necessarily be employed. 110. Meat stocks are essential to the intense sauces commonly found in game cooking. 111. A commonly cited example of defensive medicine is the rise in the number of caesarean section births, as opposed to natural births. 112. Of these classes, Extra Large, Large, and Medium are commonly available in the supermarket. 113. The use of the enzyme lipase is most commonly employed with the kinetic procedures. 114. More commonly, larval numbers increase on pasture in summer and autumn giving rise to clinical problems during these seasons. 115. Such situations are commonly found in other taxonomic disciplines, such as zoology and botany. 116. Non-practitioners commonly associate these sounds with the breaking of wood or other materials. 117. Whitby jet was widely used in Roman Britain, and jet beads occur commonly in Anglian cemeteries of the Anglo-Saxon period. 118. However, it commonly occurs as a natural alloy with silver, and methods were therefore developed to purify the gold. 119. Through his work, Freud realised that some taboos of the time were much more commonly breached than was acknowledged by society. 120. Most people commonly employ dishonesty and deception as a means to get through life safely and advantageously. Dr T.P.Chia 121. Also, they commonly appear as subordinate elements in a sentence where the main clause indicates the speaker. 122. Last year, its statistics division found that commonly accepted estimates of gun injuries may be too high. 123. A benefice consisting of six parishes can commonly have five patrons who all have views on their incumbent. 124. The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren. Doug Larson 124. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. 125. And many pests have developed resistance to the most commonly used pesticides. 126. But it is commonly held that Mind and Matter both have existence, separately, one from the other. 127. The contracts are structured as loans or, most commonly, as a direct purchases of a certain number of installments. 128. But he also offers an attribute not commonly found in the breed: intelligence. 129. True, it has increased 25 percent in the last generation, but this is hardly the dramatic change commonly depicted. 130. Thus it is commonly held that services are economic activities whose output is not a physical product. 131. Agar gel and cellulose acetate are the more commonly used media in the routine clinical laboratory. 189. 132. The surface of the brain is totally insensitive, and operations on the brain in humans commonly involve only a local anaesthetic. 133. Temperatures high enough to melt silicates and make droplets of glass are commonly found near surface bursts. 134. The receipts and payments method is commonly employed for shorter time periods, say up to one month. 135. Probabilistic models have commonly been used to investigate the semantic associations between words. 136. How does a woman with a large inheritance commonly bestow it on a man? 137. The resulting seizures are commonly regarded as a successful experimental approximation of focal epilepsy. 138. She had no money for even a blackboard and chalk, or for the slates used commonly by village children. 139. They are most commonly found in women's graves of the sixth century accompanied by a relatively large quantity of grave-goods. 140. It was the commonly held belief then that never again would this communal beast be allowed to rear its head. 141. Teachers, parents, and students all need access to better information about colleges and careers than is commonly available. 142. In contrast to fifteen years ago, mortgages are commonly available to people over retirement age. 143. Moreover, the technology that is commonly available for large cement factories is inappropriate for most developing countries. 144. The lime juice myth was so firmly entrenched that it is still commonly believed. 145. The ponderosa is, in fact, almost as good an indicator as the commonly accepted standard. 146. Differentiated thyroid cancer occurs much more commonly in women than in men, largely in the premenopausal years. 147. It is commonly due to globally diminished cerebral blood flow, which may be caused by a variety of mechanisms. 148. Suggested doses of commonly used laxatives are given in reference 17. 149. This traveling wave of altered electrical potential is called an action potential, more commonly known as a nerve impulse. 150. But this is of little comfort, since the two are commonly inextricably intertwined. 151. It is most commonly known to affect brown rice and sweetcorn during cooking. 152. The most commonly reported ailment among VDU operators is eye-strain. 153. The first instance most commonly occurs when a group of students complete training at the same time. 154. Probably several eddies commonly occur simultaneously, as shown in the figure, with an approximately but not exactly even spacing. 154. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 155. Propranolol, which is used so commonly in migraine prophylaxis, is not beneficial in most cluster headache patients. 156. It requires an altruism not commonly associated with the nature of big time politics. 157. Failed peristalsis was commonly encountered in patients as well as controls. 158. Currently the need for a revision is the most commonly used definition of a failed operation. 159. There are two infestations that are commonly transmitted in this way although there is no absolute necessity for this mode of transmission. 160. Many of the trilobite fossils found commonly elsewhere in the world are these empty suits of armour. 161. Such a scheme has a factorial treatment structure and is very commonly used in biological research. 162. Walrus were quite commonly encountered in the Shetland Isles and the Scandinavian coasts until quite recently. 163. As commonly occurs with solo harpsichord and guitar recordings, a reduced volume setting is needed to give the correct aural loudness. 164. Although the assassins were never caught, it is commonly believed that they were working for the government. 165. Teachers commonly believe that the reason they are so tired is that they have so much to do. 166. All the changes and symptoms that arise are noted and studied to detect patterns and trends that are characteristic and commonly occur. 167. This interchange takes place rapidly, usually in a matter of seconds, using fairly inexpensive and commonly available technology. 168. Such conditions are commonly associated with deltaic sedimentation which along the Gulf Coast attain thicknesses of 50, 000 feet. 169. Particular substances were commonly held to possess magical and even medical potential. 170. So, what are the benefits of additives in foods we commonly consume? 171. Mercury was commonly used to treat the disease syphilis. 172. Terms like'staggering'and'explosive'are commonly used to describe Europe's market potential. 173. Epithelial tissue occurs most commonly in sheets. 174. A perennial rhizomatous grass (Poa pratensis) native to Eurasia and North Africa and naturalized throughout the United States. It is commonly cultivated for pasture and lawns. 175. The hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES 130/0.4) is commonly used as a plasma volume expander in the surgical patients. 176. Resplendent and magnificent toilet, it is the choice of showily grace, it is certain to suited to go up commonly the career of age has adult person. 177. Finally, a commonly - held superstition is that of touching wood for luck. 178. In time they had a son who came to be called Ouedraogo (male horse), a name used quite commonly by the Burkinabe now. 179. Ralph resented this charge with more apparent earnestness than he commonly used. 180. A fractal geometry of the most commonly used recursive algorithm painting cockscomb , just a few lines of code. 181. Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped toare stimulants , depressants, or hallucinogens. 182. The method most commonly used for pharmaceutical protein products is lyophilization. The classification, characters, and mechanism of denaturation protein on Freeze-dry process are thorough discussed. 183. The three most commonly used method of manufacturing FRP are Cross-winding process, continuous winding process and the centrifugal casting process. 184. Oil wells that be disused in shallow sea are severe to affect sea-route. cannot cut off it effectively by dynamite commonly. and water affect jet a certain extent. 184. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. 185. Carburizing, cyaniding , and induction hardening are some of the processes commonly used to produce the case hardening effect. 186. The product was developed to specifically target areas where we most commonly see these dermo creases: forehead, between eyebrows, mouth corners and around the lips. 187. The commonly brick, semisilica brick , brick, high - alumina brick, chrome brick, magnesia brick, carbon brick, etc. 188. Hemoptysis, erythrocytosis, brain abscesses, coagulation abnormalities, and cerebrovascular incidents are commonly associated with ES and not with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. 189. Results:The primary syphilis was found to be commonly misdiagnosed as chancroid, genital herpes, scabies nodules and ulcus vulvae acutum. 190. Other than releasing oxygen in the air, money plant can also eliminate formaldehyde from the air that is commonly released by cigarette smoke and adhesives (used with wood furnishings). 191. Formica countertops, fitted carpets and coloured bathroom fixtures were commonly included in the price. 192. Kwashiorkor is seen most commonly in areas where the staple food is mainly carbohydrate, such as tubers and roots like cassava. 193. Treatment regimens commonly include a combination of plasmapheresis (PL) and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). 194. It is possible to nest dollar-quoted string constants by choosing different tags at each nesting level. This is most commonly used in writing function definitions. For example. 195. This feature and its big eyes made it resemble a bunny or a rat—which is why it is commonly called a rabbitfish or ratfish . 196. Results Ameloblastoma, keratinous cyst and dentigerous cyst were the most commonly seen, accounting for 70% cases. 197. In the harbor enterprise, the steel wire hoisting mechanisms have been commonly used to bundle spiral steel to carry on the handling operation. 198. The researchers injected mice with a tagged form of bicarbonate -- an alkali more commonly seen in baking soda -- that occurs naturally in the body and balances acidity, Brindle said. 199. The verbBrequestbis mainly used in formal speech and writing, often in public notices and commonly in the passive form. 200. The other one is between the Upper Ordovician Terekawat Formation and the underlying formations, which presents commonly as a parallel unconformity or an angular unconformity in some regions. 201. In the research of the far field structure of a phase-locked LDA by internal coupling, the terms that "single lobe" and "double lobes" were commonly mentioned. 202. The commonly employed approaches include vacuum low-temperature heating, liquid nitrogen method, capsule method, flavor pairing method, bubble method, decomposition method, and so on. 203. Commonly with vehicles or buildings, the lase will seem to 'snap to' the object. 204. Three main methods, site measurement, wind tunnel test and numerical simulation techniques are commonly used for the study of wind-induced interference effects on buildings. 205. Lipoma of the gastrointestinal tract most commonly occurs in the colon. 206. Actuators are most commonly either electric or pneumatic and can be equipped with a variety of functions and accessories for controlling valve operation. 207. Using the method of literal data, this paper analyzed two main evaluation methods for curative effect which is commonly used comparing with self random comparison design and Ritalin curative effect. 208. Vitamin A supports healthy mucous membranes while vitamin C and E act synergistically to combat free radicals commonly created during infection. 209. More than 1.3 billion people in 81 countries worldwide are threatened by lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis. 210. Eyesight bad to be wearing the right glasses, so as to avoid commonly used in Caecus, glandular secretions have been gradually opening blocked. 211. For instance, when a judge is in a village, he may call the parties and the witnesses through rediffusion on wire, a system commonly used in rural areas. 212. Two factors that influence the regioselectivity of the reaction are the electronics of the arene being functionalized and more commonly the directing group. 213. Further, DM is a commonly used as a drug of abuse by adolescents. 214. Rock faces commonly show a stockwork of intersecting quartz and carbonate veins. 215. Mineralization is commonly the result of full feedback coupling between the four processes of mechanical deformation, thermal transport, fluid flow, and mass transport. 216. Electric cables ladder frames are commonly used in laying the large diameter cables, especially applied in laying high-tension or low-tension dynamics electric cables. 217. Solid wimble nozzles are commonly used as flushing nozzles at home and abroad, and the uniformity of spray is one of the important indexes for the performance evaluation of a flushing nozzle. 218. LAND DEGRADATION - means "the decline in quality of natural land resources, commonly caused through improper use of the land by humans." 219. Other fish commonly eaten by respondents included halibut, ahi, sea bass and sushi. 220. Younger brothersare commonly fortunate,[] but seldom or never where the elder are disinherite. 221. The principle of indemnity is commonly incorporated into all insurance contracts. 222. This scale, commonly known as the Richter scale measures the ground motion caused by an earthquake. 223. Process - oriented programming style, which is commonly known as the C style. 224. Autophagy is commonly observed in metazoan organisms during programmed cell death (PCD), but its function in dying cells has been unclear. |
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