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单词 footer
释义  Related topics: Computersfoot·er /ˈfʊtə $ -ər/ noun  1. six-footer/eighteen-footer etc PERSON/PEOPLETHINGsomeone or something that measures six feet tall, eighteen feet long etc 六英尺高的人[东西]/十八英尺长的东西等2. [countable] a line of writing which appears at the bottom of each page of a document which is printed by a computer 〔计算机打印的每页的〕页脚,页尾 → headerExamples from the Corpusfooter• Standard 15 footers are available for those with large suburban yards.• A spell checker, word count feature and thesaurus are all included and the program can handle headers and footers.• To alter the margins, headers and footers, and other details select Page Setup.• A four footer would be better.From Longman Business Dictionaryfooterfoot‧er /ˈfʊtə-ər/ noun [countable]COMPUTING the line of information at the bottom of a computer screen or a printed page → compare headerfoot·er nounChineseSyllable  tall, Business eighteen feet someone feet six Corpus something measures or that




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