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单词 Elf
1. An elf and an urchin, she had seen Holly.
2. Twoflower had always wanted to meet an elf.
3. Griffon-mounted Elf Lords soared over the army.
4. But it was his elf face which shot up.
5. Dark Elf raiders have committed innumerable acts of piracy.
6. In sleep he looked delicate, more elf than goblin, almost beautiful.
7. Most of the old great Elf towns date from this period and it goes some way towards accounting for their remoteness.
8. The Elf sees a couple of extra Dwarfs hiding behind a tree with poisoned daggers, waiting to back-stab the Elf.
9. His Dark Elf followers have given themselves over entirely to his worship.
10. The Elf fleets cleared the northern seas of their Naggarothi kinsfolk. Trade routes lost during the Sundering were re-opened.
11. The largest Elf armada of all time was assembled to reclaim it.
12. The Elf case has a political dimension that makes it an affair of state.
13. A growing corruption scandal involving the Elf oil company claimed its highest-ranking victim to date.
14. This was the high water mark of Elf culture when most of their greatest works of art were created.
15. It seemed an gross insult to Elf pride that the Phoenix crown should remain in Dwarf hands.
16. Every Elf city was required to have a martial field where its soldiers could train and fight mock battles.
17. One tapestry, for instance, shows an Elf and a Dwarf in animated discussion.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. Additionally there were protests from the Elf colonies in the Old World who saw the departure of the armies as a betrayal.
19. The High Elf army fell on the besiegers of Lothern, putting them to the sword.
20. Elf clippers sailed as far as Nippon and Cathay in search of goods. Untold riches flowed through Lothern.
21. An Elf fleet was despatched to the cold north and was massacred by the Dark Elves.
22. To an Elf or a Dwarf, they seem to be having a violent argument.
23. I wanted to believe like I believed last year — that Santa was a big fat elf in a red suit.
24. Fast as the wind and loyal unto death, they are the perfect mount for Elf nobility.
25. Geraniums sat on the window ledges and oleanders grew from old Elf oil drums outside the doors.
26. Recognising his own inadequacy as a general, he appointed a succession of brilliant field commanders to lead the High Elf armies.
27. He was not prepared to gamble with the future of the Elf race.
28. There are also problems with words like unicorn, roc, elf and dragon.
29. On the way home Caledor's ship was separated from the rest of the High Elf fleet by a freak storm.
30. The gigantic Black Arks of Naggaroth vomited forth a wave of corruption on the shores of the Elf lands.
1. I wanted to believe like I believed last year — that Santa was a big fat elf in a red suit.
31. The influence of the three High Elf Mages changed the course of the war.
32. On land and sea total war was fought between Elf and daemonic minion.
33. Elf troops constantly move through enroute to war with the Dark Elves.
34. Now leading the Elf army, Tyrion proved to be every bit as skillful a general as he was a warrior.
35. What had once been the greatest and most prosperous of Elf realms had effectively ceased to be.
36. The fleets of Ulthuan ranged the seas destroying Dark Elf slaving ships.
37. High Elf mages are mighty spell casters whose fiery blasts and awesome energies have won many a battle.
38. The humans were astounded by the grace and majesty of Elf civilisation and well-pleased with the commerce that went on there.
39. Elf ships raced across the seas and charted the coasts of the continents.
40. An ugly , mischievous elf or goblin.
41. This is an aqua blue again a dynamic elf.
42. New Elf building: School of Wizardry.
43. Our Pearl a fitful and fantastic little elf sometimes.
44. Well said, sea elf, " the merman second said."
45. ELF is low frequency and utilizes the Earth itself as a vibrating medium.
46. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis suggested that SNP could induce typical apoptosis. The ELF magnetic fields could restore the structures of chondrocyte .
47. Heart toxicity was not found in the ELF, but incidence was 12 . 5 % in the FAM.
47. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
48. SIET extracts the size and starting address information of program global variables from the symbol section of ELF executable file.
49. The distribution of cell cycle time in ELF magnetic fields and at different temperatures are investigated.
50. " Our Pearl is a fitful and fantastic little elf sometimes.
51. If you are an elf, where do you hope anchor is in? You pick answer person very clever! Sky, laky , meadow, forest, the sea. Very clever anthology (psychology checks.
52. Because the ELF objects are based at offset 0 (until relocation), the convenience variables include the relative offset into the temporary memory block.
53. What do you think you're doing to that poor elf?
54. Honor can bring us satisfaction, elf - confident and even money sometimes.
55. This analytic method is also suitable for the bands of extremely low frequency (ELF) and very high frequency (VHF).
56. This falls in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range which includes frequencies up to 300 Hz.
57. I didn't tell the elf to fail his Will save against ghast paralyzation .
58. Conclusions: Elf - 1 expression in endometrial carcinoma correlates with the malignant potential of this tumor.
59. Enhanced expression of Elf - 1 has been reported in prostate cancer 、 endometrial carcinoma and osteosarcoma.
60. The important frequencies for stimulating tissue repair are all in the biologically important extremely low frequency (ELF) range.
61. Now our newbie Orc and Night Elf are engaged in mortal combat.
62. Objective To study the effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field(ELF EMF) and its combination with lead on the antioxidant system in mouse brain and liver tissues.
63. Some of those children were fair and rounded, others dark and elf - like.
64. The magnificent white horse slowed to a gallop, then a trot, and the unknown Elf rider moved to the front of the line at a slow, almost ghostlike pace.
65. An infamous elf wizard from long ago returns as a lich.
66. ELF object files can contain more information about a global symbol than just its address: they can contain the size of the symbol and its type as well.
67. The gray - beard's second levered his trident against a mauled sea elf corpse.
68. The biological effect of extremely low frequency ( ELF ) electromagnetic field on human body is a question in dispute.
69. Papa Elf: It's a 500 reindeer power, triple turbine engine.
70. But the extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields generated by such cables may cause disturbances to nearby electronic apparatus and may even affect the human health.
71. Such a hole is likely used as an underground antenna able to recharge the batteries of submarines in the Pacific and Indian Ocean through ELF broadcasts.
72. Tea table, resemble an elf same, in the beautification of the bedroom personate is worn indispensable costar part.
73. The ELF module is then read from user space into the temporary memory using copy_from_user.
74. Ee Elf elf magic things. Pointy ears and pointy wings.
75. The dwarf sat down and the elf rang the little brass bell.
76. When dancing wildly onstage , she looks just like a pretty elf.
77. He would later rejoin the night elf defenders, claiming that double-crossing the Legion had been his plan all along.
77. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
78. Once you are on the ship's cantina, look in the upper left to see a red female holograph doing the same dance as the female night elf from World Of Warcraft.
79. He found it wasn't a doll at all, but a little elf.
80. DWARF (debug with arbitrary record format) is a more recent format for ELF files.
81. Night Elf Male - " Last night I went to an awesome stag party. "
82. As of today both the Russian Navy and the US Navy operates ELF transmitters capable of communication with their respective submarines at their operational speed and depth.
83. Objective : To study the expression of Elf - 1 c - erbB 2 in normal, atypical hyperplastic and malignant endometrium.
84. Thellos is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf.
85. Objective: To investigate the effects of extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields on SD rat chondrocytes apoptosis induced by sodium nitroprusside (SNP).
86. However the behavioral deficit totally disappeared by adding an extremely lower frequency ( ELF ) noise magnetic field ( rms: 10μ T ).
87. This paper describes the ELF file format specification, and then combined with a simple C language program analysis is compiled and linked to generate the relocatable, executable format instance.
88. What are you doing here, with an elf for protection?
89. In November, the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an underground organization, gave warning that it had"spiked"trees in the Nez Perce national forest to protest against logging.
90. Objective To explore the relationship between extremely low frequency ( ELF ) magnetic fields and carcinogenesis.
91. Did you honestly believe I would trust the future to some blind, half - night elf mongrel?
92. The purpose of this review is to help people having a right attitude toward the health effects of expo-sure to extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields.
93. When these sanity checks are passed, the ELF image is parsed and a set of convenience variables are created for each section header to simplify their access later.
94. A man who wasn't a sea elf couldn't tolerate Auld Dessinha 's salves.
95. There is little doubt that exposure to ELF causes childhood leukemia.
96. The ELF Coalescer is a simple, virtually maintenance - free system for separating oil from steam condensate.
97. Furthermore, once the SPE code has been generated, it is embedded into an ELF (Executable and Linking Format) object code file and incorporated into the main program through the fib_spe_handle.
98. The ELF (extremely low frequency) waves cause entrainment of millions of Americans to occur, possibly to influence the election.
99. Nikola Tesla revealed in 1901 power could be transmitted through the ground using ELF waves.
100. The elf of friendship, the Cupid's bow, where are you?
101. Extremely low frequency ( ELF)refers to an electromagnetic field having a frequency much lower than the frequencies of signals typically used in communications.
102. ELF waves from HAARP when targeted on areas can weather - engineer and create mood changes affecting millions.
103. Based on the ELF received signal model, bit error rate of it be analyzed.
104. This is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf.
105. Traditionally, the word wangliang has three different meanings penumbra and elf.
106. Where faith dwells, hope is never lost young blood elf.
107. A gust of wind blowing, flowers sway gently, like a ballet skirt wearing elf dance in the bright, like stars in the sky beckoning to me.
108. In the turbulent war age, he guides the elf to know the death aright.
109. Few beings in the history of the Realms have become as powerful in both priestly and wizardly magics as this innocent elf.
110. The expression of Elf - 1 and Rb protein were not significantly different in several epidermal malignant tumor.
111. Introduce the information of the header file - ELF and the process of running ELF file under LINUX.
112. The cell cycles of MH 3T3 cell in ELF magnetic fields and at different temperatures aere measured and compared by using Automated Cinematographic Records System.
113. If animals and humans died unaccountably, some said it was due to elf - shot.
114. I just personally prefer my stone skinned, gun wielding midget over the Night elf bowyers.
115. Such stated - owned institute must ut enterprise-oriented reform fors elf survival and development under market economy.
116. Detection of Elf - 1 and Rb proteins expression may be useful for early diagnosis.
117. There were moments , Christine thought, when he had the mien of a mischievous elf.
118. The load_module function (which resides in ./linux/kernel/module.c) begins by allocating a block of temporary memory to hold the entire ELF module.
119. The DWARF and STAB formats are the most widely used executable and linking format (ELF).




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