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单词 Constitutionality
1. They questioned the constitutionality of the law.
2. They plan to challenge the constitutionality of the law.
3. A decision on the proposal's constitutionality still has to be made.
4. The judge chose to ignore questions of the constitutionality of the Senator's actions.
5. The Basic Law identifies constitutionality with substantive democratic legitimacy.
6. The Reagan administration challenged the constitutionality of the independent counsel law.
7. The Supreme Court agreed to review the constitutionality of the 1989 law.
8. The stumbling block is a case challenging the constitutionality of the new law.
9. Focusing attention on constitutionality tends to make constitutionality synonymous with wisdom.
10. Lemon involved two appeals about the constitutionality of Pennsylvania and Rhode Island statutes providing state aid to church-related schools.
11. A military commander may overstep the bounds of constitutionality, and it is an incident.
12. The decision upheld the constitutionality of two programmes by the Federal Communications Commission.
13. The theory of government constitutionality has rich contents.
14. Jefferson questioned the constitutionality of his own Louisiana Purchase.
15. Japanese judicial review system of constitutionality was transplanted in from the United States.
16. The principles of legislation currently includes constitutionality, democracy, science and ruling of law.
17. After hours of deliberation the court failed to rule on the constitutionality of Mr Yeltsin's measures.
18. No sooner had voters approved Prop. 209 than civil rights lawyers filed appeals challenging its constitutionality.
19. A federal appeals court has lifted the injunction, allowing for extraditions until the constitutionality of the statute is decided next year.
20. Debate within the Justice Department has focused in part on analyzing the constitutionality of Proposition 209, the Justice official said.
21. The sale had been postponed in September amid court cases challenging its constitutionality and violent demonstrations by union members facing redundancy.
22. The Equal Access Act was challenged in several cases, raising questions about its constitutionality as violative of the establishment clause.
23. Then they filed another appeal in the federal courts challenging the constitutionality of the death penalty.
24. The provision restricting investment income was also thought to be of dubious constitutionality.
25. That ruling, however, left open the question of the constitutionality of prayer that students themselves plan or arrange.
26. If we consider the independence of the Judiciary, the Supreme Court has the right to determine the constitutionality of all legislation.
27. He proved particulary adept at evading all attempts to elicit his views on the constitutionality of abortion.
28. Sun Zhigang case causes concern and discuss of the review of constitutionality among all circles again.
29. The Glorious Revolution of England in 1688 and American Constitutional Convention in 1787 were two typical cases of rapid successful constitutionality by positive-gaming.
30. However, the opinion did not resolve the central questions about the constitutionality of the system of regulation created by the National Industrial Recovery Act.
31. They think of a free and independent country as the basement of constitutionality.
32. They evaluate the constitutionality of state laws under the state constitution.
33. In 1963, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of an NAACP legal program that was pressing aggressively to break down barriers of racial segregation and discrimination.
34. The belief in law by the public is the inner impulse of the Chinese constitutionality.
35. The plaintiffs in Duke Power challenged the constitutionality of the Price - Anderson Act.
36. The high court will rule on the constitutionality of the new law.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:46:32