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单词 fallen
释义  fall·en1 /ˈfɔːlən $ ˈfɒːl-/ verb  XXthe past participle of fall1 fall的过去分词Examples from the Corpusfallen• First, women were probably regarded as more hopelessly incorrigible, more totally irredeemable when fallen.• The sun has now fallen behind the uneven horizon of buildings.• Waiting game on hospital lists Hospital waiting lists have fallen by more than 100,000 since the general election.• But eventually it had all fallen into his lap, and Sarah with it.• Fearless until now, I suddenly remembered the reason why pressure cookers had fallen out of favor.• The hon. Gentleman will be delighted to know that unemployment in the Holloway area has fallen since 1987.• Most of the surrounding marshland had fallen to the crippling infection.fallen2 adjective  1  FALL[only before noun] on the ground after falling down 倒下的,落下的,倒在地上的 The road was blocked by a fallen tree. 马路被倒下的一棵树堵住了。 fallen leaves 落叶2. a fallen woman old-fashionedSY a woman who has had a sexual relationship with someone she is not married to 失身的女子,堕落的妇女3. the fallen [plural] formalDIE soldiers who have been killed in a war 阵亡士兵Examples from the Corpusfallen• Kopyion pulled out the old revolver stolen from the Academician's apartment and moved over the fallen figure.• She ducked her head in, and tried to go deeper before making towards the fallen flare.• Out of her window she watched the wind whisking fallen leaves along the gutter into pavement-high stacks of yellow and brown.• A couple of inmates were collecting fallen leaves and stuffing them into black bags.• Klift lay beneath the fallen slab, broken in body and mind.fall·en1 verbfallen2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  of past the participle Corpus fall1




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