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单词 foment
释义  fo·ment /fəʊˈment $ foʊ-/ verb  foment revolution/trouble/discord etc formalFIGHT FOR OR AGAINST something to cause trouble and make people start fighting each other or opposing the government 煽动革命/挑起事端/造成不和等 SYN stir up They were accused of fomenting rebellion. 他们被指控煽动叛乱。 —fomentation /ˌfəʊmenˈteɪʃən, -mən- $ ˌfoʊ-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfoment• Every two blocks or so he would leave the parade to renew an old acquaintanceship or foment a new one.• The old quarrel, sprung from a tract of land in dispute, had been fomented by many acts of hostility since.• The tepid federal response to the assault and murder of civil rights workers engaged in nonviolent activities fomented distrust.• For more years than I care to recall, the media have served as a willing accessory in fomenting environmental hysteria.• Large sums of money have been expended in creating and fomenting prejudice and ill feeling against us.• He hosted the meetings where the rebellion was fomented which ousted Mrs Thatcher from power.Origin foment (1300-1400) Late Latin fomentare, from Latin fovere “to make warm”fo·ment verbChineseSyllable  people Corpus other to each start trouble and make cause fighting




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