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单词 derail
释义  Related topics: Trains & railwaysde·rail /ˌdiːˈreɪl, dɪ-/ verb  1. [intransitive, transitive]TTT if a train derails or something derails it, it goes off the tracks (使)〔火车〕出轨, (使)脱轨2  [transitive]SPOIL to spoil or interrupt a plan, agreement etc 破坏,干扰〔计划、协议等〕 a mistake that might derail the negotiations 可能会扰乱谈判的失误 —derailment noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusderail• A mainline railway train was derailed by the car.• It was on that stretch of track that the Sunset Limited derailed in October near Hyder.• Central Promenade 1984: a car is pulled clear of the track after derailing in sand. 1.• Forty-five people were injured when a passenger train derailed near Ottumwa, Iowa.• It also ignores the possibility that the story will be wholly or partly derailed somewhere along the line.• Radicals are trying to derail the peace process.• However, two important developments occurred to derail the peace process.• Bidding on the first of the plants opened in November, but opponents are fighting hard to derail the plan.• Borrowing thematically from Medea, this world premier unfolds as she attempts to derail the wedding, prompting Cortez to vow revenge.• Legislation to derail these plans was voted on by the Senate last year.Origin derail (1800-1900) French dérailler, from English railde·rail verbChineseSyllable  if goes it Corpus or it, derails something train derails a




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