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单词 deranged
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatryde·ranged /dɪˈreɪndʒd/ adjective  MPCRAZYsomeone who is deranged behaves in a crazy or dangerous way, usually because they are mentally ill 精神失常的,疯狂的 a deranged gunman 精神错乱的枪手 —derangement noun [countable, uncountable]Examples from the Corpusderanged• To most people today the prophecy about the second coming seems deranged and the other about everlasting life highly questionable.• And they cater to the deranged grin fetishes of retired colonels from the home counties.• AS good as it got for the deranged Los Angeles combo.• The chameleon on the mirror flipping without rest slips into some deranged state far from sanity.• This was after the el-Aqse mosque had been burned by a deranged tourist.• It's beginning to look like a deranged version of Live Aid.• Small and thin, Terri was dressed, as usual, in the manner of a deranged Victorian governess.Origin deranged (1700-1800) derange “to make untidy, make mad” ((18-21 centuries)), from French dérangerde·ranged adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus behaves who deranged in is crazy a someone




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