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单词 deregulate
释义  Related topics: Economicsde·reg·u·late /ˌdiːˈreɡjəleɪt/ verb [transitive]  PEto remove government rules and controls from some types of business activity 撤销政府对…的管制n The decision to deregulate the banks was criticised. industries that have been deregulated 解除管制的行业n Grammar Deregulate is often used in the passive. —deregulation /diːˌreɡjəˈleɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusderegulate• The pressure to deregulate came therefore not only from outside but from inside the Stock Exchange.• A bill pending in Congress would deregulate electricity sales nationwide.• California did not deregulate its electricity system-the government changed the regulations, and botched the job.• The government set off a consumer spending boom last year by deregulating shop hours.• The U.S. airline industry has been deregulated since 1978.• The long slow process of deregulating the financial sector in fundamental ways is also coming unstuck.• The progressive dismantling of regional development policy since 1979 has moved more swiftly than steps aimed at deregulating the housing sector.• The real payoff comes when governments deregulate these systems, because they create the basic incentives that drive employees.From Longman Business Dictionaryderegulatede‧reg‧u‧late /ˌdiːˈregjəleɪt/ verb [intransitive, transitive]ECONOMICS to remove or reduce the number of government controls on a particular business activity, done to make companies work more effectively and to increase competitionAfter internal US flights were deregulated in 1978, the industry quickly became more competitive.The pressure to deregulate came from inside the Stock Exchange. → compare regulate —deregulated adjective [only before a noun]Competition is intense in the deregulated financial markets. —deregulation noun [uncountable]The bank industry maintains deregulation has benefited consumers.→ See Verb tablede·reg·u·late verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business controls and from remove to Corpus some rules government types




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