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单词 foggy
释义  Related topics: Naturefog·gy /ˈfɒɡi $ ˈfɑːɡi, ˈfɒːɡi/ ●●● S3 adjective  1  DNif the weather is foggy, there is fog 有雾的 a foggy day in November 11月的一个雾天 driving in foggy conditions 雾天驾驶2  not have the foggiest (idea) spokenNOT KNOW to not know at all 完全不知道;全然不明白 None of us had the foggiest idea about how to put the tent up. 我们都对搭帐篷一窍不通。3. FORGETif your mind is foggy, you cannot think or remember things clearly 头脑迷糊的;记忆模糊的Examples from the Corpusfoggy• It was a foggy, chilly day, without sunshine so the sea was murky and opaque.• And look how foggy it was.• He told us to hurry back home after the picture had finished because it might get foggy later.• a damp and foggy morning• The equipment had worked, but there was nothing to see in this foggy, turbulent atmosphere.fog·gy adjectiveChineseSyllable  the is fog if is foggy, Corpus weather there




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