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单词 Cuckoo
1 The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away. 
2 The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away. 
3 In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring.
4 The cuckoo lays her egg in another bird's nest.
5 The cuckoo is characterized by its familiar call.
6 The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring.
7 The cuckoo harbingers the coming of spring.
8 He has gone absolutely cuckoo.
9 The cuckoo is the herald of spring.
10 The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds'nests.
11 A cuckoo is able to lay in a range of different nests.
12 A dunnock plays host to a young cuckoo.
13 The country dictated that Operation Cuckoo be abandoned.
14 So every nation is equally cuckoo.
15 A bird cuckoo deposits her egg and disappears.
16 Sylvie had brought a cuckoo into her own nest.
17 The cuckoo clock spun round and round.
18 I am famous for cuckoo clocks and chocolate.
19 The best time for the cuckoo to lay its egg is after the hosts have started laying and before they have finished.
20 A tiny reed warbler, faced with a cuckoo,[] feeds a chick much larger than herself.
21 A cuckoo flew over, calling loudly, invisible above the canopy of leaves.
22 Careful timing by the cuckoo is important in another respect.
23 However, Edgar Chance showed that a cuckoo using a meadow pipit's nest is nearly always attacked while she is laying.
24 So, at this writing, we see the cuckoo pop out again.
25 Anyone who thinks this legislation will be effective is living in cloud cuckoo land.
26 The entire burden of hatching, feeding and caring for the young cuckoo falls on the hapless foster parents.
27 There was a grotesque inventiveness, a deliberate eccentricity in the idea of the cuckoo clock that Melanie had never encountered.
28 The truth is that, as she is laying, the cuckoo removes and eats one of the host's eggs.
29 If Kirov chose, he could drop Vologsky, and Operation Cuckoo, like a hot brick.
30 Melanie and Aunt Margaret sat in complete silence but for the ponderous ticking of the cuckoo clock and its regular two note interjections.
1 The cuckoo lays her egg in another bird's nest.
2 The cuckoo is characterized by its familiar call.
3 The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring.
4 The cuckoo is the herald of spring.
5 The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds'nests.
31 Beside the portrait was a carved cuckoo clock with green ivy and purple grapes growing around a green front door.
32 As a result, a cuckoo who was himself brought up by warblers may father an egg found in a redstart nest.
33 The cuckoo continued calling in the far recesses of the wood undeterred by the surrounding stillness.
34 The cuckoo had to fly to a new nest, or perish.
35 This gives the cuckoo more time to find and watch a suitable nest.
36 Very occasionally the young cuckoo fails to remove its host's eggs and the young cuckoo and chicks are reared together.
37 There is one other bizarre adaptation used by the female cuckoo in laying her eggs.
38 The stuffed cuckoo is bombarded by a frenzied reed warbler and a belligerent pair of nightingales.
39 Opposite A pair of reed warblers work flat out to keep the young cuckoo satisfied.
40 In addition to certain species of cuckoo, there are about 30 species of birds worldwide that are also brood parasites.
41 Have you seen those cuckoo clocks which have little weathermen as part of the mechanism?
42 By looking like a super-offspring, the cuckoo successfully exploits the normal pattern of interaction that exists between parent and young.
43 In spite of his indifference, it was exquisite: the ditch banks were creamy with cowslips and lilac with cuckoo flower.
44 His detailed observations helped to dispel popular misconceptions about the habits and behaviour of the cuckoo.
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45 After about three weeks, the young cuckoo is ready to leave the nest.
46 You've cleared official sanction for Operation Cuckoo to go ahead.
47 A cuckoo flew low over the reed bed, to be mobbed at once by two reed warblers.
48 The first problem that faces the cuckoo is to find a nest belonging to the right species of host.
49 And the pressure of natural selection on the cuckoo is considerably greater than that on the host species.
50 Some ant cuckoo females make their presence felt in more dramatic fashion.
51 Sir Emmanuel asked Uncle Ned what it was and he said it was a young cuckoo.
52 Does anyone know the earliest date that a cuckoo has been heard?
53 This may sound cuckoo, but remember the rolling wheel thing.
54 Nobody, after all, writes to the newspapers about the last cuckoo of spring.
55 Only a little more indirect is the effect of the same cuckoo genes on the behaviour of the besotted host.
56 When the host leaves the nest, the cuckoo makes its approach in a long, silent hawk-like glide.
57 If, however, the host appears reluctant to leave the nest, the cuckoo has a more direct approach.
58 The willow warbler is even prepared to assault a stuffed cuckoo head.
59 Any cuckoo nestling that lost its hold, even momentarily, over its host would have died as a result.
60 The cuckoo is a herald of spring.
61 Instinct impels the cuckoo to migrate.
62 Then he said, We need a new cuckoo clock.
63 They are looking at a cuckoo clock...
64 Think about this: know what a cuckoo does?
65 European arum resembling the cuckoo pint.
66 In England the cuckoo is the herald of Spring.
67 The cuckoo is the harbinger of spring.
68 Gowk is another name a cuckoo bird.
69 Have you gone cuckoo clock in the head?
70 What did it produce? The cuckoo clock.
71 A cuckoo began calling from a hawthorn tree.
72 Don't think he's a cuckoo. He's pretty smart indeed.
73 Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.
74 Who knew that the mild-mannered cuckoo clock could evolve into such a gruesome object?
75 Imagine the world's most complicated mechanical cuckoo bird - hidden not in a clock but in what appears to be a double-barreled pistol.
76 Other trees are maple, wooden lotus, camphor, narrow-leaf spicebush and cuckoo.
77 My uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.
78 I came home just in time to hear the cuckoo clock cuckoo three times.
79 The cuckoo clock poked out its head and called nine o'clock.
80 The bird in the clock gaily hops out and cuckoo.
81 So if we made a cuckoo look less hawk-like - if we removed this bar pattern - it was more likely to be mobbed.
82 I didn't realize when I befriended him that he'd turn out to be a cuckoo in the nest and steal my wife's affections.
83 The responses were significantly more divergent for the free condition of "The Cuckoo" than the directed condition, however.
84 Miles Davis was a great artist but kind of a cuckoo clock.
85 A study has shown that reed warblers - a cuckoo host species - are less likely to attack more "hawk-like" cuckoos.
86 A cuckoo in a tree was crowing sorrowfully. Hearing this, a caring turtledove asked about her sadness in the hope of helping her out.
87 Before the King of Frost - cuckoo land, they did another favorite sketch.
88 In clown stripes and swirls, a foot-long (30-centimeter-long) cuckoo wrasse (Labrus mixtus), common in Irish waters, hovers over a vivid sea floor off Valentia Island.
89 North American cuckoo; builds a nest and rears its own young.
90 Old World ground - living cuckoo having a long dagger - like hind claw.
91 She said that was good, and for some reason she said we needed a new cuckoo clock.
92 The Bow-wow theory sees primitive language as an imitation of natural sounds, such as the cries of animals, like quack , cuckoo .
93 In Scotland, April Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an "April Gowk", which is another name for a cuckoo bird.
94 The cuckoo explained with disdainfulness, "It's literally a waste of time and stupid to stay in the nest and hatch eggs.
95 We have been surrounded by birds all our lives, yet so feeble is our observation that many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo.
96 The just-hatched cuckoo, still blind and featherless, has a special hollow like a dimple on its back, so that it can hump out of the nest, one by one, its companion fledglings.
97 The mellowness of the cuckoo report the come of spring.
98 Don't think he is a cuckoo(http://), he's pretty smart indeed.
99 They will protect species including sponges, sea squirts, corals, shellfish, and more exotic creatures such as the colourful cuckoo wrasse fish.
100 I thought I was hearing things yesterday. I thought I heard a cuckoo.
101 In front of the deserted flat hang a cuckoo clock without battery, for so many years both the clock and the flat remained there, unattended, but this perhaps is a very good setup for a fairytale?




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