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单词 overgrown
释义 Word family  noun grower growth undergrowth outgrowth overgrowth adjective growing grown overgrown verb grow outgrow  Related topics: Plants, Gardeningo·ver·grown /ˌəʊvəˈɡrəʊn◂ $ ˌoʊvərˈɡroʊn◂/ adjective  1  HBPDLGcovered with plants that have grown in an uncontrolled way 植物蔓生的,杂草丛生的overgrown with The garden will be overgrown with weeds by the time we get back. 我们回来的时候,花园里将会长满杂草。 →4  See picture of 见图 overgrown2  when grass or plants are overgrown, they have grown in an uncontrolled way 〔杂草或植物〕乱长的,丛生的 a lawn with overgrown grass 杂草丛生的草地3  overgrown schoolboy/child BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSan adult who behaves like a child – used to show disapproval 大男生/大孩子〔用于形容孩子气的成人,含贬义〕 Stop acting like an overgrown schoolboy. 别再幼稚得像个大孩子似的。Examples from the Corpusovergrown• He wasn't a man, only a big, overgrown boy, and he looked quite crazy and terrifying.• an overgrown field• It backed on to a big grey building like an overgrown garden shed, with no windows.• It was utterly quiet, save for vague rustlings in the overgrown grasses.• An overgrown hedge divided the two properties.• He threw everything out, clothes, shoes, old wellingtons, burrowing underneath all the mess like an overgrown mole.• Inside the grounds the path continued, curving up between the overgrown rhododendrons in the direction of the house.• But if she had to liken him to anything it would be an overgrown teddy bear in determined pursuit of his honey.• The stone walls, what remained of them, were weather-beaten but untouched by overgrown weeds.overgrown with• Both sides of the road were overgrown with weeds.o·ver·grown adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus plants uncontrolled grown in have with covered that an




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