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单词 antagonism
释义  an·tag·o·nis·m /ænˈtæɡənɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]  1  UNFRIENDLYhatred between people or groups of people 〔人或团体之间的〕对抗,对立,敌对 SYN hostilityantagonism between the antagonism between the army and other military groups 军队和其他军事组织间的对立2  AGAINST/OPPOSEopposition to an idea, plan etc 〔对主张、计划等的〕反对antagonism to/towards his antagonism towards the press 他对新闻界所持的反对态度Examples from the Corpusantagonism• But behind the expressed reasons for antagonism or inertia in the face of proposals for harmonization lies a more fundamental consideration.• Hines made no effort to conceal his antagonism towards his supervisor.• Soon after the incident of the priest, local antagonism diminished.• These are new antagonisms which emerge as social conflict is diffused to more social relations.• The Church and democracy had fought a war for temporal power, the Church had lost, and the antagonism lingered.• Mitchell sees no clear way to end the antagonism between the two groups.• Brian and I weren't entirely sure how to deal with the Yanks' antagonisms.antagonism to/towards• This causes antagonism towards you faster than almost anything else.• To that he brought a class-conscious antagonism towards the relics and treasures of the old élites.• There is no visible grinding poverty and no antagonism towards tourists.• Now that it is no longer traitorous, popular antagonism towards the Catholic church has become open.• Anyone with half an eye could see Susan's antagonism towards her.• This led to sharp antagonism towards the full launch of assessment at 7 in 1991.• In the end, however, the antagonism towards newcomers is not a rationally calculated response.• Today, antagonism towards Birmingham remains as strong as when Jane Austen wrote the words in Emma in·tag·o·nis·m nounChineseSyllable   Corpus people people groups of hatred between or




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