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单词 Albite
(1) Typically, albite of this purity results from secondary alteration processes such as hydrothermal metasomatism or authigenic growth during burial diagenesis.
(2) A variety of albite occurring as elongated white crystals.
(3) Anorthite and albite are important calcium - containing feldspars.
(4) Study prove that Shuimozi is albite.
(5) The albite component increases while anorthic component decreases in detrital plagioclase. The plagioclase turned into an end - member component of albite.
(6) The effect of albite on activating fly ash is better than microcline's.
(7) The plagioclase contains albite, oligoclase, andesine, laboratories, bytownite and anorthite.
(8) Natural and heat - treated single crystals of albite were studied by electronparamagnetic resonance ( EPR ) and X - ray diffraction.
(9) Albite and labradorite both belong to plagioclase series, but they are the two different varieties. According to the characters of inclusion and transparency, iridescent ...
(10) Albite is a new mineral to Zhejiang province, which was just discovered recently.
(11) Combined red mud phase is mainly composed of quartz and calcium aluminum melilite, followed by albite, andradite garnet, and perovskite garnet.
(12) The forming minerals of the granite mass rock are composed of quartz, albite, potassium feldspar and phlogopite in Pingwu.
(13) La Societ à per minerali Development Corporation, opera principalmente nel Albite, quarzo , caolino , e di altre risorse.
(14) The primary beryl crystals were crystallized early from the pegmatitic magma in association with rock forming minerals such as quartz, muscovite, albite and spodumene.
(15) The results showed that the main crystalline phases of red mud samples are Gehlenite, Quartz, and a small amount of Albite, Morimotoite and Andradite.
(16) Plagioclase is usually white - colored with perfect cleavage and albite twins.
(17) The major mineral association in keratophyre rocks from Donggouba area is actinolite + chlorite + epidote + pumpellyite + albite.
(18) Alkaline minerals t such as aegirine, riebeckite, microcline and albite are found in it.
(19) The ore mineral assemblage of Dayishan wollastonite deposit is complex being composed of wollastonite, diopside, idocrase, K—feldspar, albite, calcite and quartz.




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