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单词 flurry
释义  Related topics: Natureflur·ry /ˈflʌri $ ˈflɜːri/ noun (plural flurries)  1  [singular]BUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DO a time when there is suddenly a lot of activity and people are very busy 一阵忙乱flurry of After a quiet spell there was a sudden flurry of phone calls. 平静了一阵子之后,电话突然响个不停。 The day started with a flurry of activity. 这一天在一阵忙碌中开始了。2  [countable]DN a small amount of snow or rain that is blown by the wind 〔雪或雨的〕微飘,一阵flurry of He opens the door and a flurry of snow blows in. 他打开门,飘进来几片雪花。 Snow flurries are expected overnight. 夜间将有阵雪。Examples from the Corpusflurry• It collapses to the floor, with the three struggling youths and a flurry of arms and legs.• There was a flurry of imports to follow in the years to come.• Arsenal's breaks were few but always threatening and Oldham, after a first flurry, found openings increasingly elusive.• Colder temperatures and snow flurries are expected tonight.• During the flurry of action that followed the explosion of the mine, the bombardment of the city had continued.• If this flurry of truth in advertising proves contagious, travelers could actually come to love flying again.flurry of activity• In a flurry of activity, this deal was concluded right on the year-end deadline.• Alvin flew into a flurry of activity, managing to overspend the grants without finishing his own projects.• There are street sounds: cars, people calling, little flurries of activity, occasional voices next door.• There was a further little flurry of activity.• But some analysts question whether the flurry of activity makes sense.• The flurry of activity is in preparation for the worst-case scenario for winter rainfall.• Inevitably, this flurry of activity has created some internal turmoil.• Despite many and varied flurries of activity in the first 40 minutes, Arsenal seemed reasonably secure if not inspired.Origin flurry (1600-1700) Probably from flurr “to scatter” ((17-19 centuries)) + hurryflur·ry nounChineseSyllable  there a when Corpus a time lot suddenly is




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