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单词 flag
释义  Related topics: Daily lifeflag1 /flæɡ/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  Da piece of cloth with a coloured pattern or picture on it that represents a country or organization 旗,旗帜 Children waving flags greeted the Russian leader. 孩子们挥舞着旗帜,欢迎俄罗斯领导人。 the flag of Kenya 肯尼亚国旗 the Spanish flag 西班牙国旗a flag is flying (=a flag is shown on a pole) 旗帜飘扬 Flags were flying at half-mast because of the death of the Premier. 降半旗为总理的逝世志哀。2  a coloured piece of cloth used in some sports as a signal or as a sign showing the position of something 信号旗 The flag went down, and the race began. 随着信号旗落下,比赛开始了。 a free kick near the corner flag (=flag on a football pitch) 角旗附近的任意球 →4  See picture of 见图 GOLF3  the flag an expression meaning a country or organization and its beliefs, values, and people 旗帜〔指国家、组织及其所代表的信仰、价值观和民众〕 loyalty to the flag 对国家的忠诚4  keep the flag flying SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto achieve success on behalf of your country in a competition 〔比赛中〕使国旗飘扬,代表祖国获胜 Bristol kept the flag flying for English rugby with this win. 布里斯托尔队的这场胜利使英格兰橄榄球得以站上领奖台。5. TBa flagstone 〔铺地面或路的〕石板 → fly the flag at fly1(13)Examples from the Corpusflag• His tongue is hanging out of the side of his mouth like a flag.• Sighing deeply, Democratic pundits and brokers are beginning to rally to the Clinton flag.• Colored flags flapped in a heavy sea wind.• He saw the red flag come down for the final time over Red Square in Moscow.• the state flag of Montana• He could hear the beck-water rushing beneath the flags at his feet.• There was talk before everyone arrived here that she might be asked to carry the flag.• And take it down: Hotel is told it can't fly the flag.• The children waved flags as the President's car drove by.Flags ... flying at half-mast• The flags were flying at half-mast.corner flag• With 17 minutes remaining the right-back Mario Melchiot was fouled by Ian Taylor near the left-hand corner flag.• Then winger Crawford Dobbin ran half the length of the pitch for the final score at the corner flag.• Dyer was almost over for a try but put a foot in touch at the corner flag spoiled the effort.• Harte fired the ball into the bottom corner before heading for the corner flag to celebrate.• Then Goodman scored a soft goal with his head for a free kick near the corner flag.• It was Harlequins who opened the scoring ... Mike Wedderburn taking the scenic route to the corner flag.flag2 verb (flagged, flagging)  1  [transitive]SHOW/LET somebody SEE something to make a mark against some information to show that it is important 标示,标出〔表示重要〕 I’ve flagged the parts I want to comment on. 我已经标示出我要评论的部分。2  [intransitive]TIRED to become tired or weak 疲倦;变虚弱 By the end of the meeting we had begun to flag. 会议结束时,我们已经开始打蔫了。3 flag somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb STOP MOVINGto make the driver of a vehicle stop by waving at them 挥手拦下〔车辆〕 I flagged down a taxi. 我挥手拦下一辆出租车。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusflag• By the fifth game, I could see that my opponent was beginning to flag.• Japan's economic growth was beginning to flag.• Jenny taught for four hours straight without flagging.• Even so, recent economic reports suggest growth is flagging.• In 1988, the 10-year budget flagged a shortfall looming about five years out, because of a slowdown in population growth.• Provided that none of the entries were flagged as requiring attention, the system will permit their transfer to the Main Database.• The knack for capturing the voice of each character, a trademark of Bogosian as performer, flags at times here.• The pace and enthusiasm flagged considerably when attention had to switch from abstract or grand designs to the nitty-gritty of practical details.• The point is simply to flag problems that loom ahead.• I've flagged the sections I have questions about.• But the commissioned research does flag up a number of interesting pointers to building a bigger core support.• The signals you put across at the job interview can flag your future ambitions.From Longman Business Dictionaryflagflag1 /flæg/ verb [transitive]COMPUTING to put a special mark against a piece of writing or an email to show that it is importantYou’ll see that I have flagged the sections that need clarifying.Send the minutes to everyone at the meeting and flag the email for follow-up.→ See Verb tableflagflag2 noun [countable]COMPUTING a special mark that you put against a piece of writing or an email to show that it is importantOrigin flag1 1. (1500-1600) Perhaps from flag, name of a kind of flower. 2. (1400-1500) Old Norse flaga flag2 (1500-1600) Origin unknownflag1 nounflag2 verbChinese  piece or Corpus of a on a coloured Business cloth picture with pattern




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