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单词 Pasture
1 Horses are grazing in the pasture.
2 The cattle were put out to pasture.
3 The cows are out now, grazing in the pasture.
4 This is the place where they used to pasture.
5 The farmer laid the big field up for pasture.
6 They turned out cows to pasture.
7 This pasture carries 200 heads of cattle.
8 These lands afford good pasture.
9 The soil proved too infertile to sustain real pasture or arable crops.
10 This pasture can no longer carry such a large number of cattle and sheep.
11 The highest pasture was green again.
12 Net income on the pasture is £2450 per year.
13 The pasture is located on communal land.
14 The village became surrounded by fields and pasture land.
15 Out in the pasture, the princess let her hair down.
16 The hedgerows and pasture where the owls hunt their prey are disappearing as farmers create bigger fields for intensive arable farming.
17 These basic land uses of arable, pasture and meadow were, of course, supplemented at different times.
18 We drove through mile after mile of land cleared for pasture.
19 It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture.
20 It's about time this old sewing machine was put out to pasture.
21 They were so old; they should have been put out to pasture years ago.
22 The boy got up very early every morning to pasture cattle.
23 Some fields are planted with crops for several years, and then returned to pasture for the cattle.
24 High percentage of farm land or all land in permanent pasture made up of rough grazing.
25 At the moment it looks more like a bit of rough pasture ... full of dandelions and clover patches.
26 Horse to horse contact directly or via feed, water troughs, pasture or stable fittings pass the infection to susceptible horses.
27 The Plot Every day, Johnny took his three goats to pasture and then back home.
28 But it's cattle you should think of in this country, perfect dairy pasture, rich it is.
29 They were for ever breaking up each other's fish-weirs and quarrelling over competing interests in pasture and peat cutting.
30 For years he had refused, as it would have upset his hens in their rough pasture.
1 Horses are grazing in the pasture.
2 The cattle were put out to pasture.
3 The cows are out now, grazing in the pasture.
4 We drove through mile after mile of land cleared for pasture.
5 It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture.
6 It's about time this old sewing machine was put out to pasture.
7 This is the place where they used to pasture.
8 These lands afford good pasture.
9 They were so old; they should have been put out to pasture years ago.
10 The boy got up very early every morning to pasture cattle.
11 The soil proved too infertile to sustain real pasture or arable crops.
31 The village became surrounded by fields and pasture land. During this time several charities were set up to help the poor.
32 Cattle required good quality pasture and plentiful hay if they were to be kept over the winter, which they generally were.
33 Following treatment, lambs should be moved to pasture not grazed by sheep that year, otherwise they will immediately become reinfected.
34 These were in contrast to upland permanent pasture, where arable farming could only be undertaken infrequently, in special circumstances.
35 Their construction and use indicates permanent pasture, thus they presumably represent abandoned areas when occurring on village and field sites.
36 These show since 1939 a more than twofold increase in arable land and a corresponding decline in permanent pasture.
37 And farmers watching a demonstration of grass cutters didn't bat an eyelid at the state of the pasture.
38 He urged flax and hemp growing as a state policy, and more ploughing of pasture to make work.
39 Haciendas have taken over lands previously used by their indigenous workers for domestic production and converted them to pasture.
40 Is it the same reason old male television anchors go to the networks, and old female television anchors go to pasture?
41 Hound Tor shows this very clearly, with its infield demarcated by corn ditches and endless pasture on the moor beyond.
42 Other considerations for siting Neolithic settlements included good water and soil, and convenient pasture land for newly domesticated animals.
43 The present agricultural pattern has clearly involved great changes and the loss of permanent pasture is of particular significance ornithologically.
44 Just then, he saw some one walk out of the trees which bordered the far side of the pasture.
45 Landscape, pasture, workplaces and cemetery are all incorporated and can be experienced from the abbey garden.
46 I said I hoped no angels were flying over the pasture.
47 With the new set-aside agricultural policies, there is a possibility that cultivated parks can be put back to pasture.
48 Goats are highly susceptible to Haemonchus contortus particularly when they are precluded from browsing and derive all their food intake from pasture.
49 Then, a little higher, it surprised them, suddenly unveiling green pasture and rose bushes with delicate pink blossom.
50 Most of the island is cattle pasture, in great contrast to Madeira.
51 In addition he seeks covenants to ensure that surrounding parkland remains as pasture so that the wider country house landscape is assured protection.
52 Without adequate drainage, lowland pasture can be used for little else.
53 In some areas woodland, waste or upland pasture was cleared and developed and new settlements established.
54 Each extra livestock unit added means less pasture available per unit to the detriment of the whole herd.
55 First there are infective larvae which developed during the previous grazing season and have survived on pasture over winter.
56 He paused when he saw her by the iron railings that separated mown lawn from pasture.
57 Why doth thine anger smoke against the sheep of thy pasture?
58 More commonly, larval numbers increase on pasture in summer and autumn giving rise to clinical problems during these seasons.
59 Farmers pay a small amount for use of the pasture, proportioned to the number of animals grazed there.
60 The threat from golf comes both from the change in the character of pasture and from associated development.
61 As Balfour talked, the men casually watched the infested pasture.
62 Good meadow hay consists of the same grasses and clovers as a good pasture.
63 The remainder was due to clearance for cultivation and pasture.
64 I sat on a log among the shadows of creatures now extinct and others long since departed for pasture in the south.
65 On his way to town, he came out of a high pasture and found himself looking at a farm.
66 If possible the new pasture should have a good nutritional value; alternatively some supplementary feeding may be given.
67 As more and more land was planted with cash crops, the lack of pasture became a serious problem in many districts.
67 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
68 Leasing the herbage and pannage would disturb the deer in their lairs and deprive them of their pasture.
69 Total production in the long term is seldom higher than that of permanent pasture.
70 Birth control Reared outside and fed on good pasture, lamb has a fine, fragrant flavour.
71 A flock of sheep grazed in one green pasture, across the fence from a herd of contented Guernseys.
72 One-third of the water irrigates thirsty crops of low value - alfalfa, cotton, rice - and pasture.
73 It has close to it a park that provides pasture for a large herd of deer and wild goats.
74 A course that mixes open pasture, bridleways, forest tracks and country lanes undeniably favours the horse.
75 For example, in temperate areas there should be an annual rotation of pasture with other livestock or crops.
76 Areas of woodland and permanent pasture are mapped together with built-up areas as inaccessible to archaeologists.
77 The changes were largely at the expense of moorland, heath and rough pasture.
78 In spring the land turns emerald, and in midsummer, in the high heat, the edges of the pasture brown.
79 Traditionally, ostertagiasis has been prevented by routinely treating young cattle with anthelmintics over the period when pasture larval levels are increasing.
80 Rotate the grazed sections and be meticulous about pasture management, especially the regular collection of droppings.
81 Antelope herds in the Rocky Mountains have lost precious winter pasture.
82 All permanent pasture and most leys contain a large number of grasses, clovers, weeds, and herbs.
83 Pasture, especially natural or long established pasture, acts like a biological sponge, holding large amounts of nitrate.
84 Many of the Site Classe areas are small and not subject to change, e. g. small lakes, wetlands or high pasture.
85 Rushes grew here and there in clumps across the pasture.
86 Following treatment, calves should be moved to pasture which has not been grazed by cattle in the same year.
87 The conversion of the former arable fields to small enclosed fields of pasture had therefore two visible effects on the landscape.
88 Since the faeces produced by the immune adults contains few if any O. ostertagi eggs the pasture contamination is greatly reduced.
89 However, they required good pasture and plentiful hay and would probably always have been kept in closes near to the farmsteads.
90 It was a quiet walk through the marsh and dune land and the patchy pasture.
91 Clean out of the back door and away up the pasture toward home she ran, the lovely little bounder.
92 There's good sport over that high pasture, I remember it well from my time there as a boy.
93 Landowners are turning pasture into racetracks in an effort to boost flagging incomes.
94 Forests have given place to tillage and pasture.
95 Rocks often crop out in New England pasture land.
96 An alternative is genuine old pasture Kentish indigenous ryegrass.
97 The pasture was blue with them.
97 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
98 Effects of 14 herbicides were studied in alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) pasture.
99 The local stockbreedings were destructed because a large amount of pasture was changed to the tilth .
100 A perennial rhizomatous grass (Poa pratensis) native to Eurasia and North Africa and naturalized throughout the United States. It is commonly cultivated for pasture and lawns.
101 Why have you rejected us forever, O God? Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture?
102 Today a hay type of pasture plant is really an anachronism.
103 A southwest Asian perennial herb (Medicago sativa) having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue-violet flowers. It is widely cultivated as a pasture and hay crop.
104 We'd reach the tree linecome out unexpectedly into a cow pasture.
105 The hilly areas make good sheep pasture; sheep will batten on the lush grass.
106 The exigencies of forming may make it necessary to mismanage a pasture.
107 Across the road, in the pasture, the horses, mules and cows stood quietly with heads over the split-rail fence, waiting to be driven to the stables and supper.
108 There we saw herds of cows grazing on the pasture.
109 A solitary white horse grazes in a pasture surrounded by stone walls on the island of Inishmore, the largest of the three Aran Islands.
110 The camp stood where, until quite lately, had been pasture and ploughland.
111 Cows wore trails into the pasture as they made their way to a regular drinking hole on the edge of a cattle ranch bordering native forest.
112 The rate of standing crop of gramineous pasture in gross pasture decreased with increased grazing intensity.
113 U.S. demand for beef has fostered considerable conversion of forest to pasture.
114 The result showed that there were 12 species of pasture pest. The damages of grubs, wireworms, the African mole cricket and agrotis ipsilon were serious.
115 The Whites' pasture isn't here, sloping past the woodlot toward the shore, with the shapes of Herriman Point and then Mt.
116 NUTRA - LIFE 100 % Pure premium Colostrum sourced from pasture fed New Zealand dairy cows.
117 Clipping period of mixture pasture has the same effect on both quality of Bromus inermis and alfalfa.
118 The farmer's land produced enough pasture to feed all of his livestock.
119 Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture?
120 The talk of setting aside a corner of the pasture for superannuated animals had long since been dropped.
121 On Sundays he had earned the right to graze in the pasture and rest.
122 Nitrate of soda may be sown pasture that does not eat off.
123 A remarkable example is the low-set Corgi, perhaps one foot tall at the shoulders, that can drive a herd of cows many times its size to pasture by leaping and nipping at their heels.
124 It boundless and indisrict absinth pasture that id pregnant withses.
125 The adopted technical program includes that velocity of movement is alternate during pasture grass compression process.
126 Their oxen and sheep are feeding in the green pasture.
127 Summertime , oh Summertime , pattern of life indelible , the fade-proof lake , the woods unshatterable , pasture with the sweet fern and the juniper forever and ever , summer without end.
127 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
128 I saw some cows and ship grazing in the verdant pasture.
129 I am no more lonely than a single mullein or dandelion in a pasture, or a bean leaf, or sorrel, or a horse-fly, or a bumblebee.
130 In this paper, the effect of grazing on biomass and seed production of nature Zoysia japonica pasture and that of feeding on live stock were analyzed.
131 Henry VIII decided to dispark the Duchy parks and turn them more profitably into pasture.
132 Nature meadow have rather high penetrance , Huaqing No. 3 pasture has notable effect in preventing and curing loss of soil and water, soil self-restraint and cutting down floor runoff.
133 The germ plasm resource and breeding of grass is one of indispensability class of manual work pasture production subject and core course of grass studying specialty.
134 Diversity Indices were applied to analyze the species diversity of sparse Ulmus Pumila L forest pasture, and contiguous grid quadrats were used to test the distribution pattern of arbor population.
135 It was a pleasant fertile spot, well wooded and rich in pasture.
136 We can go through Mr. O'Hara's river bottom and the Fontaine's pasture and get there in no time.
137 Nitrate of soda may be sown on pasture that does not eat off.
138 Farmers traditionally used long - term rotations of hay, pasture, and corn.
139 Regularly at daybreak they drive their herds to the pasture.
140 There was a site on our land with a view of the pasture and grazing cattle.
141 Many species of Elymus can be used as fodder crops. While enhancing the quality of cereal crops and pasture, Elymus has biological significance in the study of Triticeae evolution.
142 Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture.
143 A beef cow in a US pasture, for example, emits 50 kilograms of methane per year, compared with just 26 kilograms in a feedlot, according to Livestock's Long Shadow.
144 Perennial ryegrass is a pasture and turfgrass species holding strong adaptability. The applications of transgenic technology had already been an important approach on its breeding.
145 Nations have tried ad hoc irrigation witnessing widespread saline crop pasture land.
146 Nitrogen turnover from grazing livestock excreta is the key process in the nitrogen cycle of pasture ecosystems.
147 Planting pasture had become a main forage for confined livestock while prohibiting from grazing and changing sloping field into grassland or woodland had been bring into effect in south of Ningxia.
148 Martin Castellan: "In the French Pyrenees ewes climb through thick cloud to reach their summer pasture."
149 When I was young in the mountains, we went to church in the schoolhouse on Sundays, and sometimes walked with the congregation through the cow pasture to the dark swimming pole, for baptisms.
150 An old, close - bitten pasture, with a footpath wandering across it and a molehill here and there.
151 It is generally advantageous to sow pasture seeds with a companion grazing nurse crop.
152 The old geezer wouldn't let them play ball in his pasture.
153 The result shows that plowing can meliorate soil environment very well, and deep plowing did better in the pasture of the western Jilin.
154 Kroon calculated that the annual greenhouse gas emissions in a peat pasture area used for intensive dairy farming were 16000 kilo of CO2 equivalent per hectare.
155 I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel.
156 Especially in the near decades, these reasons result in a series of ecological problems, such as pasture retrogression, vegetation sparsity , soil erosion and dust devil.
157 When horses and donkeys pasture together each species mates preferentially with its own kind.
157 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
158 Authorities tell CNN the plane went down in a cow pasture, near a luxury home development in Indiantown.
159 I'm retiring next month. They're putting me out to pasture.
160 When inn boss knew when Masurium Li has been in labor close, heart of the sympathetic, tells them in nearby small In the mountain has some shepherds to put out to pasture cattle's and sheep's cave.
161 There are lots of proposals to make that easier, from grass-fed pasture cattle systems to a reduced volume of cattle, but one of the weirder ones comes from a paper in the journal Neuroethics.
162 Aims Qianshan Pasture in the Kunlun Mountains and Cele Oasis of China are different habitats with different elevations.
163 Better if they had been born in the open pasture and suckled by a wolf, that they might have seen with clearer eyes what field they were called to labor in.
164 Approximately 1. 500 beetles are released, a handful at a time, into fresh cow pats in the cow pasture.
165 His is a biennial, and one of the most useful pasture plants we have.
166 The rate of gramineous pasture decreased and the rate of leguminous pasture increased with increased grazing intensity.
167 Draping the skin over his shoulders, he went to the pasture to wait for the lion.
168 There wasn't enough pasture, " Jakov Japtik, a Nenets reindeer herder, told the Guardian.
169 Sagebrush is one of major components with high feeding value and wide distribution in native pasture.
170 It takes 4-5 years for the pasture to restore the dominance of Aneurolopidium chinensis in drilling sites of chernozem and aeolian sand soils.
171 If ranching were made more intensive, crops could expand into empty pasture.
172 Good Health 100 % Pure premium Colostrum sourced from pasture fed New Zealand dairy cows.
173 Three kinds of herbage which are main pasture grass for sheep tending in Xinjiang have been analyzed by PIXE.
174 Then one night wolves got into the pasture and mangled the landowner's flock of sheep.
175 The transmission route is likely through contamination of pasture or feed by infected birthing fluids or fetal tissues from bats.
176 Goatherd, driving his flock from their pasture at eventide, found some Wild Goats mingled among them, and shut them up together with his own for the night.




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