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单词 Structured
1) She had structured her arguments very carefully.
2) Make use of the toys in structured group activities.
3) The exhibition is structured around three topics.
4) The company is structured into two divisions.
5) The company is hierarchically structured.
6) The teaching is structured around three topics.
7) The interviews were highly structured .
8) Structured teaching facilitates learning.
9) It was Mann who structured the agenda for maximum efficiency.
10) These three excellent players structured an iron delta in the midfield.
11) The exhibition is structured around the themes of work and leisure.
12) Her features were classically beautiful, with perfectly structured high cheekbones.
13) The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.
14) At first, interviews were highly structured.
15) The school day is highly structured.
16) The inhabitants have structured their lives around the ocean.
17) We want to form structured groups.
18) Such information is organised in records as structured data.
19) The moment was structured that way.
20) This structured approach might then be extended to other shapes.
21) Unlike structured databases(), Viewdata is useful for a great variety of written source materials.
22) Both of these dictionaries use structured grammar codes to indicate grammatical patterns in which the words may participate.
23) At this stage more structured teaching of drawing should be given.
24) It is highly structured with strict procedures and rules for every task.
25) She hoped that more activities like this could be structured.
26) Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
27) First,(http:///structured.html) the problem presented by the client must be of the type that will be responsive to the structured group programme.
28) Tutors will also make a positive contribution to learning through structured input, tutor-led discussion and formative assessment of individuals.
29) The situation has made us aware of the need for a more structured approach to dealing with prisoners' problems.
30) In systems connected loosely, such as ecosystems, economic systems, and cultural systems, a less structured adaptation takes place.
1) It was Mann who structured the agenda for maximum efficiency.
31) Eleven optometrists working in 15 different locations were visited and interviewed with a structured questionnaire.
32) She had escaped education until she was fourteen, and her subsequent career had not been structured or sensible.
33) It works by identifying the key skill gaps and providing a structured approach to the delivery of the training.
34) He was appointed by Touche Ross to reorganise the hotel, conference and leisure complex and implement a structured business development plan.
35) An initial structured interview will be followed by three semi-structured interviews over a six-month period.
36) The early studies were wide angle studies of impressions of the Course, based around questionnaires and structured interviews.
37) Short, structured style cut very short at the sides with longer top layers 1.
38) This chapter will describe a structured, time-limited, assessment interview, and later examine a number of helpful questionnaires and inventories.
39) What I wish to suggest is that filling the structural lacuna makes structured talk without higher-order thought look much less likely.
40) As well as having a structured approach to content, there is also a need for a structured approach to concepts.
41) Go for sludgy, smudgy shadows that eclipse the eye, giving shape and shade, dark thick lashes and structured brows.
42) The television commercials are complex texts within which different forms of signs are structured by a variety of codes.
43) It is certainly verified experimentally that the sonic clicks produced are both highly structured and directional.
44) The transition from Key Stage 1 to the more structured and prescribed history curriculum for Key Stage 2 needs particularly careful handling.
45) There is no doubt generally that children love jokes and riddles that are predictably structured and heavily formulaic, whatever the fashionable subject-matter.
46) Individuals do not move through a smooth physical vacuum; they negotiate structured social contexts in company with other individuals.
47) We know from the start that it is highly structured.
48) The Oregon women go through their structured warm-up, an orchestrated set of drills, crisp and choreographed.
49) Less deliberately structured groupings can exhibit similar patterns of socialisation, too.
50) The drawing system, if it is any good, is highly structured.
51) Competition that is structured carefully, however, can produce more equitable results than service delivery by a public monopoly.
52) For example, we ask authors to use a structured abstract format.
53) He is to be congratulated on this singularly structured approach.
54) It also contained the following findings: Children performed better when the day was structured in some way.
55) Or it may take a more structured approach drawn from cognitive therapy techniques.
56) G M Miller A highly structured talk on what was probably the most challenging topic in this year's list.
57) Structured documents messaging consists of the automated interchange of standardized and approved messages between computer applications,(http:///structured.html) via telecommunications lines.
58) While some appreciated the more structured approach of the questionnaire, most wanted more space and less detail.
59) This can not be achieved through a structured interview or a questionnaire.
60) It offers Structured Query Language and transaction management capabilities with multi-valued fields, variable length records and dynamic re-structuring.
61) The purchase has been structured around an immediate £19 million cash payment, with the balance deferred until October 1993.
62) Data collection is mainly by questionnaire and structured interviews with families, youth groups and problem drinkers.
63) Will not the exterior, structured unity which union attains suppress the search for authentic diversity?
64) Appointing educational supervisors and introducing a structured educational programme were approved theoretically.
65) Few people, however, are aware of how object-related information is generated, gathered, structured and subsequently applied.
66) Assessment schemes vary in the extent to which they rely on a structured syllabus and defined test modes.
67) In general, what the theory of dialectic materialism states is that every society is structured around its material basis of production.
68) Through delegation to central meetings, a structured union organisation could develop organically.
69) Mr Hart believes there should be a more structured approach to problem-solving as there is at the Halewood plant.
70) The material to be learned is logically structured to achieve the presented objectives.
71) Video programmes exemplifying optimal approaches to particular customer relations problems are being developed, together with a training package by structured practice.
72) Feminism, like psychology, is structured around a defined object, gender relations.
73) And a need for a more structured set of relationships was not recognized.
74) Their function was to discuss arrangements for forthcoming events, such as trips, holiday arrangements, structured activities, and so on.
75) The three levels range from simple letters to complete sentences and the tutorials are sensibly structured.
76) But, as Townsend suggests, structured dependence is not only about macro-economic and social issues.
77) The other side of the movie is structured by a choreography that seems to function independently of the screenplay.
78) A group is more enduring and supportive than two people interacting socially but is looser or less structured than an organization.
79) The operational system appeared, to a certain extent, to be fairly regulated with highly structured and defined job descriptions.
80) Selected policy issues will be used to explore these aspects of central-local relations, using documentary study and structured interviews.
81) Certainly, organised, structured delinquent gangs do not appear to be the norm in Britain today.
82) The portfolio of programmes, carefully structured to meet differing personal development needs, has brought Henley a world-wide reputation for excellence.
83) It emphasizes rationally structured systems, built on division of labor and job specialization in a functional structure.
84) These emphasise trends towards a highly structured, reactive service based on individual protection, especially in child care.
85) Encina services include two-phase commit, a structured file server, a transaction monitor and client-to-host communications.
86) But homeotherms are not so well structured to accommodate chronic changes in temperature.
87) First,(http:///structured.html) bodies of thought take on a solidity through being structured around dominant paradigms.
88) We give structured assessments, order appropriate investigations, reach an accurate diagnosis and then make the relevant treatment or referral.
89) I imagine that the work will be structured in two different ways.
90) This is taking the form of a structured public consultation leading up to the publication of a new strategy in September 1992.
91) What would be a theme for some one seeking a highly structured environment?
92) I asked why the history of modern art was structured in one way, along one mute, and not others?
93) Any marketplace can be structured in different ways by government rules, of course.
94) We found a high level of assessment activity by community nursing staff using structured questionnaires.
95) A Cool Yule! does have a loosely structured N el story.
96) An informal organisation, in contrast, is loosely structured, flexible and spontaneous.
97) This was Abba's tour de force, a brilliantly structured melodrama which put Faltskog's fragile, emotional vocal centre stage.
98) This historical work itself represents a strong challenge to some of the premises which underpin the idea of structured dependency.
99) This chapter will attempt to convey some of our experiences, as well as describing a structured group programme.
100) Accordingly, where large samples are necessary, the structured or semi-structured format provides a number of advantages.
101) It may be particularly difficult for small firms to provide highly structured and intensive work-based learning experiences.
102) This new paradigm has enabled the development of highly structured and usually brief interventions in many areas of individual emotional problems.
103) Complete with diffuser and concentrator nozzle attachments, it's perfect for creating quick, sexy scrunched looks or more structured styles.
104) She adopted an individually structured approach to teaching which allowed students to work at their own pace as and when they pleased.
105) Primary data is usually obtained by means of questionnaires and structured interviews, administered by trained personnel.
106) Moreover, in their view, this inequality is not random, but is structured by the needs of international capital.
107) Within the ward learning programme, it will also be necessary to plan structured tutorials when set subjects are discussed.
108) Third, structured interviews with a sample of successful firms to establish their philosophy and practices.
109) This will be structured into separate operating divisions each managed by a team of executives under a Divisional Managing Director.
110) If not carefully structured, markets that look competitive can also succumb to monopolistic power.
111) Those with a professional approach have provided structured courses for church musicians lasting a year or more.
112) This example reveals how the search for regularities is structured and the methods that are used.
113) It was, however, looser, more flexible and far less permanent and structured than in the West.
114) The television industry is very structured and operators carefully monitored.
115) The first applications therefore were with archive material, which was itself highly structured and which was available in quantity.
116) Likewise large business corporations were often badly structured and sometimes plainly fraudulent.
117) For present purposes we may turn directly to societies in which the most significant relations were already vertically structured.
118) Computer generated protocols Editor,(http:///structured.html) - Richard J Lilford and colleagues show that structured methods of recording data can improve patient care.
119) Confederations are usually created when states decide that the performance of certain functions is enhanced by structured cooperation with other states.
120) Third, the direction of state organizations is structured so that accumulation functions are ranked higher than legitimation functions.
121) Their article is structured around two case studies in racialized representation: the film Mona Lisa and the novel Beloved.
122) Each group becomes more structured, and demands more loyalty and assurance of solidarity.
123) If the classification of living creatures is structured in this way, there will inevitably be a conflict with technically determined levels.
124) The use of a carefully structured finite-state grammar allows all the utterances to be specified ahead of time.
125) The contracts are structured as loans or, most commonly, as a direct purchases of a certain number of installments.
126) I have structured the book to give you a similar experience, particularly with respect to the ten new management principles.
127) A structured induction is necessary to shorten the learning period and expedite informed contributions.
128) Further, the first two years are particularly flexible and structured to give reasonable opportunity for correcting mistaken choices.
129) Properly structured, hierarchy can release energy and creativity, rationalize productivity, and actually improve morale.
130) Interviews are generally conducted in a structured form, soas to ensure consistency between interviewers.
131) Both interviewer and respondent are allowed much greater leeway in asking and answering questions than is the case with the structured interview.
132) It is permissible, even desirable, to edit and rephrase the statement so that it is clear and well structured.
133) Accepting that the rhythms of children in a structured environment appear to develop more quickly, is this advantageous to the child?
134) Parents of cases and controls were interviewed by a trained nurse interviewer using a structured questionnaire.
135) As with individual teaching, group teaching can be structured or unstructured.
136) The answer lies in the provision of a structured Church and in the definition of what constituted heretical belief.
137) The programme is structured around periods of residential study supported by distance learning material.
138) We can look at our brains as structured in layers built up over the course of evolution.
139) Some medium-sized firms will be decentralised and structured by divisions.
140) But is this the only way in which a complicated and highly structured civilization can evolve?
141) Comments and responses to the practice profile questionnaire were analysed with a more structured database program.
142) Monthly video recordings are made in structured situations in the University and in more natural settings at home.
143) While assignments are difficult to define precisely, they are more structured and less open-ended than projects.
144) For some schools the central guidelines will be interpreted through a carefully structured timetable.
145) Of course there can be differentiation by outcome within subsections of structured questions without those subsections themselves being differentiated.
146) Second, a structured postal questionnaire survey was conducted addressing relevant public sector groups.
147) Since then, the Group has embarked upon a structured programme of audits and surveys covering operations worldwide.
148) These types are intended to provide a structured and secure environment for data addressed by many different programs.
149) Techniques such as object oriented design and structured programming will have to be followed to conform to engineering practice.
150) A pled ging transaction is structured as its name implies.
151) Stepping is a structured exercise class with an ability level for everyone.
152) Both the questionnaires and the structured interviews tend to concentrate on what the customer likes and dislikes, rather than why.
153) Self-help groups can be developed by interested clients who have completed structured anxiety management courses.
154) Training in educational methods for consultants and a structured curriculum and formative assessment for trainees require recognition and financial support.
155) In a sense, much modern human life is about structured dependency.
156) Because of the number of peaks, the structured form must contain a twofold symmetry if duplex, or fourfold if tetraplex.
157) The social workers' home visits are highly structured, with specific goals and learning objectives.
158) This study is important in establishing that structured recording of data improves patient care.
159) The whole morning was very structured and we were amazed by how much was fitted into the programme.
160) However, of the dreams that are reported some are more structured, have more coherent themes and plots, than others.
161) But individual choices, structured by family, community and ethnic group efforts and values will be a contributing factor.
162) Ants can create a structured society without being possessed, individually, of very much by way of brain.
163) Overloaded or lightly structured timber floors are also likely to deflect or sag, producing a dished or sloping floor surface.
164) I have structured the book so that the main points are revisited several times.
165) Even hair which is naturally curly can be transformed because rollers can help to make the existing curls more crisp and structured.
166) It contrasted unfavourably with the structured clarity of the convent.
167) The program is structured around four-month online sessions broken up by two-week sessions on campus.
168) This is a highly structured software where data is divided into fields.
169) Certainly there is no lack of talent, though any relish for structured theatre careers seems to have vanished.
170) Western cultures, structured around polarity and hierarchy, promote competition and conformity.
171) A textbook should represent a structured learning environment in which the reader is led through the subjects in a progressive manner.
172) Create lever-arch files with in-house material on subjects such as costs, structured settlements and fatal cases.
173) Nowadays evaluation has a tendency to be much more structured and less prosaic.
174) Louis; installing new automated manufacturing equipment; and implementing a structured employee-involvement system.
175) Unlike Cage and his followers, Glass leaves no room for the intrusion of the random, his music being highly structured.
176) That is to say that every individual lives according to a highly structured set of personal obligations which he or she must continually fulfil.
177) From the early 1970s it was validating courses structured in macro-modules and micro-modules at colleges and polytechnics.
178) It may be possible as a result of the pre-test to change certain questions from free response to a more structured format.
179) Lakoff and several others in his field have demonstrated, how-ever(), that nearly all conceptual and abstract thought is structured metaphorically.
180) Any mind capable of designing such an intricately structured universe as this would have to be extremely complex.
181) To keep track of all the various product lines, companies structured according to specialized functions.
182) At whatever level of detail or generality, culture consists of signs which are structured and organized like those of language itself.
183) They are not restricted, as formal databases are, to record material that is highly structured.
184) I think learning to live within a structured environment is important no matter what the emotional impairment is.
185) Fresco has borrowed concepts from Adobe PostScript and the Canute text layout system and includes PostScript-like structured graphics.
186) The therapist can provide structured behavioral, cognitive, or affective skills training to help clients successfully cope with these concerns.
187) The program involves a combination of relaxation and visualization exercises, along with some structured statements called affirmations.
188) That's where there is a complementary role for equity and senior bank debt to create a properly structured entity.
189) Examples of experiential learning methods include role play, structured group exercises and counselling skills exercises.
190) The child-rearing practices of a society lead people to develop expectations about structured or unstructured environments.
191) How are the conjunctive words structured?
192) The traditional models reviewed for structured packing were mainly derived from correlations for random packing or the model for wetted-wall column.
193) Experiments show that the best semantic structured language model? headword trigram model? achieves 0.8% absolute error reduction and 8% relative error reduction over the trigram model.
194) Never jump into a loop or other structured statement, since this can have unpredictable effects.
195) A compiler structured on the syntactical relationships of the character string.
196) Upgrade a sleek pair of jeans with a structured blazer.
197) Anyone can define item types and post items to base in order to provide a base of structured data, which might be found and appropriately presented by Google Search.
198) Due to the ladder diagram is not a structured object-oriented programming language; it is will be difficult for the development of complex real-time control systems.
199) With structured exception handling, your code can differentiate between different types of errors and react accordingly.
200) The biodiesel tax incentive is structured as a federal excise tax credit.
201) From 2003 to 2007, 5,()002 nulliparous women were enrolled in the trial: half were assigned to structured care and half to usual care.
202) Thus we see that a structured data type can have operations defined on its composite values, as well as on the component elements of those values.
203) As we can communicate logical concepts via our structured language we can give people some knowledge of something when they may not have experienced it first-hand.
204) Methods A structured quest ionnaire was administrated amoy college students from Grade one to three.
205) Gewurztraminer , full - bodied and well - structured, is probably the best - known Alsace wine.
206) DCT is based on FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ), so integers FFT transform must be structured firstly.
207) Lists errors commonly encountered when using structured exception handling and describes how to correct them.
208) The column diameter can be kept constant by changing the corrugation angle of structured packing.
209) The term "structured wiring" actually encompasses a range of products, including wiring panels, junction boxes, and other items, but I'm mainly discussing the actual wiring here.
210) On the IT side, there is no formal transformation mechanism to convert requirements and their evolving changes into executable structured programs.
211) And the structured query language and the theory of relational database design are introduced, too.
212) Another way to explore the repository in a structured yet ad hoc fashion is to select the Visual Browse action that is available in the pop-up context menu of the connection (shown in Figure 16).
213) Finally, both deals are structured as schemes of arrangement, rather than public tender offers.
214) A hollow core and cobweb - structured cladding Bragg fiber that supports circular - polarization - maintaining single - mode is presented.
215) The research mainly focuses on the cognitive process of ill - structured physics problem - solving.
216) These types give you the means to produce data that is meaningfully structured, transportable, storable, and accessible, but still as efficient as possible.
217) On the one hand, this is a highly structured program.
218) The consensus view among neo-Darwinians continues to be that evolution is random variation plus structured environmental filtering, but it seems the consensus may be shifting.
219) It is structured by the scientific controlling system, organize implementing system, information feedback system, appraisal and motivating system, safeguard system and so on.
220) In the MATLAB, using a structured design method, a dual PWM converter control system model were established on the basis of the stator flux field vector control technology.
221) Because Phase 1 required a relatively structured and formal proof of concept, we were treating it as a mini-project, complete with testing and QA (peer review) on the evolving product.
222) The density of the synthetic fiber is progressive structured by the clean air way with higher filter efficiency and longer working life.
223) Ecosystems and city systems often form hierarchically structured landscapes whose spatial pattern is scale dependent.
224) Dual semi structured handles allow for maximum distribution of case weight and the padded shoulder strap makes it comfortable to hand carry.
225) Use a structured statement when you want to execute other statements sequentially, conditionally, or repeatedly.
226) The weld seam is a space curve and it gets information from structured laser sensor by user's controlling.
227) A Haiku is a structured short Japanese poem with 17 syllables.
228) On the progress of calling for structured or disciplined hypertext, people can use simply, direct and oriented application method except of using formal model of hypertext.
229) An incremental redundancy hybrid ARQ ( HARQ ) scheme based on structured semi - random LDPC codes is introduced.
230) SQL Structured Query Language is a syntax for executing queries.
231) The problem with using classes for structured data is that each class has its own distinct interface for accessing that data, typically through getter/setter methods.
232) As a consequence, structured finance had remained a niche and highly bespoke practice throughout the 1990 s.
233) HMPN keeps Scalability of route network model and achieves better quality of service and transparency of sub-network than structured network model.
234) The Coulomb explosion is found to be concerted process though comparing different structured molecules.
235) Structured data (such as XProc markup) is typically easier to reuse than structured code.
236) Based on D. Bernstein work , we propose a global instruction scheduling framework on hierarchically structured region ( HSR ).
237) Rating agencies are going to be far more wary of giving AAA ratings for structured products.
238) It is based on the assumption that ASL must be structured exactly like English.
239) A relational database comprises a set of well structured flat file.
240) The polar coordinate is used in structured grid and Cartesian coordinate in unstructured grid.
241) Better to introduce an analogy: imagine how a coarsely structured image becomes more legible when blurred, like a pixilated figure seen from a distance.
242) Eng in Financial Engineering program at Kingston University is a highly structured program because it provides the right balance between theory and practice.
243) The term flatfile refers to any file stored on a file system, as opposed to a more complex set of files, such as those in a structured database.
244) It can be done with highly structured cognitive behavioral therapy.
245) The lipase - catalyzed acidolysis of soybean oil with caprylic acid to produce structured lipids was investigated.




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