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单词 Advancing
1. The advancing soldiers closed in on the town.
2. The troops were firing away at the advancing enemy.
3. The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.
4. Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital.
5. The city was liberated by the advancing army.
6. Allied troops were advancing on the capital.
7. Insurgent forces were reported advancing in the region.
8. The city fell to the advancing Russian armies.
9. The work is not advancing.
10. The advancing army met with little resistance.
11. These youngsters are advancing towards maturity.
12. The world political system is advancing towards disorder.
13. The enemy is advancing towards the castle.
14. The cavalry were advancing.
15. The enemy is [ are ] advancing towards the castle.
16. A huge truck was advancing towards us, its headlights blazing.
17. The water is advancing at a rate of 5cm a day.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Soldiers were advancing on us from all points of the compass.
19. Barricades were erected against the advancing government troops and they were manned throughout the night.
20. Studying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career.
21. These young men are advancing against the winds and waves.
22. The army was advancing steadily and the vanguard was already at the border.
23. The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army.
24. There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing on the town.
25. There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing upon the town.
26. She is still very active, in spite of her advancing years.
27. The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers.
28. When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others.
29. Blake had grown much quieter - another sign of his advancing years.
30. Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years.
1. The advancing soldiers closed in on the town.
2. The troops were firing away at the advancing enemy.
3. The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.
4. Reports from Chad suggest that rebel forces are advancing on the capital.
5. There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing on the town.
6. There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing upon the town.
7. Insurgent forces were reported advancing in the region.
8. These youngsters are advancing towards maturity.
9. The world political system is advancing towards disorder.
10. The cavalry were advancing.
11. The enemy is [ are ] advancing towards the castle.
12. These young men are advancing against the winds and waves.
31. Computer technology is advancing very rapidly.
32. At your age, advancing years and all that.
33. The advancing ship suddenly veered off collision course.
34. Chances of developing cancer increase with advancing age.
35. Everyone dug tunnels and trenches under fire, sometimes hitting hard soil and only advancing five or six yards a day.
36. Missile attacks had little effect on the advancing enemy. forces.
37. We are on the move again, advancing along the winding country road with high hedges on either side.
38. These symptoms are often the first evidence of advancing arterial disease.
39. On her deathbed Mary Leapor reportedly expressed concern for her father's advancing age.
40. The government fell nine days after an invasion force of five thousand troops was said to be advancing on the capital.
41. The history that Mr Gingrich teaches is a mirror image of what the left is advancing.
42. Surprisingly, some recent research suggests that advancing age encourages people to eat a broader range of foods.
43. I moved toward her as if I were advancing on a dangerous animal.
44. It was ironic, Ray thought, that his friends were now advancing their opponents' arguments.
45. The Inquisitor was advancing in the vanguard of a squad of armoured imperial guardsmen.
46. In the new science of mythology, Max Muller was also advancing equally confident claims.
47. The two charities have worked successfully together, advancing occupational therapy in the drug detoxification centres.
47. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
48. He straightened and looked across to where the men from the ambulance were advancing with his father and his wife.
49. There, when animals are on the move, there is little social structure, merely a mass of advancing animals.
50. Social interaction is necessary for advancing the development of logical-mathematical knowledge.
51. He walked right in the road in the teeth of advancing traffic and almost got hit several times.
52. He must also fend off the advancing former Tennessee Gov.
53. Reasons put forth include his advancing age, the cumulative effect of thousands of hits and the decline of his offensive line.
54. But there are problems: his advancing years, the patron shortage.
55. The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 23.89 points to 2752.13, with advancing issues leading declines by about eight to seven.
56. One benefit deriving from advancing years is that my clerk diverts to others briefs that are devoid of interest.
57. Father Peter, advancing on long dignified legs, came to a halt midway down the street.
58. It gives a good up-to-date perspective but in such a rapidly advancing field will soon become dated.
59. There was no reason for a playoff game because both were assured of advancing to the postseason.
60. Did he not choose to retreat when his old enemy Rennenkampf was advancing?
61. He held a loaded rifle thrust before him, as though it were bayoneted and he was advancing on a rioting crowd.
62. Fortuitously, the advancing Union forces operated as a safety valve.
63. It was a significant archaeological enterprise advancing into unknown territory in the small towns of Roman Britain.
64. He moved towards her as though he was advancing on a dangerous animal.
65. Taylor brought an almost religious zeal to his work of advancing the state of computing.
66. The number of declining stocks outpaced the number of advancing issues on the New York Stock Exchange by about 12 to 11.
67. While advancing all these arguments, Commander Miyo nevertheless refrained from voicing a flat rejection of the Combined Fleet plan.
68. Perform combination techniques on the move so that you are able to work effectively in a retreating as well as an advancing mode.
69. Imperfection clings to a person, and if they wait till they are brushed off entirely, they would spin for ever on their axis, advancing nowhere. Thomas Carlyle 
70. In Denver, the Broncos believe their season would be wasted without advancing to the Super Bowl.
71. There are clear associations between advancing years and increasing disability, and this is particularly steep among the most elderly.
72. Before advancing towards your assignment, please report to the supply store to check you are fully equipped for terrestrial habitation.
73. Both officers fixed one final, intense gaze upon the advancing flag.
74. The advancing foot of the walker must make contact with the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground.
75. I could see them now, slowly advancing and snipping off, scissor-like, the vegetation.
76. The driver of the Vauxhall had got out of her car and was advancing with menaces.
77. This now prevents players who are in front of the ball from advancing forward towards an opponent waiting to play the ball.
78. Swimming through a jellyfish-infested sea is like advancing through a minefield.
79. Most have held a professorship in their department before advancing.
80. It was always about advancing the economic interests of the rich living in the rich countries.
81. Joshua hoped that Malone had learnt wisdom with his advancing years.
82. He was already advancing up the truck as Ward slithered down on to the flat surface of it.
83. Third Party Software Leading molecular scientists worldwide have developed effective specialised software programs noted for advancing science.
84. The eight teams will play a round-robin tournament beginning on July 21(/advancing.html), with the top four advancing to single-elimination semifinals.
85. David was sure that the slim, blond figure advancing towards him could decipher his mind.
86. On seeing the Muybridge article he must immediately have been convinced that photography was the most efficacious means of advancing his researches.
87. He looked absolutely grim, advancing, tapping the whip lightly on the ground as the horse retreated rhythmically.
88. But established towns too were advancing over the surrounding fields.
89. He started, his hands advancing in the thick orange dusk like the hands of a blindfolded child, finding her.
90. Advancing on a narrow front, the bristling schiltrons threw their opponents into confusion on such unfamiliar, unstable ground.
91. The belief that acid secretion declines with advancing age has been widespread.
92. It looked as if the transports were advancing too fast for their own safety.
93. The Trunchbull started advancing slow and soft-footed upon Rupert in the manner of a tigress stalking a small deer.
94. Her parents had been killed by the advancing Soviet army.
95. Donald had emerged from his office and was advancing across the yard in our direction.
96. After three weeks of heavy fighting, the city finally fell to the advancing rebel army.
97. An army in retreat can be even more dangerous than one that is advancing.
98. Sharing information and advancing the work are the only real social obligations.
99. But Terkel's people were believable; their views were not rendered harmonious in the interests of advancing a theory.
100. Perhaps he had been so fascinated by the sight of the advancing waters that he had delayed his escape too long.
101. The police had already erected crash barriers to hold back the advancing crowds.
102. A red-hot finger of lava was slowly advancing toward the house, lapping the edge of the back lawn.
103. In advancing the tenets of racism, Western theorists left no avenue of human potentiality and human activity untouched.
104. The villagers who had broken free of their graves began advancing on the Marines.
105. The movies were advancing on several fronts and the social theme was but one strand in a more complex whole.
106. The sea is advancing on parts of Norfolk's coastline at the rate of one foot per year.
107. Ballater, advancing into the garden,() noticed a heap of uprooted dead cannabis tangled with chickweed on the small cleared area.
108. They were sober young men, marking school books, studying, advancing into an adult world of action and responsibility.
109. Ida Smedley was instrumental in advancing the professional status of university women.
110. He is another who has failed to maintain a grip on the advancing technology of credit and payment.
111. Their untrained but nervous eyes, and rumour, vastly exaggerated both the ferocity and size of the advancing army.
112. Looking up, Converse saw a street photographer in a Hawaiian shirt advancing toward his bench.
113. The number of declining stocks on the New York Stock Exchange outpaced advancing issues by 1, 160 to 1, 145.
114. Rank orderings of difficulties and hazards with advancing age will be compared with estimates given by skilled driving instructors.
115. The association between advancing years and increasing rates of disability is illustrated in Figure 7.
116. Politics becomes an issue of solving the technical problems of advancing capitalism rather than the realization of practical goals.
117. The risk of incapacitation increases with advancing years, and increases more rapidly after the age of 55.
118. The time and ease of work could be shortened by new techniques or advancing skills for old techniques.
119. The keyboard player obviously cares more about advancing his or her career than the future of the band.
120. Of course, I was only displaying the ultimately cliched boomer trait, a tortured denial of my own advancing years.
121. Ten goals in nine matches since he returned from Sydney suggest that his reputation is advancing by the week.
122. How much did he slow down the Mac effort, instead of advancing it, by ratcheting up the stress level?
123. Security forces blocked the miners from advancing towards the main Istanbul-Ankara highway.
124. It was only her thick-handed, clumsy way of helping me, advancing an imaginary project that obsesses her.
125. The advancing troops recoiled before the counter-attack.
126. Her forgetfulness is due to advancing age.
127. Calderon said: We are advancing in the negotiations.
128. The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.
129. They were advancing due west into the desert.
130. Advancing years had toned down his rash impulsiveness.
131. My work is an antithesis to our advancing technologies. These technologies hold no beauty for me. I believe in the fundamental uncontrollability of nature. Searching for "interestingness".
132. Computer technology is advancing rapidly, but the framework of the existing computer system has failed to achieve major breakthroughs .
133. Then, as he approached Kislev itself, the prayers of the Ice Queen were answered and a blizzard struck the advancing Greenskins.
134. In the new period, to erect and improve the budget system for aerial defence is significant on advancing aerial defence career to soundly and rapidly develop.
135. By a thousand plots Popery is covertly advancing in our land, and one of the most effectual means for resisting its inroads is left almost neglected, namely, the instruction of children in the faith.
136. To traverse ( an area of ground ) laterally back and forth while slowly advancing forward.
137. Analysing the questions taking place easily at the time of dyeing and finishing imitate_chammy, and advancing the primary scheme settling them.
137. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
138. Divestiture, as a tool of capital manipulating, plays an important role in advancing the efficiency of inventory assets and adjusting industrial structure.
139. In little more than a year in Brussels, the baroness has won plaudits for advancing an ambitious bilateral trade agreement with South Korea and nearing a settlement of the long-running banana wars.
140. This paper introduced the production process and technic advancing condition ofp - Hydroxybenzaldehyde, and made some suggestions on developing this product.
141. This study is an important next step in advancing oncolytic virus therapies into cancer patients.
142. College of effectively advancing the school open, democratic management and implementation.
143. This effort can go instead into advancing the state of the art.
144. With these new deadly virus is associated, human genetic science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds.
145. The media lauded his initiatives as unambiguously and gloriously advancing the interests of all Tunisians, with Ben Ali the ever avuncular and enlightened ruler.
146. A molecule striking an advancing piston recoils with increased speed.
147. Wrinkles index advancing age.
148. You're probably familiar with the necessity of networking in advancing your career. But how well you network often depends on how well you schmooze.
149. It keeps checking the tail pointer and advancing it if necessary until the queue is in the quiescent state, at which point it can begin its own insertion.
150. Likewise, prostatic enlargement known as BPH ( Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy ) also increases with advancing age.
151. Translation technology is advancing from marginality to centrality-a remarkable characteristic of translation development under current information background.
152. With his Princeton friends advancing into the sophomore class, he yielded to his father's preference and shifted the next autumn to Harvard.
153. The advancing of " Five Elements of Library Science " by Liu Guojun was a process.
154. One evening the 66th Regiment was advancing towards the river Adour when a cannon shot flattened a soldier's wife, leaving her apparently dead.
155. Advancing the work of the credit bank in higher vocational education we must not only realizes its common property but also pay attention to its special property.
156. With the rapid development of society, the electronics industry is advancing rapidly.
157. Emotion regulation is the hotspot and advancing topic in the multidisciplinary study such as current emotional field, developmental psychology and health psychology.
158. Advancing suburban assurance is the difficulty and keystone of domestic insurance enterprise.
159. Studying and grasping the computer elementary operation method, through unifies with the practice, advancing student's knowledge, causes the computation function to serve the sports well.
160. What I may decide about, what comes to the Faith Council is advancing some of the priority areas that the President has set forth one of which is interfaith cooperation.
161. Huang Masters in traditional artistry on advancing with the times, her creative Fuk series clay sculpture, the collection is rare treasures.
162. From this purpose , advancing public trust to government relies on foundation of high - performance government.
163. Through a telescope we watched the unfolding drama of a puffin on a ledge, peering over the edge, thinking better of it, retreating, advancing, retreating.
164. Working group members emphasized the critical role leadership plays in advancing the governance and anticorruption agenda.
165. Artificial nervus network now is one of the advancing research filed of the world.
166. Advancing technology and affluence make it easier to modify living conditions and the management of resource.
167. Gven concusions have important significance for planning optimal cutting path of cutting heads and raising cutting efficiency as well as advancing speed.
168. In an advancing market( ), never consider that the minor trend has turned down until an option breaks 1 or more cents under the last bottom on the Trend Indicator or Trend Line Chart.
169. The children of Israel were advancing into the Promised Land.
170. While advancing reason, they failed to divorce morality from religion and tried to rationalise faith.
171. My first task is to save the German people from annihilation by the advancing Bolshevist enemy.
172. However, in northern Pakistan, glaciers are advancing in terms of the snout position and probably also in terms of ice mass.
173. Advancing as much as fifty and sixty miles a day, columns of Lin Piao covered eight hundred miles within twenty days and in early December 1948 reached the railway junction of Fengtai near Peiping.
174. Bioengineering technology got advancing progress not only in agriculture Medical science living science ect, but also was used mine field.
175. Therefore, the Anhui Province telegraph office is advancing at present these six city network conformity comes.
176. "Li was a handsome, honest and honorable young man, " said Yen. He also credited Li with paving the way for advancing the further research on wheat scab disease.
177. Computer technology is advancing so rapidly that no book can ever be fully up to date.
178. Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian media scholar had proposed the "rearview mirror" theory: Despite the advancing of the car, the rearview mirror always reflects the passing objects.
179. Providing training for employee and advancing the diathesis of personnel.
180. Presently, the Chinese government is advancing the free policy which subordinate Normal education, accomplishes the obvious education to give priority to development the situation.
181. But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations.
182. Advancing at fast speed, taking on the shape of olive-like, and having large extent of variation are the characters of the rhythm expression of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
183. The soldiers fled before the advancing enemy and let the devil take the hindmost.
184. Political diathetic education is the key problem of deepening educational reformation and advancing complete diathetic education. I.
185. Our state, upon learning of the impending DED epidemic advancing through Winsconsin, set up the most sophisticated statewide shade tree pest-control program in the nation.
186. In fact, if you wish to instruct others, a positive and dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may occasion opposition and prevent a candid attention.
187. Advancing age not only reduces a woman's ability to conceive but also raises the risk that her female offspring will struggle to conceive later in life, scientists claim.
188. The advancing velocity of combustion front is proportional to air injection rate. The air injection rate has no significant effect on oil recovery and air consumption.
189. If they have developed or invented techniques or tools, they may have a proprietary interest in advancing DNA testing.
190. Not to be outdone, Yahoo followed in November announcing an open source program aimed at advancing the research and development of systems software for distributed computing.
191. Advancing the science and art of orthopaedics Lessons from history.
192. The sucassessment of cantankerous-bathrobe actor Little Shenyang appearances that animal amusement is advancing out of the abuttingt. Is China accessible for raunch?
193. He noted that the cooperation protocol between the two ministries has been implemented well since it was signed in 2002 and played an active role of advancing the bilateral relations.
194. Under a blazing sun, farmers were digging trenches in Nizhny Novgorod on Sunday to stop wildfires in nearby forests and peat bogs from advancing on their land.
195. We will cut the buck and insist on advancing along our set goal.
196. Advancing the view of the sustainable development has its definite idea headstream.
197. Third , advancing China's political democratization process,(/advancing.html) the consolidation of the CPC's ruling position.
198. He is expected to take part in a group meeting on Friday aimed at advancing peace efforts in Sudan.
199. The concentration distribution of pulverized coal in primary air pipe is very important for advancing efficiency of boiler.
200. Though the excessive price of corporate control transfer is very high, it's not the holdback of advancing the efficiency of corporate control transfer.
201. This flea plays a very important role in advancing the prevalent peak of plague in autumn and winter and helping the main vector overwintering with plague in the epizootic process of plague.
202. The trust advancing in organizations is explored from a dual perspective, that is, the individual view of active trust behaviors and the organizational view of risk control.
203. The discourse theory of public administration sets up the third way of advancing the quality of public policy, which has diplex meanings.
204. As the market is advancing your suggested price is rather on the low side.
205. Mr. Ban also urged the leaders of Sudan and Chad to exercise restraint amid word from Chadian authorities that Sudanese troops are advancing on the capital, N'Djamena.
206. July 1944 - A Sherman tank of the Sherbrooke Fusiliers Regiment advancing into Caen.
207. Computational unstructured grid is generated by advancing front method, and the structured background gird is obtained by using multigrid technique to solve the Poisson equation.
208. At last, points out that insisting on the advancing to market-economy firmly is the only great choice to reform and refresh the endogenously determined mechanism of urbanization in China.
209. This subjective test is impractical for advancing scientific research, which requires theories, models and algorithms in addition to empirical evaluations.
210. Advance the gastrojejunostomy catheter over the wire guide through the stomach and into the duodenum, advancing far enough that the locking loop is formed within the stomach.
211. In fact, sarcosine was a better indicator of advancing disease than the traditional marker, a protein called prostate specific antigen.
212. Advancing agriculture to standardize is agriculture and rural economics structure strategical adjustment inevitable requirement.
213. The distributed token passing networks are advancing the avionics communication system with the requirement of high speed and real-time transmission.
214. The distribution of microhardness in the cross section presents a trend of high-low-high-low-high, the lowest hardness is in the advancing side of the HAZ.
215. Such tendencies can be modified only by advancing civilization and by gradual spiritualization.
216. Children should not give their mother trouble, esp in her advancing years.
217. This means that data may appear two or more times in the log, but as the log is chronologically advancing, the most recent data is viewed as the active data.
218. Adopting advancing mining which is non - advance bottom gate and raserve gate along the gob.
219. Neither women nor men have to forego satisfying sexual relationships because of advancing age.
220. All these elements not only lead to the long-term stagnancy of Chinese feudal economy, more seriously, but obstruct the civil capital advancing into a self-organized main body of the market.
221. Ice floe distribution in the Sea of Okhotsk in the period when sea - ice extent is advancing.
222. Literature and art is the torch of national spirit and the bugle call for people's advancing.
223. China is building new socialist countryside, and regions are advancing urbanization and the unified design between the city and the countryside, and developing modern agriculture.
224. The advancing starting material (1) is heated in passing by applying an alternating magnetic field to the resin.
225. A new field of study referred to as neurotheology has been advancing the study of the neurophysiological correlation between prayer and subjective experience.
226. With the grimness of the employment situation advancing increasingly, the employment problem of the university students has already become a problem the whole society care about.
227. As Synthetical Securities Company, it must have innovation on servings, developing catenation and characteristic, base pushing agent system on advancing research and consultation with discretion.
228. The recent development and advancing trends on ozonosphere protection have been presented in the article.
229. To be an advancing technology in capsulation, a well developing foreground for the thermosonic flip - chip bonding.
230. This will play an active role in improving the service image of Gansu Telecom Company, advancing the ability of marketing service and gaining the customer's market.
231. To be an advancing technology in capsulation, there is a well developing foreground for the thermosonic flip-chip bonding.
232. Quickening the Pace of the Annexation and Bankruptcy and Advancing the Optimization and Reorganization of Enterprises.
233. Our technical revolution is blazing its way forward through all the difficulties and advancing victoriously.
234. Changing teams among leagues is not a matter of chance but the best advancing team changes with the worst relegating team.
235. KSA Electronics Ltd is advancing towards tomorrow and ushering in a bright future.
236. The development of non-public ownership economy is an outstanding achievement of advancing with the times and pathfinding innovation of our Party.
237. From the development of other objects, to advancing the knowledge, all-sided appraisal is an effective manner.
238. I hope I could keep advancing and let my life shine as a precious stone.
239. Alaric : Well it may be more advanced right now, but software is advancing all the time.
240. Conclusion: The Xiaoer Xiexieting Granule has the effects of checking diarrhea and advancing absorptive function.
241. The practicability and the suitability of this mixed strategy in application is discussed with an example which is used by Huawei company for advancing towards Thailand market.
242. Such movement would also expose the flanks, rear and supply lines of an advancing North Korean army to amphibious attack like the brilliant US landing at Inchon during the Korean War.
243. I think a service registry's main focus is how WSO2 and Mule are now advancing it -- that being more as a collaboration and support tool.
244. The troops were advancing.
245. This two kind of ideas of the temporality of aesthetic being come from Edmund Husserl's "the inner temporality of consciousness advancing", but break thorough it.
246. As Tertullian put it, if the devil's ingenuity escalates daily, why should God's work have ceased advancing to new heights?
247. The essay expounds her views on the design of the trust accounting items system by advancing the aims, principles and contents of the system.
248. Along with the advancing economy, the change of engineering techniques and engineering objects, the market prospect of backhoe loader at home is very broadness.
248. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
249. It is China's first national plan on the theme of human rights, and serves as a phase-in policy on advancing China's human rights cause in a comprehensive way.
250. On account of the fixed parameter, the control of the advancing fixedpoint theorem is also very limited.
251. Advancing Sohu actively " mainstream media platform " chairman of Sohu trustee bureau holds presiding apparitor Zhang Chaoyang concurrently to be concealed none right " announcement " support.




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