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单词 filling
释义 Word family  noun fill refill filling filler adjective filling verb fill refill  Related topics: Foodfill·ing1 /ˈfɪlɪŋ/ adjective  DFFULLfood that is filling makes your stomach feel full 〔食物〕使人感到饱的 Pasta and rice are both very filling. 意大利面食和米饭都很能填饱肚子。Examples from the Corpusfilling• I'll only give you a small amount of rice because it's quite filling.• Of course I like your chocolate cake, but it's so filling I couldn't possibly eat another piece.• Fold together all the filling ingredients, taking care not to break up the marshmallows and banana slices.• A casserole makes a basic but filling meal.• The application features a superstore, petrol filling station, car park and residential development.• For a moment he'd been near to panic as he realized that the pumps were rusty, the filling station obviously disused.• He is also charged with driving away from a filling station without paying for petrol.Related topics: Hospital, Foodfilling2 noun  1  [countable]MH a small amount of metal or other substance that is put into your tooth to cover a hole 〔补牙用的〕填料 gold fillings 黄金填料2  [countable, uncountable]DF the food that you put inside a pie, sandwich etc 〔馅饼、三明治等的〕馅 cherry filling 樱桃馅3. [countable, uncountable] the soft material inside a cushion, pillow etc 〔靠垫、枕头等的〕填充料Examples from the Corpusfilling• I like it with a filling of apricot and orange, but you can experiment with other fruit fillings.• Whole families crowded into gas chambers, their clothing, gold fillings, and eyeglasses more valued than their lives.• Because it's a loose filling there can be problems with it shifting in a poorly designed bag.• Cold, cooked jacket potato plus a tub of salad, sandwich filling, or dip.• Roll the tortilla around the filling.fill·ing1 adjectivefilling2 nounChineseSyllable  feel food Corpus makes your filling that stomach full is




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