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单词 favouritism
释义  fa·vou·ri·tis·m British English, favoritism American English /ˈfeɪvərətɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]  UNFAIRwhen you treat one person or group better than others, in an unfair way 偏心,偏袒,偏爱 → favourite their favouritism towards their first son 他们对长子的偏爱Examples from the Corpusfavouritism• There were many cases of theft, misappropriation, and favouritism which tended to destroy confidence in officialdom in general.• Marjorie never felt that there was any favouritism shown to her.• Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favouritism.• She was clever enough to know that any moves she made which might lead to accusations of favouritism from above could backfire.• Patients and their carers would have a realistic choice freed from fears of favouritism and unfair influence.• And they blamed the finance Ministry's favouritism towards industry for the plight - and the restiveness - of the peasantry.fa·vou·ri·tis·m nounChineseSyllable  treat person group Corpus you better when one than or




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