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单词 warmed-over
释义  Related topics: Foodˌwarmed-ˈover adjective [usually before noun] American English  1. DFwarmed-over food has been cooked before and then heated again for eating 〔食物〕重新加热的 → reheat2. USELESSwarmed-over ideas or arguments have been used before and are not interesting or useful anymore 〔意见或论点〕重复的,陈腐的,老调重弹的 → look/feel like death warmed up/over at death(8)Examples from the Corpuswarmed-over• His proposed tax cuts are warmed-over Reaganomics that could saddle our children with an ever-increasing national debt.ˌwarmed-ˈover adjectiveChineseSyllable  warmed-over then heated again cooked and has food before been Corpus




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