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单词 warlike
释义  Related topics: Militarywar·like /ˈwɔːlaɪk $ ˈwɔːr-/ adjective  1  PMWARliking war and being skilful in it 好战的,尚武的;善战的 a warlike nation 好战的民族2  PMWARthreatening war or attack 以战争相威胁的,进行战争恫吓的 a warlike stance 战争姿态Examples from the Corpuswarlike• He was being sought by their gestapo in retribution for his warlike acts.• The Black Orcs were the most difficult to defeat, because they were so warlike and determined.• warlike behavior• The world is uneasy and some regions are warlike, but peace generally reigns.• Halflings are not especially warlike by nature, and their troopers are for the most part country watchmen, game wardens and foresters.• Traditional steps were incorporated into warlike foot movements surmounted by expressive hand gestures.• In Gregory's narrative the Thuringians appear as dupes for the more sophisticated and warlike Franks.• The United States is the most peaceful, least warlike nation in modern history.• Many women died in childbirth, but it was not so dangerous as the warlike pursuits of the men-folk.war·like adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus and war in being it skilful liking




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