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单词 Past year
(1) The chart shows our performance over the past year.
(2) Costs have been reduced by 20% over the past year.
(3) Average incomes have risen by 4.5% over the past year.
(4) For the past year he has been trying to wrest control from the central government.
(5) Oil prices jumped in the past year.
(6) Car sales have slumped dramatically over the past year.
(7) The company's debt has ballooned in the past year.
(8) The past year has seen a perceptible improvement in working standards.
(9) The company has been performing strongly over the past year.
(10) He has matured a great deal over the past year.
(11) Customer disconnections have fallen by 30% over the past year.
(12) The robots have been on trial for the past year.
(13) Trade has been slack for the past year,but it is now picking up.
(14) Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.
(15) Have you had any serious relationships in the past year?
(16) The industry has achieved record exports in the past year.
(17) Business has been thriving in the past year. Long may it continue to do so.
(18) More than 70 000 shopkeepers have been forced to put up the shutters in the past year.
(19) Hearty congratulations on your passing the examination with excellent result.It is a well deserved reward for the hard effort you have made during the past year.
(20) Prices have risen by an average of 4% over the past year.
(21) The shares have plummeted from 130p to 2.25p in the past year.
(22) The newspaper gave an editorial appraisal of the government's achievements of the past year.
(23) He's an archaeologist and has been on a dig in Crete for the past year.
(24) He received the award in recognition of his success over the past year.
(25) My son hasn't been able to find a steady job. He's been floating about for the past year.
(26) My son hasn't been able to find a steady job. He's been floating round for the past year.
(27) Real wage costs have risen by 10% in the past year.
(28) A dozen inmates have absconded from Forest Jail in the past year.
(29) A succession of scandals and revelations has undermined the government over the past year.
(30) The cost of living had been racing up in the past year.
(1) The chart shows our performance over the past year.
(2) Costs have been reduced by 20% over the past year.
(3) More than 70 000 shopkeepers have been forced to put up the shutters in the past year.
(4) Average incomes have risen by 4.5% over the past year.
(5) For the past year he has been trying to wrest control from the central government.
(31) The company has been performing poorly over the past year.
(32) She's done quite a bit of work this past year.
(33) TV manufacturers have enjoyed a ten-percent rise in sales over the past year.
(34) They've increased their share of the market by 10% over the past year.
(35) My son hasn't been able to find a steady job. He's been floating around for the past year.
(36) The lifeboat has had ten call-outs in the past year.
(37) Real incomes have gone up by 10% in the past year.
(38) Home prices have stayed flat for the past year.
(39) She's been a great help to me over the past year.
(40) We know who's been organising acid house parties for the past year.
(41) After its membership halved in the past year, leaving mainly diehard right-wingers behind, the party now desperately needs new blood.
(42) Seven senior federal law enforcement officers from Baja California have been slain in the past year.
(43) But Jade Pike has come close to dying many times in the past year.
(44) Spectrum has been operating for the past year under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
(45) The company, whose stock market value has doubled over the past year, is currently valued at about £9700m.
(46) Over the past year, her friends have noticed gradual changes in her behavior.
(47) Our special December issue lists the most important events of the past year.
(48) Armed raiders have struck at least six times in the past year.
(49) Over 300 small firms have gone to the wall in the past year.
(50) There has been a marked and regrettable increase in reports from the town over the past year concerning the behaviour of students.
(51) Sec. in his report remarked on the high level of activity there has been during the past year.
(52) Over the past year Alastair has spent more time cycling,[sentencedict .com] putting in up to 150 miles a week.
(53) Members swap prices and guess who made or lost a fortune in the past year.
(54) Over the past year she had had various painful illnesses and eventually it had been diagnosed as a recurrence of cancer.
(55) Fifteen formal complaints have been made about the hospital in the past year.
(56) If anything, the Windsor Park attendance figures have increased over the past year.
(57) Shares are basically flat in the past year, while the overall market has soared.
(58) I am also pleased to inform my hon. Friend that ophthalmology waiting lists have fallen substantially during the past year.
(59) Full details of our performance figures and highlights of the past year are contained in a special four-page supplement inside.
(60) In the past year there have been at least eight deaths in custody which are believed to have resulted from torture.
(61) A couple of serious battles had erupted between them during the past year.
(62) Sadly, though, we have in the past year been through the painful process of shedding a large number of jobs.
(63) This past year, the group distributed half a million books in 46 states, and their work has only just begun.
(64) Within the past year, more than 10 ceramic painting studios have sprouted in the Los Angeles area.
(65) It is clear that over the past year everyone in has worked extremely hard and for long hours.
(66) For the past year, she has suffered from incontinence, but her kind next-door neighbour has done regular washing for her.
(67) Now it believes it has halted the downward slide following a restructuring and product strategy review over the past year.
(68) Directors gave themselves an average five percent pay rise in the past year, according to a survey yesterday.
(69) All were distinguished members of the Royal Academy and all three have died within the past year.
(70) I have enjoyed reading all your letters and look forward to continuing the two-way communication that has developed over the past year.
(71) In the past year the first phase of the analysis of bus passenger casualties highlighted in the 1991 Plan has been undertaken.
(72) Commercial Union is one of several major insurance companies to target the Grey market with specially designed policies in the past year.
(73) He also claimed interest rate profit margins had declined over the past year.
(74) Already, in the past year(), Lloyds has introduced regulations requiring actuarial certification in certain specific circumstances.
(75) For the past year my wife has become increasingly violent.
(76) Obviously the past year I somehow got on the downward spiral at work.
(77) The suits have been filed within the past year in Bay Area superior courts.
(78) She has also lost a laboratory technician, an electrician and two hospital attendants in the past year.
(79) He believes that ScotRail's 9 percent increase in revenue over the past year has strengthened his case for a buy-out.
(80) The past year has charted a rocky course for the Rialto and its advocates, with seemingly endless trials and tribulations.
(81) Over the past year he has had eight sheep, one suckle-calf and a ram bitten by adders: the ram died.
(82) In the past year or so they have launched major design and marketing efforts for factory automation systems.
(83) Over the past year Oxfam has interviewed hundreds of coffee farmers in a global research project.
(84) Over the past year Mrs Fairclough has piloted a scheme with one general practice on discharge planning.
(85) Next and Matalan are among the few retailers to have shone over the past year as their peers have suffered.
(86) In the past year the leadership has moved to strengthen their control over the party.
(87) Roughly half of those women abused as children had been abused in the past year.
(88) Police believe they have found the man responsible for a series of car thefts in the past year.
(89) She's one of 27 pensioners living in the Aylesbury area who've been victims of distraction burglaries in the past year.
(90) Randfontein shares rose 50 cents to 26. 5 rand yesterday,[] after falling 30. 7 percent during the past year.
(91) The exact figure remains undisclosed, but will be the same as Mr Leigh-Pemberton's pay over the past year.
(92) The 69-year-old man, from Elsdon Street, handed over the cash on odd occasions over the past year.
(93) Given the halving of living standards over the past year, this was an even more remarkable result.
(94) But only 11-12 percent had prepared a formal marketing strategy or employed a marketing consultant in the past year.
(95) Yet the young are living in an age which over the past year has become dramatically uncertain.
(96) In the past year, inflation was halved to 27 percent, the peso stabilized and interest rates continued to fall.
(97) In 1985 he had set up a consultancy firm which in the past year had advised the government on privatization.
(98) Adeane had strongly advised against the controversial speeches of the past year, especially the one to the architectural profession.
(99) The figures will show the effect of significant wage increases at Tynecastle in the past year.
(100) The speech was all too unexciting, having travelled the country for the past year, and not noticeably improving with age.
(101) In the past year, some companies have begun to offer free Internet access.
(102) At 47, Diane Wasenius is not taking chances with her blood-sugar levels, which began creeping up over the past year.
(103) But the past year waiting for the auction has been very difficult.
(104) Drill bit and equipment supplier Baker Hughes of Houston has hired 1, 100 new workers in the past year.
(105) Just in the past year, the party has banned dozens of books and closed numerous publishing houses.
(106) Williams-Sonoma has been struggling recently, reporting a 45 percent earnings decrease in the past year.
(107) She had been living in a hostel for women in North London for the past year and was waiting to be re-housed.
(108) Mr Henley has accelerated his sale of shares over the past year.
(109) But 60 per cent reported a rise in the number of cases going to tribunals over the past year.
(110) Shares of companies with rapidly rising earnings and sales were market darlings in the past year.
(111) I haven't been an easy man to live with for the past year.
(112) Overall, during this past year salaries have effectively declined by around 4.5%, according to recruitment consultants Challoner James.
(113) He may have to tell his employer which prescription drugs he takes and whether he has smoked in the past year.
(114) Employment agency TimePlan, which has run the pilot for the past year, is not having its contract renewed.
(115) Our total expenditure on research and development in the past year amounted to £25.0 million.
(116) Rodriguez has spent the past year in prison while on trial for murder.
(117) The updated catalogue includes new and revised modules developed over the past year.
(118) Two lines, Regency and Pearl, ceased operations during the past year.
(119) The past year has been a rollercoaster one for the royals with a few highs followed by lots of depressing lows.
(120) The project engineering department's own efficiency has been closely examined and, consequently, notably improved over the past year.
(121) Trips abroad: County councillors have claimed £2,087 for trips abroad during the past year.
(122) As the yen has climbed against the dollar over the past year, the country's competitiveness has suffered.
(123) Whatever the reason, the plethora of choices has increased the brutally competitive environment for fast-food restaurants in the past year.
(124) Read in studio A group which has been juggling with fire for the past year is staging its first play.
(125) In the past year, the president has become the champion of government programs that middle-class voters want.
(126) Over the past year I've been threatened and blackmailed by a gang of youths.
(127) Nearly 400, 000 jobs disappeared in major layoffs announced within the past year.
(128) The latest incident follows 24 attacks - one fatal - in Hampshire over the past year.
(129) For the past year has spent her spare moments studying for an Open University degree in science and technology.
(130) During the past year we have been conducting a magnetic survey of the region, from a low-level satellite.
(131) A survey has shown that pocket money has increased in the past year by almost double the rate of inflation.
(132) Western Areas stock rose 1 rand to 72 rand, marking a 16. 1 percent rise during the past year.
(133) The highest closing price in the past year was 443p on April 6.
(134) Mr. Corbyn Unemployment may well have fallen since 1987, but it has increased a great deal in the past year.
(135) The 84-year-old Oscar-winner has been fighting a losing battle against failing sight for the past year.
(136) I note with sadness the passing of a few of my favorite restaurants this past year.
(137) Text messaging has experienced exponential growth in the past year.
(138) Elandsrand Gold Mining Co. shares were unchanged at 22. 25 rand after falling 10 percent during the past year.
(139) But as the same people said that at every quarter day for the past year nobody took much notice.
(140) Randfontein shares fell 50 cents to 26 rand, reflecting a decline of 31. 6 percent during the past year.
(141) Peter has really sprouted up in the past year.
(142) Armed robberies have spiked dramatically over the past year.
(143) The general expenses of the past year has decreased by 20%.
(144) Excluding food,[sentence dictionary] consumer prices have risen by only 1 % over the past year.
(145) The past year and a half have seen a lot of DB2 for LUW activity on the standard TPC-C benchmark, the benchmark commonly used to measure performance in the on line transaction processing environment.
(146) The Russian national budget relies heavily on taxes from the sale of oil and other natural resources, and oil prices have dropped sharply over the past year.
(147) The NEAR - Shoemaker probe touched down after studying the asteroid Eros for the past year.
(148) Have any comedic themes emerged over the past year surrounding Barack Obama that you find funny?
(149) But the wait time has increased again over the past year.
(150) Prices for very large eggs have decreased slightly over the past year, something Mr Vesey believes may make farmers think again about their production.
(151) The actual amount of currency outstanding -- those Federal Reserve notes that we all carry in our wallets -- has increased by only 7% over the past year.
(152) I. A. have quietly bulked up the number of their operatives at the embassy in Sana, the Yemeni capital, over the past year.
(153) Ms. Dory, who has held senior Pentagon posts since the Clinton administration, said she had seen a "sea change" in the military's thinking about climate change in the past year.
(154) Yet over the past year or two, I have found my obsession increasingly unrewarding.
(155) But over the past year Mr... Blair has got gradually more unpopular, the Tories have discovered an electable leader in David Cameron and Mr... Brown has grown more impatient.
(156) Speculative investment in the metal has been growing steadily over the past year, yet its price has fallen by half.
(157) INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR — Past year investor who's now locked up in a nuthouse.
(158) It is estimated that one in four women in the US has had difficulty achieving orgasm in the past year, while between five and ten percent of women suffer from anorgasmia and cannot climax at all.
(159) Over the past year, nonresidential construction has been a significant source of support for the broader economy.
(160) But in the past year half a dozen new tyrannosaur species have been described, and during the past decade the known diversity of tyrannosaurs has more than doubled.
(161) Speculative investment in the metal has growing steadily over the past year, yet its price has fallen by half.
(162) Poor harvests have been a problem for many key producers over the past year. The immediate outlook for many is not much better either.
(163) Over the past year, there has been substantial divergence in the fortunes of different sub-sectors of nonresidential construction.
(164) Over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first Sunday after Easter.
(165) But given that enthusiastic support, Apple ads tend to underperform on the web; only one has made Ad Age's viral chart in the past year, which is typically populated by lesser marketers.
(166) In Thailand, over the past year, it has left the country in the grip of civil conflict, as countryside-based Red Shirts battle the more urbanised wealthier Yellow shirts.
(167) The Pentagon and the C.I.A. have quietly bulked up the number of their operatives at the embassy in Sana, the Yemeni capital, over the past year.
(168) After reviewing your work in the past year, we consider your employment contract here to be null and void.
(169) The comparative balance sheet in Exhibit 12-1 show that the total assets and total liabilities and stockholder's equity have risen during the past year by $60, or 6%.
(170) The receivable turnover in days expresses in how many days the account receivables were collected during the past year.
(171) Over the past year we said goodbye to the incandescent Elizabeth Taylor and soulful songstress Amy Winehouse.
(172) Over the past year,[] we worked hard to combine regions diplomacy with diplomacy in specific areas. I believe you know well what regions diplomacy means.
(173) In the past year as a flight surgeon here, I've become accustomed to the air of bravado , determination, courage, and fear as they head out of fight.
(174) Although the demand for the North American wood was less than in the past year, influenced by the rise of crude oil, the price will further jump in the next two or three months.
(175) Wahing out slops of the past year, bcs next you will see Songgan Festival in Tailand.
(176) He had been coming and going , for the past year, so comfortably and irresponsibly.
(177) The KBW Bank Index /quotes/comstock/10w!i:bkx (BKX 50.15 , -0.82, -1.61%) , which tracks large-capitalization banks, is up 40% in the past year and down about 12% since mid-April.
(178) "Combined 2004 to 2006 data show that rates of past year major depressive episode among youths aged 12 to 17 generally increased with increasing age," the researchers wrote.
(179) Corporate investment in new technology have produced decent job growth in key areas of the tech sector over the past year.
(180) On the Chicago Board of Trade, corn futures for May delivery were at $6.95 per bushel on Thursday, up 2 per cent. Prices have gained 90 per cent in the past year.
(181) The load is rising quickly; the unfunded pension burden has jumped 50% in the past year.
(182) For the past year, Andrew has been taking varying doses of antidepressants, trimipramine and the muscle relaxant clonazepam.
(183) With fuel scarce, most farmers rely on oxen. But foot-and-mouth disease has decimated cattle stocks over the past year, according to the WFP.
(184) While saying the name correctly, he mentions that the company also has donated $15, 000 in the past year to a bonobos sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
(185) This past year, I was diagnosed with a cancer called Hodgkin Lymphoma.
(186) In the past year alone a prostitutes' organization has rescued more than 550 women and girls from brothels and from traffickers, the state's social welfare department officials said.
(187) The actor whose bankability improved most over the past year was Crowe, who was ranked the most overpaid celebrity last year when Kidman was in second place.
(188) The shakeout of the past year has done almost nothing to improve the average U.
(189) Its real consumer spending has jumped 15 per cent in the past year, outpacing the almost double digit rise in gross domestic product.
(190) Moore has been increasingly vocal of Democratic policy over the past year, something of a sea-change for the film-maker behind conservative-bating polemics such as Fahrenheit 911 and Sicko.
(191) It does, after all, keep them from focusing on the scant musical offerings of the past year a dismal period in terms of new creative genius, or even mildly original schlock.
(192) She has also been taking an over - the - counter appetite suppressant containing phenylpropanol - amine daily during the past year.
(193) Average wages have also fallen by 5 % in real terms over the past year.
(194) This past year, he started a Farm Club, which was the most popular extra-curricular activity at his school.
(195) Toyota has recalled more than 5.3 million vehicles in the past year and been forced to institute the most far-reaching sales program in its history in order to attract buyers.
(196) Over the past year the agency has invited a stream of western journalists into its swish, modern nerve centre.
(197) Hibernate a box turtle that has shown ANY sign of illness, weight loss, or other ailment within the past year.
(198) Cause: Shares of his sound technology company, Dolby Laboratories, plunged more than 40% over the past year as fears of competition and a decline in the T.V. and P.C. market hammered the shares.
(199) He's been dogged by failure in the past year; now he is working strenuously to pull out.
(200) Security has deteriorated sharply over the past year as rival Shi'ite Muslim groups tussle for power.
(201) But on measures other than GDP, America has been the economic laggard over the past year.
(202) It hasn't hurt sales, either. Dove has gained share in the past year in four of its five major categories: personal wash (body wash and bar soap), hair care,[] deodorant and hand-and-body lotion.
(203) In the past year, the four Chinese brothers who own Collum coal mine have made some changes.
(204) During the past year, I have given you many small gifts, mostly intangible ones.
(205) But over the past year, Facebook has gone from glass-jawed flyweight to legitimate contender. It has become one of the most popular online destinations.
(206) Cisco and 3 Com Corp. gained entry by acquiring small start - up firms during the past year.
(207) The Greek economy shrank 5.5 percent over the past year under the weight of austerity measures and punishingly high interest rates.
(208) In the past year thousands of factories, perhaps one-third to one-half of the total, have closed.
(209) Over the past year, the company has joined the big league.
(210) While millions of Americans are trying to shed fat, in the past year three research teams announced that the adult body contains a peculiar kind of fat that we might prefer to hold on to.
(211) Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, No. 8, lost $25.7 billion during the past year.
(212) One - third , or 31 percent, said their supervisor gave them the silent treatment in the past year.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:39:26