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单词 As an alternative
(1) Group counselling is used as an alternative idea to punishment.
(2) The movement born as an alternative to the arid materialism of consumer culture is here hawked and promoted like any commercial venture.
(3) As an alternative to aping Hollywood, it could be seen as a useful model for the development of indigenous cinema.
(4) The courts served as a safety-valve, acting as an alternative to violence when emotions ran high.
(5) The emergence of the team as an alternative to the classic working group of individuals offers a powerful choice.
(6) And let it be assumed that as an alternative he might choose unchanged productivity which has left everyone employed.
(7) Sedrun has an indoor pool as an alternative to dips in glacial tarns.
(8) This is put forward as an alternative basis on which the transfer should be held to be void.
(9) In both cases, Gingrich turned to charitable organizations as an alternative means of financing the projects.
(10) As an alternative you can also transfer funds directly from your FlexiLoan to your Current Account whenever you want.
(11) As an alternative, alcohol-free Herbal Styling Mousse was used to add fullness, volume and body.
(12) These high-dividend stocks are often used as an alternative to bonds.
(13) As an alternative, I am proposing a slow, firm loaf that will change your view of white bread for ever.
(14) As an alternative, guests can buy snacks and full meals in the hotel's own taverna.
(15) Experts would rely on the latest social-science findings as an alternative to prejudice and crowd psychology.
(16) As an alternative to undergravel filters, funds permitting, the use of a power filter is the next best thing.
(17) As an alternative to the cash dividend the Board is proposing that an enhanced scrip dividend is offered to shareholders.
(18) Manson offers EMGs as an alternative, but I can't imagine anyone objecting to the sound of the Seymours.
(19) Bamboo flooring is gaining popularity as an alternative to hardwood floors.
(20) The team-based organization introduces team performance as an alternative to the individual within a traditional working group.
(21) There are two elements in Foucault's characterisation of the prison as an alternative model to that of classicism.
(22) Full transparent face shields or visors may be specified as an alternative and are sometimes an integral part of a safety helmet.
(23) Many students who were denied admission, said Mr Salemi, turned to economics as an alternative.
(24) Korda had seen that producers would have to look to television as an alternative source of revenue.
(25) For starters, he or she should get over the idea of bonds as an alternative to stocks.
(26) She may seek to use some of her annual leave entitlement as an alternative to unpaid leave.
(27) The same applies to much else that languishes in this tax as an alternative to the ill-fated poll tax.
(28) But he was prepared to negotiate about the possibility of compensation as an alternative.
(29) It may be used to acquire control of a target company as an alternative to a takeover offer.
(30) The Labour Party has pledged that, if elected, it will introduce credit controls as an alternative to high interest rates.
(1) Group counselling is used as an alternative idea to punishment.
(31) It is a schism which may have contributed to the stalled development of GaAs as an alternative in digital technology.
(32) Legislation removing the special protections but prohibiting hunting was introduced in the Legislature recently as an alternative to Prop. 197.
(33) Certain Scotvec modules are acceptable at appropriate levels as an alternative to O/S or Higher qualifications.
(33) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(34) As an alternative to this bloc policy Khrushchev offered to conclude treaties of non-aggression and friendship with the states concerned.
(35) Lease financing is commonly used as an alternative to purchasing an asset with the proceeds of a debt issue.
(36) As an alternative to drawing the phasor diagram, an analytic solution is possible for and in terms of the measurements.
(37) Try these deliciously crunchy potato skins with garlic mayonnaise as an alternative to the chive and garlic dressing.
(38) Instead he should press Kennedy to honour Eisenhower's unwritten pledge to provide Polaris as an alternative to Skybolt.
(39) These ideas were taken up by the peace movement in the early-1980s as an alternative to reliance on nuclear weapons.
(40) In Britain, some young girls are choosing parenthood as an alternative to employment.
(41) As an alternative to 100% ownership and control, what about alternative arrangements such as a partnership or joint venture?
(42) So, as an alternative to the implantation of alien or artificial hearts, Daedalus is devising a new auxiliary blood-pump.
(43) The extension is built around a central courtyard which enables ventilation as an alternative to air conditioning at a much lower cost.
(44) They studied herbal medicine as an alternative to the drugs of the medical profession.
(45) Where dates differ widely from the results announcements, this is referred to in the footnotes as an alternative dividend announcement.
(46) Like many consumed by a powerful love, he has been searching since not so much for a replacement as an alternative.
(47) Distribution - Setting up agency agreements while avoiding possible conflicts of interest; drafting franchise agreements as an alternative distribution method.
(48) As an alternative to episiotomy, the delivery of the head can be carefully controlled.
(49) Chiarelli sees light rail as an alternative to widening the busy Airport Parkway which parallels the route near South Keys.
(50) Homoeopathy is the exception and is recommended as an alternative therapy should treatment with essential oils and herbs be only partially effective.
(51) It is as an alternative to these theories that Rawls champions the social contract.
(52) Evaluation of pet food by - product as an alternative feedstuff weanling pig diets.
(53) In 1924, Eddington proposed a new "gravitational action" as an alternative to the Einstein-Hilbert action, which could serve as an alternative starting point to general relativity.
(54) Chronotropic drug infusions are recommended as an alternative to pacing in symptomatic and unstable bradycardia.
(55) As an alternative to this impotent "realism, " I'd like to propose a clear-eyed idealism, which recognizes that these are bad times but refuses to accept that the bad times are inevitable.
(56) This Article proposes a "donative theory" as an alternative rationale for the charitable exemption.
(57) The author suggested that, in mechanical drawing, all the constructing work using the method of projection transformation can also be done by means of nomographs as an alternative.
(58) Rotary de-scaling downstream of the tunnel furnace may be considered as an alternative to the conventional high-pressure de-scalers with stationary headers located in front of the hot rolling mill.
(59) Microwave has been applied as an alternative heat treatment of soybean. The effects of microwave heating on crude solvent extracted soybean oil quality were investigated.
(60) If you are tempted to use the GO TO statement with a procedure name, consider the EVALUATE statement as an alternative option.
(61) As an alternative to ROI measure , organizations adopt the residual income concept.
(62) Now that Apple iPad has paved the way, e-reader makers could also be re-evaluating the LCD as an alternative to the bistable, low-power but black-and-white E Ink display.
(63) As an alternative, you can select a node in your Instance view and simply drag it onto the control.
(64) Gamma Knife surgery has recently been tried as an alternative to surgical extirpation.
(65) A decorative tin - zinc - nickel alloy electroplating process as an alternative to nickel plating was studied.
(66) It was suggested that X. sibiricum could be a suboptimal host plant as an alternative to optimal A. artemisiifolia for the leaf beetle O. communa.
(67) Besides, as an alternative to pressure-treated wood, EPA has suggested to use WPC materials.
(68) MDSDBLE -- Nonmetric and linear analysis. Thellos can be used as an alternative to PDB.
(69) Application - layer multicast ( ALM ) has gained popularity as an alternative of traditional multicasting.
(70) Sateia's center, for example, recently hired a nurse practitioner to offer more affordable group therapy as an alternative to individual counseling by a psychiatrist.
(71) Nowadays people look to technology as an alternative source of satisfaction.
(72) As an alternative, you can add two resistors and use an SPST switch to disable or enable the circuit.
(73) A gift card is a restricted monetary equivalent or scrip that is issued by retailers or banks to be used as an alternative to a non-monetary gift.
(74) The large dynamic testing devices in the US are listed and the drop hammer test is introduced as an alternative test.
(75) Recently, some studies suggest that vaginal administration can serve as an alternative route for danazol therapy that might produce fewer and less severe side effects.
(76) Peter Schiff, chief global strategist of broker-dealer Euro Pacific Capital, who has long promoted gold as an alternative investment, said the U.S. government bailout plan could backfire.
(77) Food and Drug Administration, often is used as an alternative to other antihypertensive drugs in people who cannot tolerate other blood pressure medicines.
(78) As an alternative, she suggests making that partner an authorized user of an existing credit card.
(79) In most cases that means using central banks as an alternative source of short - term cash.
(80) It might even "force" Samsung to cozy up to Microsoft Windows OS as an alternative, he adds.
(81) As an alternative, you also might consider storing the result data in a client-side variable, and using JavaScript to dynamically populate the page container as the user moves between the pages.
(82) Pan-Arabism broke on the shoals of the 1967 fiasco -- even if Qaddafi didn't get the message -- but Palestinian radicalism offered itself as an alternative unifying ideology.
(83) Canton-Potsdam also has patients use chlorhexidine wipes, applied after a regular shower, as an alternative to the soap.
(84) Evaluation of pet food by - product as an alternative feedstuff in weanling pig diets.
(85) Officials in Tianjin are so skeptical of the eastern route's ability to deliver drinkable water that they are looking at desalinization as an alternative.
(86) And as the last level of detail, special custom runtime behaviour could be coded by a developer as an alternative to selecting an activity type from the used process language.
(87) A complex short circuit capacity method is proposed as an alternative to the per unit method.
(88) CONCLUSIONS: As far as the angiogenic potential is concerned, Huangqi might be considered as an alternative or addition agent to VEGF.
(89) The project is considering some convergence with OSGi, ultimately allowing OSGi to be used as an alternative runtime for Impala applications.
(90) With that as an alternative , a gamble in a bankruptcy court may seem quite appealing.
(91) Homburg, Germany) as an alternative treatment for symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
(92) The combination drug was as an alternative treatment to classic estrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal women.
(93) COM or UKE for short sells unique arrangements of chocolate as an alternative to gift baskets.
(93) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(94) India, the world largest gold consumer, has also seen a surge in silver demand as an alternative investment to bullion, leading to tightness in the physical market.
(95) Mount the engine and transmission on a cart. A vehicle engine cooling radiator should be used. As an alternative, a vehicle could be used. Put engine in cold chamber.
(96) As an alternative I wish to propose May 3 rd.
(97) It has been mostly used in gastroenterology to assess flow of ingesta through the gastric region as an alternative to radionuclide studies.
(98) Objective To determine the efficacy of conjunctival rotation autografting(CRA) as an alternative to conventional conjunctival autograft after pterygium excision.
(99) Please notice that you should not use modal window as an alternative pop - up - approach.
(100) For the exhaustion of the petroleum and coal, human must face serious energy crises and environmental pollution. As an alternative resource, biomass will be attracted much attention than before.
(101) As an alternative fuel, biodiesel has become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits.
(102) Because ( pictographic ) and is defined as an alternative holiday of young people - Singles Day.
(103) Ozonation is increasingly used in drinking water treatment as an alternative method of chlorination.
(104) The architecture has been placed on IBM's developerWorks Web site as an alternative XML-based documentation system, designed to exploit XML as its encoding format.
(105) Assess and plan acquisitions and mergers as an alternative growth strategies.
(106) COREX process has been developed by Voest - Alpine Industrieanlagenbau, austria, as an alternative to Blast Furnace.
(107) For the past few decades, David Benner, a horticulturist from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, has been touting moss as an alternative to grass: he himself has a one-acre "moss garden."
(108) As an alternative solution to the poor performance of constructed wetlands in municipal sewage treatment in winter, a buffer unit using natural vermiculite as filler was introduced into the system.
(109) ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said the ECB was likely to keep its focus on banks as an alternative channel for boosting economic growth, in addition to cutting rates.
(110) Objective To investigate the feasibility of overage and overweight rats as an alternative to rabbits in the experiment of uropoietic influence factors.
(111) Finally, I mention the trusted host environment as an alternative to setting up public-private SSH key pairs.
(112) Unlike the other syntaxes I will cover in this article, PYX is mainly useful as an alternative output syntax.
(113) Netscape 1.0 was written as an alternative browser to NCSA Mosaic.
(114) Except in Finland, each program developed a special therapeutic milieu as an alternative to acute hospitalization.
(115) Altruism is a rather new word for unselfishness, coined by 19th century humanist philosopher Auguste Comte as an alternative to egoism, which means putting oneself above all else.
(116) It took decades before the Dvorak layout was officially recognized by the American National Standards Institute as an alternative to qwerty.
(117) The stimulating effect of recombinant-erythropoietin (EPO-A) on erythropoiesis has raised interest in its administration as an alternative.
(118) Insert earphones, coupled to the ear canal by means of a long plastic tube and soft ear plug are being used for a number of audiometric applications as an alternative to supra aural earphones.
(119) Try to arrange play dates for the children as an alternative to TV viewing.
(120) Gold has been moving hand-in-glove with oil (as part of the commodity asset class) and in the opposite direction of the dollar (since it is seen as an alternative currency).
(121) Gamma Knife surgery ( GKS ) has recently been tried as an alternative to surgical extirpation.
(122) As an alternative, you can catch this exception directly in your code and handle it some other way (perhaps printing out the actual error message along with usage information, for instance).
(123) The Big Rip is presented as an alternative hypothesis for the fate of the universe.




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