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单词 favoured
释义  fa·voured British English, favored American English /ˈfeɪvəd $ -ərd/ adjective [only before noun]  1  FAVOURITE/FAVORITEreceiving special attention, help, or treatment, sometimes in an unfair way 受到优待的;受宠的,得到偏爱的 favoured customers 受到优待的客户 China’s most-favored-nation trading status with the US 美国给予中国的最惠国贸易地位2  PREFERchosen or preferred by many people 由许多人选中的;受众人喜爱的 SYN popular Brittany is a favoured holiday destination for families. 布列塔尼是一个备受喜爱的家庭度假胜地。3  a favoured team, player etc is one that is expected to win 〔运动队、运动员等〕被看好的,有望获胜的 → favourite5They went into the tournament as the favoured team.他们作为热门球队进入锦标赛。nbe favoured to do somethingn Silva is favoured to win a medal in the marathon.4  GOOD/EXCELLENThaving desirable qualities 称心的,合意的 SYN desirable a house in a favoured position on a hill 位于山上好地段的房子Examples from the Corpusfavoured• After two or three such years their numbers build up spectacularly within favoured areas.• The difference of treatment for the two bids gave rise to criticism that the government's merger policy favoured conglomerates.• Consequently, this is the least favoured method unless you especially want to echo screen output to the printer.• Palm-greasing for just about anything from entry to a favoured school to obtaining a bank loan has been considered a fact of favoured to do something• Mr Portillo, who is favoured to become the next party leader, immediately stamped his mark on his new portfolio.fa·voured adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  an unfair attention, in help, sometimes special treatment, Corpus receiving or




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