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单词 thank you
释义  ˈthank you ●●● S1 interjection  1  THANKused to tell someone that you are grateful for something they have given you or done for you 谢谢你,多谢 SYN thanks Margaret handed him the butter. ‘Thank you, ’ said Samuel. 玛格丽特把黄油递给了他。“谢谢你。”塞缪尔说。 Thank you very much, Brian. 非常感谢,布赖恩。thank you for (doing) something It’s good to see you, Mr Mathias. Thank you for coming. 很高兴见到您,马赛厄斯先生。 谢谢您的光临。 Dear Grandma, thank you for the lovely shirt you sent me for Christmas. 亲爱的外婆,谢谢您圣诞节寄给我那件漂亮的衬衫。 ► Don’t say ‘I thank you’.不要说 ‘I thank you’。2  THANKused as a polite way of accepting something that someone has offered 谢谢你〔接受某事的礼貌表示〕 ‘Can I give you a lift into town?’ ‘Oh, thank you.’ “搭我的车进城好吗?”“噢,谢谢你。”3  ANSWER/REPLYused when politely answering someone’s question 谢谢你〔对某人问题的礼貌回答〕 ‘How was your trip to Paris?’ ‘Very nice, thank you.’ “你的巴黎之行怎么样?”“非常愉快,谢谢。”4  no, thank youthank you no NOused to say politely that you do not want something 不用,谢谢〔用于表示礼貌拒绝〕 ‘Would you like some more coffee?’ ‘No, thank you, I’m fine.’ “再来点咖啡吗?”“不用了,谢谢,我够了。”5  ANNOYused at the end of a sentence when telling someone firmly that you do not want their help or advice and are slightly annoyed by it 多谢〔用于句末,表示略带气愤地谢绝对方提供的帮助或建议〕 I can manage quite well on my own, thank you! 我自己完全能行,多谢!Examples from the Corpusthank you• "Can I give you a ride home?" "Oh, thank you."• "How are you feeling today?" "Much better, thank you."• I can do it myself, thank you!• And that is enough democracy for a while, thank you.thank you for (doing) something• Thank you for helping me with my homework.• Dear Grandma, Thank you very much for the birthday card and money.• We thank you for the blessing of family and friends, and for the loving care which surrounds us on every side.• I would like to thank you for the interest you have shown in this post.• And thank you for this day and make me grateful for what I've got.ˈthank-you noun [countable]  1  THANKsomething you say or do in order to thank someone 感谢;谢意 This present’s a thank-you for helping me last week. 这份礼物是对上个星期你帮助我的感谢。 I just want to say a big thank-you to everyone who supported us. 我就想对所有支持过我们的人表示由衷的感谢。2. thank-you letter/note/card a short letter etc in which you thank someone 感谢信/便条/卡等Examples from the Corpusthank-you• She baked them a dozen cookies as a thank-you.• The party was meant to have been a thank-you to the casino staff from the management.• Anna's first kiss is a thank-you for the warmth William exudes in spite of his nervousness.• Herndon says she does not need a thank-you in return.ˈthank you interjectionˈthank-you nounChineseSyllable  grateful you tell used that are someone to Corpus




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